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Not letting BM affect ME...

Aislinn81's picture

I've got to do something, anything to stop letting BM affect me the way she does. I hear every day about step parents getting on pills or drinking or whatever to make it through their stresses, well my vice is smoking.

My MIL has been up mine and DH's ass about smoking. She recommended a book called the Easyway method and I actually sat down and read it. Was doing FANTASTIC, and then BM got her ass in a twist and started cursing out my DH again and of course, like a typical smoker, I blamed my bad day on my nicotene deprival and got all whiney for a smoke....*sigh*

The thing that ticks me off the most, is that we weren't doing anything wrong. BM has this bad habit of scheduling all the kids doctors appointments within a few weeks so twice a year we get this big lump of medical crap to take care of. Well last week DH took the skids to the dentist. SS had to have a cavity filled. Then that following Thursday, BM took SD to the regular doctor for a booster shot and the dermatologist. There was no co-pays for the dentist, or the regular doctor, however, it ended up going something like this:

BM paid $60 for dermo and $35 for the medicine prescribed for SD's acne. She then LOSES the receipt for the medicine. So she e-mails us her debit card transactions off her work computer (because she works for her bank) and expects us to use those for receipts.

She doesn't think it's a big deal, because we had an appointment that afternoon to take SS to get the cavity filled to the tune of $140 and then she had to take SS today to get an ultrasound to the tune of $60 so basically, it all came out pretty much even for the most part. Well THEN she decided that the $140 was quoted way to high, and we just MUST have gotten it wrong so she freaks out and starts calling the dentist, demanding to know the break downs and stuff.

Now, the dermo co-pay I MIGHT have just let go because the transaction clearly stated that it was for the dermo. BUT, then she makes the comment that you can't buy anything at the dermo (bullshit) and the other transaction just said it was for "townname" and it was for $47.95, not $35.00....

Not to mention! We were just informed by SD that BM had been putting report card money in seperate bank accounts for SS and SD, which is cool. However, SD had saved up $800 and SS had saved up $600. BM took all the money and used it to pay bills and didn't tell them until SD went to buy something off the internet with her debit card and it declined....Even funnier, SD tells me about this conversation where she was giving BM crap about it, WHILE they were at the car dealership to buy a new car and spend yet MORE money (trading in their SUV that is paid off - because MY DH paid it off when they were married - for a van, she already has a two year old car she's paying a note on, because she's having a new baby).

The decree, of course, clearly states that receipts are required. So we tell her, we need receipts, not her debit card transactions. This leads to this big long e-mail where she tells DH to go to hell, we are just being difficult, why do we have to be such pains in the asses, typical BM bullshit.

Then I get home and DH is all "We should have just said okay, just this one time." NO WE SHOULDN'T! Because THIS is the slippery slope that causes all the damn problems in the first place DH! You let that stupid bitch go against the decree "just once" and you set a presidence for us to look like a-holes when she starts taking advantage YET AGAIN and we have to force her to go back by the decree. That dumb bitch drug us to court and we spent 10k on this stupid piece of paper, GUESS WHAT, WE ARE FOLLOWING IT TO THE F-ING LETTER AND THAT'S FINAL...

I had not had a smoke since 10:30 AM that morning. Of course, then I blame my irritation on not smoking instead of on BM/DH where is should be and end up getting snippy and leaving the house at 9:00 PM to buy smokes and start the whole cycle over again....

I'm desperate enough to try hypno-therapy at this point. I KNOW I don't need to smoke. I know I can handle the stress without a smoke. But when it actually happens, and I'm not smoking, I automatically feel deprived and then my willpower kicks up and ruins everything...*sigh*....

And she's never going to get better. Even when the kids get older, she's still going to be crazy and a pain in the ass. And she's going to keep stressing me out, and I'm going to keep shoving smokes in my mouth and die of lung cancer because I chose to marry a man who has a batshit crazy ex-wife. *sigh*


newtothis03's picture

You need to stick to your guns and go by the CO word for word. Because you are right, once you give in once it just goes down hill from there.
And don't be too hard on yourself for the smoking thing. You can't just quit something overnight.

OhGolly's picture

I can relate! I got soooo stressed and fed up with BM/SD drama that I bought a pack of cigs and a liter of whiskey. I knew as I was purchasing it that it wouldn't relieve my stress...but I did it anyway. I drank half of the liter in a matter of two hours...and believe you me, after not drinking liquor for nearly a year, I was wasted. I told myself that I was only going to smoke because I was drinking (I quit smoking about 6 months ago), but that was nearly a week ago and I'm still smoking. Not a lot but still, I told myself I was never going to go back and look at me. I blame BM/SD for it all. Maybe I just want someone to blame....

msg1986's picture

I can totally relate. FDH and I started smoking every time we dropped off Fss with BM because of how much stress it caused, now it's just ritual even though she's in hibernation mode...

Aislinn81's picture

I did...I hated it. LOL. My DH loves his and has completely gotten off cigs because of it. I never could get a taste for it. Sad

StickAFork's picture

I am a former smoker... smoked for a decade, quit for a decade. Smile

You're are letting the issues with BM be your "out" for smoking. It mentally lets you off the hook. So, next time something happens, do something else. Go for a run, spend a few minutes meditating, read a chapter in a book... just find a new, healthy vice to decompress from the baby mama drama.

You're re-training yourself, so it will take some time.
Good luck!

Aislinn81's picture

I absolutely am. My favorite excuse is that BM isn't going to stop so how can I live without my crutch. I KNOW it's an excuse, it's just getting away from it that's driving me nuts.

Re-training S.U.C.K.S. LOL. I'll get there, I know I will, but in the mean time, this blows...

Aislinn81's picture

SEE! This was exactly my line of thinking!!!

Well, as with most BM's, when it came down to a question of her not getting any money, the receipts just appeared! Imagine that. The visit was for SD but that's the first thing I thought, that she was trying to scam us.

Not_what_I_wanted's picture

Yes, the BM's do make us miserable. I have had many horrible thoughts about ours, wishing the absolute worst for her. She is such an idiot she digs her own grave all the time.

New second wife-step-mom's picture

I have a friend that got something (not sure what liquid ??) in her ear and hasn't smoked since. Oh and she also was told to take a lot of chewable Vitamin C's every day while detoxing, she said it helped.

DH always tells me don't let BM effect you like that but she soooo gets on my last nerve. I am working on letting it go tho. Everytime we hear from her I repeat over and over to myself "Do Not let her get to you, DO not let her get to you! Smile