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DH pulling some passive aggressive crap

amackeral's picture

Follow up to previous blog...suddenly can't post a new blog, blog in comments.


amackeral's picture

So I showed DH all the garbage when he got home. SS was still sleeping, has to leave by 8 to be to work on time. At 7, I suggested we wake him up so we could talk to him before he went to work. DH says he's too pissed to talk to him, because his first thought is to tell him he has 24 hours to get out. I say I think that's reasonable, he can find friends to crash with. DH says he doesn't want to talk to SS tonight. I ask if he wants me to go put he garbage bags away so SS won't see them when he goes in the garage to get his bike, DH says no, let him see them.

You can bet we will be talking about this when we go to bed. Now the dilemma is a suitable punishment, since I know DH won't kick him out. Nothing we can really take away from him, except he won't be allowed to stay here at our house alone ever again. We'll ask SD to stay here next time we go out of town. Totally BS when a 19 year old needs a babysitter!!!

amackeral's picture

he's always been afraid of confrontation, I even brought up that fact when we sat down and talked to SS when he moved back in. its the whole guilty dad thing. DH and I will be talking tonight and I will demand this be brought up with SS tomorrow. I will bring it up whether he's ready to talk or not! and I know I will be doing most of the bitching, but I have no problem with that.

whatwasithinkin's picture

I wouldnt worry about your DH "taking action" so far you have a bunch of little pieces of what you think may have happened but I went back and read your blog I am not seeing any huge red flags I wouldnt see if you had left a bio young adult home.

Sounds to me like he had a bunch of friends over (at least one female because she cleaned her "little sisters" stuff for her oh how sweet! gag), you state in one entry your not crazy about his friends or having people you dont know in your house. But from what you wrote I dont see that that is more then a "feeling" and that it is has been enforced as a house rule.

Dont leave him here alone again and go out of town. In the future he would need to come up with alternative arrangments. But I dont think this violation holds eviction power. It is far to minor

ltman's picture

Are you kidding? He had a party while they were gone. He had people they didn't know in their home while they were gone. They got real lucky nothing of value was gone. But now people they don't know can come back and possibly break in.

And yes that weird shit happens. Been there, done that.

amackeral's picture

Exactly what the other poster said. Maybe he didn't have a huge raging party but from the evidence I found, I'm sure he had multiple people over and they were drinking...which in my book does constitute a party. He's 19, not of legal drinking age, and knows we wouldn't have approved if we has been home. Yes that's grounds for eviction in my book, since we were doing him a favor to help him get back on his feet. When he moved out the first time, I said never again. I gave in this time since I couldn't let him continue to sleep on park benches but he hasn't even been here a month and pulls this shit? Well he can go crash with whoever was here at my house smoking, drinking and puking.

No his dad won't evict him but it will be suggested to him that he look harder for some where he can afford, and until he moves out, his life won't be as comfy as it has been the past 3 weeks. I know that for sure.

herewegoagain's picture

I have read a bit about this passive aggressive stuff and it fits my DH to a T...seems many of our DHs are the same.

thinkthrice's picture

You might need to set up hidden web cams at least for your protection. I find the average guilty daddy could watch a video in real time of his child axe murdering someone and the guilty daddy would STILL come up with a boatload of excuses for said child.