Hello! Each time I think it's getting better,she ruins it.
I've been in the stepmom game for about 7 years now.My stepdaughter is 14.We have pretty much gotten all the major issues ironed out.Now it's just a matter of getting her to be respectful.Since mommy dearest coddles her like she's still 4 years old,SD can't do anything for herself.But I'm getting used to that and I simply step aside to let Dh handle it.
You know your life is pathetic when you walk into your kitchen,see the expensive whole wheat bread that you buy for yourself bc you're diabetic sitting on the counter barely closed and getting more stale by the second and you want to literally find the person who did it and strangle them until they're dead. This child CANNOT close a package of bread to save her life.She doesn't even try.I know it may seem like nitpicking to some but to me,every time I go to make a sandwich or whatever and my bread is stale I want to scream.Groceries are entirely too expensive to let them go bad like that.Aside from the fact that I buy regular wheat bread for the rest of the family and she refuses to make sure she's using the correct kind.
Did I just rant about bread? Yep.
Aside from the petty bread issue we commonly sweep everything else under the rug as though it isn't happening.We have to plan our entire lives around her stupid schedule but I'm starting to get used to living for someone else's demon spawn.
The ONE thing that is becoming intolerable is the way she talks to DH.When she speaks to him I hear nothing but her hell on wheels mother coming out of her mouth.It's awful.But if I correct this smart mouth,nasty,degrading way she talks to her father...I become the bad guy.I can't wait until she is 16.Then she'll be driving and I don't care if I have to buy her a car myself,I will do it.Reason being because I know once she is in charge of her own transportation and actually has a choice of where to spend her time,she won't be spending it at our house.Dh has pretty much expressed relief over this fact for some reason.It's odd to me though bc we haven't fought seriously over SD since our first year of marriage.I think he's just sick of her really.And that's sad for both of them.Gleeful for me:D But sad for them.
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Don't worry about the bread.
Don't worry about the bread. I lost it once on SD15 about salad forks...She was supposed to set the table and the last five times had been setting it with Salad Forks. Every time I would fix it and not say a word. I tried teasing her. I tried explaining it again and again. Finally her mouth on something else got to me as I was trying to get dinner on the table for three cranky teenagers and I saw a salad fork at my place. I lost it. Something out of Mommie Dearest...DH thought I had just flipped. I finally asked her if she was stupid, because if she was that would explain it, as I am (picture this) holding a salad fork and a dinner fork in each hand trying to show her the difference. I couldn't even eat, I went upstairs and stayed locked in my room the rest of the night. She got the reaction she was looking for from me. But, I truly don't think she thought pushing me that way would have that kind of reaction. But, I was done...Literally "put a fork in me", I was done.
She admitted later to one of the kids that she did it to irritate me.
Thankfully for me, she left soon after to live with mom full time and I haven't have had anything like that in 2 years now...In my lifetime, I have probably only lost it like that a few times and for a 13 year old girl to push me like that was crazy.
Me knowing it got her out of my house, I would lose it on her with the bread...