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I am at the end of my rope. Maybe. I feel so frustrated with my husband becuase no matter how much i try or cheerful I am or how much effort into our relationship i I feel his heart and mood are always dependance on his daughters from his first marriage. He takes his frustration out on me and withholds love and I don't know if I can keep giving without much in return. We have two daugthers of our own. One is 2 years and the other is mine months.
His older daughters are 14 (on the high end of the autism spectrum) and the other twelve. They are very rude and disrespectful even with people they like such as their grandparents so I know it is not necessary personal to me but I cant stand that type of behavior and always gravitating towards bad stuff. We are just peopel that don't click. Yes, I do have a respectful relationship with them but I do not love them and even like them most of the time. I just see their mother's rude behavior in them and it is so hard to see my husband in them. Which I try because he is normally such a kind and sweet man (just not recently with me). I mean he still helps with our girls and pays bills, is responsible etc just I feel him not close to me lately.
During COVID (while I was pregant) his ex took us to court for more money, she even said that she did not need it but still recents him, wanted us to pay 20,000 in her attorney fees, and stated she did not care if we ended up with out a home for my daughter. She is just a mean unkind lady. This is while my hushabnd already payed half of everything for them and their lives had not changed since the divorce other than him not living with them. All activities the same is what I mean. He even in the court app told her if she ever needed more money he was open to talking about it for his daugthers. All i want is for things to be fair, epsecailly having children with him. If we did not have children I would not hurt me I dont think.
It was such a stressful time. Trying to teach her kids good hygenie buying them underwhear, bras (because mother would not) teaching them to brush their hair, sit right (not flash people), use a fork etc. While their mom is disneyland mom, tell them their father is bad , etc. etc. and has the nerve to not care what happend to my daughters so long as she causes pain to my husband. I just dont get this woman. But she is the one who my hasbands daugthers gravitate to and act like.
I do not trust his daughters around mine and even his sister in laws confirmed they feel the same about their kids.
I dont know if it is just the autism or if his kid is just bad and would be the same without autism. I feel all the stress of his ex and daughters bring him down and it spills into our relationshi. And he is obvously not thrilled I do not love his daughters. Although at the beigning i always promised him i'd respect his kids and the resposibility he had towards them .But I could not promise more than that as relationships form with time.
I dont know what to do.
- AdriannaM's blog
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So sorry
so sorry you’re feeling lonely and disappointed - but that seems like a reasonable reaction to your situation. Honestly, you’re collateral damage in his war with BM. Consider counseling for yourself - there is so much to unpack and digest. Wish you the best.
I agree with counseling for
I agree with counseling for yourself and eventually your SO. It definitely sounds like he is taking his frustrations out in you, and in turn it is damaging your relationship.
I had the same experience with my SO and it's an aweful situation to be in. Establishing boundaries and couples counseling did help us get through it. Eventually SO started going for himself which has really helped him learn how to deal with things better and has given him a place to vent his frustrations.
What were some boundaries you
What were some boundaries you guys set?
First and foremost, you need
First and foremost, you need to adjust your attitude a bit toward your DH.
His kids aren't just picking up on their mom being mean. He doesn't sound overly respectful of you, and his kids are going to mimic his behavior towards you. If he hides all his good qualities towards you while they're around, and he lets out his frustration on you, they're going to learn that's what you deserve.
Their behavior can't be placed squarely on BM. Your DH, especially in your home, has a lot of authority to require his kids to behave differently. To teach them differently. To at least point out when they're being overly mean or hateful. His job as a parent is to correct that behavior, but he seems to slip into it in their presence.
Because you have children with him, I think couples counseling would be in order, then individual counseling. Counseling for him to work through his feelings about parenthood. Counseling for you to figure out why you accept this behavior, especially enough to have a second child with this man.
You also need to determine what you need out of this relationship to continue it, or at least to participate in it. Through therapy, you should be able to share that with your DH so he knows what the goal posts are. Take time to think this through so that you don't set goal posts that you have to change later, or change repeatedly.
As for BM, your DH needs to follow their court order to the letter going forward. Pay what it says, take visitation as it says, and communicate as it says. If BM doesn't like that, then she can hire an attorney on her own dime to request changes to the CO. BM is high conflict, and that means dealing with her differently than if she weren't. She gets the court-ordered treatment and nothing else. If the kids start in with DH about him being a bad dad, he can correct any lies, tell them the CO is none of their concern and he's sorry that BM dragged them into adult matters, and then message BM on the app or through the approved communication (in writing) to stop involving the kids. Document and only get the attorney involved if it escalates.
You have to come to terms with the fact that BM can drag DH back to court as often as she can afford. Your DH doesn't always have to go with an attorney, unless it's something he actually cares about. CS won't change unless circumstances drastically change (or your state is very BM-friendly). Custody won't change unless something drastically changes. Your DH needs to identify what's important, and a lot of this is game playing. BM doesn't actually want more money or more custody. She just wants to stick it to DH. If he stops playing the games, then she'll likely stop playing, too, because it's not fun anymore.
Overall, your have a DH problem. He needs a spine against BM, and he needs to reflect on his own behavior and what it teaches his daughters. You need to stop putting up with him treating you like crap. Know what you want, tell him that, and call him on his crap when he's behaving like an ass. Don't just try to act sweeter and sweeter because that just ends up looking like permission. Tell him he's being a jerk, that you won't tolerate it, and if that's how he's going to behave, he can go elsewhere for a while because you won't be his emotional punching bag and disrespected just because he's upset. HE is responsible for his emotions. HE is responsible for managing them. If HE can't balance being a good parent and spouse, then HE needs to get help to figure it out, whether that be therapy, self-help books, his own forum, or a combo.
It sounds like you have
It sounds like you have experience in this area and my question is how do you stop playing the game with her?
I have talked to my DH about his behavior and that I do not want our daughters see me treated this way because that is the model they are seeing and what will be their normal or standard. I have asked him to go to counseling but he has been resistent only now is open to it but kaiser sucks with referrals and has taken a while. My husband does set rules and has exectaions but the moment they go to their mothers its no rules. Example one of his daughters stole money from their cousin while at their house and lied about it but was caught by my husband. He talk to to her about consequences, how she impacted others, hurt others, could get a bad reputation, about lying, people not trust her, we love her etc. etc, i mean by the book sort of handled the situation and then goes to her mothers and gets a cell phone that weekend. Of course her mother had been informed of the situation. But it is as if she rewarded her for the bad behavior instead of waiting to give her that if she really felt it was needed. Instead she sent the message like only your dad gets on your case , you did nothing wrong, i support you and your bad behavior. Its hard to to manage when every time they step foot in our house they bring all the bad behavior with them. And what is worse my daugthers are being exposed to it which obviously everything is better in hindsight. and only has gotten worse than when our relationship started. Otherwise why would I have two kids (little judgy on your part) Im not stupid, my husband is not aweful or stupid. He is trying and i am trying but this situation is so dfficult and complicated and there are so many feelings and outsiders that impact our lives that we have no control over. I do agree and appreciate that HE is responslible for his emotions and learning to manage them I just dont know if there is a light at the end of this dark tunnle.
You're right, I am being a
You're right, I am being a little judgy because you yourself recognize that you aren't being treated correctly and don't want your kids to learn that how you're treated by your husband is acceptable. Ask yourself why you wanted to bring another child into your life speficially with your husband when you already feel/felt he was treating you poorly and was teaching his children - both your mutual eldest and your stepkids - that you're not worthy of being treated better. THAT is something you have to dig deep and ask yourself why that is okay.
Trust me, I've asked myself these types of questions based on judgments from others. Sometimes they're wrong; often, they've picked out something I need to examine in myself. Judgment doesn't have to be a bad thing.
I'll ETA here shortly to address the other pieces as I've dealt with them, though I'd encourage others who have similar experience to share their stories.
Overall, if you want to change, you're going to have to be open-minded that your DH is wrong in some ways, or at the very least he's doing the wrong work. If you don't want to hear that piece, then the best I and others can offer is empathy.