Nothing is changing-- SS20 Getting all this off my chest
I have to vent and get this out. The tension is building.
SS20 is getting to me. He's getting to SO. SO hasn't said or done anything except to complain to everyone, BUT SS20. SS20 is acting jealous of BS6 and his entitledment is making him moody. He has this idea we are supposed to just endlessly supply him with needs.
It started a few months ago, SS20 had whined and carried on that he couldn't get a student loan. Freaking out about how he's going to pay for college, to us to his mom anyone. He hinted around for us to take loans and he knows I won't do it. SO can't. We just didn't say anything except oh that really stinks. Sorry. SS20 kept saying his credit score wasn't high enough, blah blah blah. Finally SO asks me if this is the right thing to not help SS. I finally had to explain to him how student loans work. That they have nothing to do with credit scores. That there are only 3 reasons why you can't get a federal student loan and the one that he probably broke is "remain in good academic standing". I knew SS20 was lying about his grades last year and I told SO he flunked out. So now its verified. He came home not because he wanted to change his ways, but because he partied too much and couldn't pass. He is back in school and I assume doing bettter. But, we stay out of his school business. His choices are his own.
Next thing that has gotten to me, we've caught him with beer in the house. He's been told not to drink here. I noticed he was coming home either high or drunk from his evening job. I tell SO, SO doesn't nothing. I just stew about it.
SS had no time to do family stuff. Fine. We stopped asking. Lately all of a sudden, he's gets pissy because we go out and don't invite him. Oh well.
SS quit his job because they wouldn't give him off spring break. So he decided to quit and blew all his money on spring break. SO covered his car insurancefor a month. SS got another job, but that between time was hard for him. He was very moody and sulky because he was broke. I ignored.
SS leaves dishes in the sink from cooking. For a minimum of 3 days. I refuse to do them.
SS cooks, makes coffee, or comes home in the middle of the night which always wakes us. We are on the main floor and can hear everything in the kitchen and the 2am showers.
We just got a new shower in our master bedroom. He actually went in and used it when we were not home!
Mine and SOs jobs are really chaotic right now. No one is food shopping and I'm sure as hell not going to cook and clean up. So, I buy staples like eggs bread and milk. My BS is easy and cheap to feed for a quick meal pick up. I Keep small things around like fish sticks and plenty of fruit. I feed myself something cheap and easy during the day like tuna and sometimes i skip dinner. I assume SS20 can feed himself. Except... we are all sitting and talking and SS actually tells me, if you could just pick up some strip steaks and burgers at the meat counter I'll be fine all summer and cook my own food. I'm sure my face just became covered in sarcasm. I looked right at SO and said "when you go to the grocery store be sure to get SS strip steaks and burgers so he can BBQ for himself".
He is actually starting to become rude to his little brother, which makes the tension higher because I immediately step in.
SS continues to be moody and pissy. He doesn't see that he's inconsiderate. I'm sure some of this is normal college kid behavior, but he's also got it in his head he's some sort of victim. He tells my mother stuff to make her feel sorry for him.
He actually asked to borrow our lawn tools do cut grass and clean gutters for someone else. He doesn't do anything here because we don't pay him. I mean seriously.
I can see this is not going to end and no one is talking to each other. I am left with waiting for the word vomit explosion when one of us finally snaps.
- always_anxious's blog
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And through all of this, your
And through all of this, your SO says NOTHING?!
I don't think I'd make it with him.
Yes He says nothing. The problem with SO is he will avoid confrontation with his kids and everything will build up until he just goes off. Its so annoying. I actually will say, hey coffee grounds go in the trash no the sink. We don't want plumbing issues. SO will just complain when SS isnt' around.
He's Got 30 Days
to ship out.
He doesn't need to get a degree which nowadays is practically worthless
He gets enrolled in trade school stat.
I said that
I actually said that. I've made some comments here and there that he'd have more freedom's if he moved out. He takes it personally like we don't do want him here. Well, yeah when you're disrespectful, we don't want you to live here. Its all from his poor me attitute and jealousy of his sister. His big sister was treated better, but let it go!
As for trade school, I suggested it but his ego is too big. He really wants to get his degree with computer programming. I just hope he can maintain. I wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt, knowing a lot of kids can screw up their first year. But he's so spoiled acting some times. We'll see if he actually finishes...
Computer Programmers
are a dime a dozen. Tell him to research "H1B visas"
I know, right! I mean I see it at my job a lot. Unless he learns one of the harder more specialized languages, he's going to be middle of the road at best. If what I believe is true (and not what he says), he still has 3.5 years to finish his degree anyway. A lot can happen in that time when you like to party. According to him, he's finishing his Sophomore year. I told SO, no he's finishing his Freshman year right now.