I made the cake, and ate it too!!
Before I get into all the bs, I will start with something on a better note. My new job is going to be amazing. I can still work "nights" (I say this bc sometimes I got to work at 1pm and get off at 7am the next morning, that's like days and nights lol), I just have to make "exceptions" to that rule like when corporate or stare are in. We are actually going to have two of us. Basically partners, but IM the one with the "official" title. The new ADON will just be more like a co-DON. Anyway, I'm super excited about this opportunity, and the cash is nothing to sneeze at. Haha!
Now to the dramatics. SD6s bday was Friday. I will write a blog more about the stupidity of BM of this day later when I'm not on my phone. Hate it when it is all jumbly :). Anyway, I made her a cake. Homemade completely, with strawberry creme frosting in the middle. "airbrushed" (that "color mist spray you can buy, yeah watch it if you have kids around, that shit is more noxious than spray paint and leaves a film of smog in the air haha), we (my best friend and I) airbrushed it purple, and I got these sugar sheets that we traced and cut hello kitty's face out of and placed it on there. It. Was. Adorable...I now have a cake with 3 pieces missing in my fridge that I plan to take to my best friends tomorrow and eat it while we down copious amounts of sparkling wine to celebrate my new position. I don't even care that she barely said a word about the cake, SS7 on the other hand was more excited than the girl. He loved it haha. Even DH (I think he could kind of see I was hurt) said "just don't do anything anymore. She isn't going to appreciate or like it anyway, so just quit. You don't have to do these things". With that, I have decided to disengage (as much as possible) from SD.
This morning however, I took the huge happy birthday gift bag we stuck her wrapped gifts in for transport to dinner, and dumped the remainder of their Easter candy in it, (doing so really it in perspective how much crap I got them. This was one of the HUGE gift bags and it was HEAVY and roughly 1/4 full, and Easter was two weeks ago and they've been snacking since!!) and I told them to have a hay day. They could eat whatever the wanted and however much they wanted, the rest they were taking to BMs. SS couldn't believe when SD told him I said that, I was listening around the corner and he said "are you sure?" "yeah, she said eat at much as we want" he replace reluctantly with "I think I'll just eat one." Didnt take him long to get into the groove of things though. Take that BM!! I'll explain later my desire for "revenge" and why I thought it best to wave my revenge wand in the form of jacking the ADHD children up on a bunch of sugar before her getting them to tonight. Hell it would be my luck they crash as soon as they get there but ill never know so I'll pop some popcorn in my head and watch the show I'm wishing for play out. Bwahahahahaha. Some days I'm more evil than others. }:) haha
- AndSoItIs's blog
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Guilty. I have done that. SS6
Guilty. I have done that.
SS6 doesn't respond well to large amounts of sugar either. It seems 80% of the time when we pick him up on Saturday he has something big, red and sugary and is friggin insane.
So one weekend I did the same back, instead of fighting with him and DH by refusing to allow him chocolate and a red iccee which seem to push him to the brink of insanity, it was 1 hour from dropoff time, I just shrugged and handed it over. Screw you BM. Your turn.
Yeah, that had a ridiculous
Yeah, that had a ridiculous amount of peeps because they love them!! Pure sugar COATED in sugar!! I know I'm terrible but I hope they vomit all over her car of something from stomach aches! Hahaha.
Thank you!! We got a text
Thank you!! We got a text from BM not even two hours later, and asked if we gave them "something". Basically, no, outright asking if we had given the children ecstacy. I shit you not. Like I would even give myself ecstacy, or DH either...she's a lunatic and ruined my happiness about hyping the kids up by acting as such. Ugh!!