What's your traditional Christmas like?
I've noticed we have different views on how this is happening.....
let's share ... maybe I'm missing out
Tree only gets up 22nd of December and has to be taken down 27th of December - if this is not happening you will have bad luck for the new year.
No gifts is placed under the tree, ever.... the 24th of December we will have dinner and when the small children starts complaining about where's Father Christmas, we will go and look for him, walk around a block or 2....
The oldest child will be send home to fetch forgotten cigarettes/jacket/make sure the house is locked.... but this child knows before hand what to do, where the gifts are to put them under the tree and have the milks and cookies for Father C....also make the sledge tracks and has to be back with the rest of the family within 15min.....
Oh if there's not an older child - Dad has to do this hahahahahahaha
Then when you come back at the house, the younger kids will see the lights are on, the sledge tracks and start screaming we missed Father C.... storm into the house and immediately start handing out gifts, there's no one person doing this, younger kid just hold up the gift and will hear - that's for X, that's for Z....
After gifts every one says thank you and well then it's the Christmas platters, each person gets a platter filled with Christmas cookies (german) chocolates, nuts etc.
25th we all go down to the beach for the day, usually it's 3 huge pots, one with oxtail, chicken and tribe...
dessert and all... you only get back home with sunset.... who joins this party on the beach... any one who brings their own food
close family is 52 people.... and we do not see each other on the 24th really, gift ceremony is only the occupants of the house
- Acratopotes's blog
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Santa does not come to our
Santa does not come to our house until all the good little children have gone to sleep. He always eats his cookies and drinks the milk. Rudolf is very greedy with his carrots. Kids play with their new toys and all family members come together for lunch on Christmas day.
Christmas Eve- For dinner I
Christmas Eve- For dinner I usually try to cook something decent and what I normally wouldn't cook. One year we went out to eat at a nice restaurant and I am going to push for that again this year.
We then drive around look at Christmas lights and BS has hot chocolate and I have wine in the thermos. Then we come home and relax in front of the tree, watch movies.
I usually have a small X-mas Eve gift for BS like a game or movie. Something that we can do together.
Once he is asleep I will put his gifts under the tree. (though this year I may do something different and might post about it for opinions)
Christmas morning BS wakes up really early, we open gifts and then lay around until I take him to his dad's family house for their Christmas.
Then DH and I lay around and watch movies and drink
Tree goes up when ever I feel
Tree goes up when ever I feel like putting it up. Out door lights and other decorations too.
I bake goodies ahead of time.
Gifts from people go under the tree when ever they get wrapped.
"Santa" gifts go in the stocking Christmas eve. Yes Santa still fills the stockings here for kids almost 30 LOL.
We open gifts Christmas morning.
Go on Skype to watch Grand babies open their gifts. Chat for a while!
I make Christmas dinner, we eat.
Watch movies. Last year It was a Star Trek marathon.
Boxing day, my kids and I go to the mall and movies. SO will likely join us this year.
Well last year i waited until
Well last year i waited until the week before to smack a foot tall tree on a table. Lol
This year i will actually get a tree. Probably going to this weekend.
Growing up christmas was super happy with lots of people huge dinner..but it always had a dark dark side. My mom would overspebd,over decorate and over tree(17footer cathedral ceiling) the tree had to be tied to the stairs to stay up. Generally christmas night or the day after she would have some huge blow out with my stepdad and end up destroying the tree..i am talking glass ornaments flying, cutting the tree from the banister and letting it crash. She had at one point over 12 storage bins of christmas only. She also drained my savings account to pay for gifts one year.
I think with my kids we will keep christmas small. Santa will bring a few gifts but momma gifts the majority. The boys can have their 1 christmas eve gift which is a book. We will open presents in the am, stocking first. Then i will likely end up cooking here.
Kids father can then go get sd and go to his dads where only sd will have a present waiting sooo not gonna bother taking the twins.
After all of that, my mom wants to stop by with my sisters kids to "finally have all her grandkids in one place" which is cool with me as long as my sister doesnt come.
Wanted to add that if i can
Wanted to add that if i can find santa sacks somewhere, we will be not wrapping presents ever again except for the random family members presents. I HATE WRAPPING PRESENTS.
Do you have a donation wrap
Do you have a donation wrap somewhere near you? I used to volunteer every year for the Cancer Society. They have a Christmas wrap at our mall where people can bring their gifts and have them wrapped for minimal amount of money and the money goes to the cancer society. It was really fun to see what people were buying and of course it was mostly men lol I did it for 7 years, prior to BS being born. I wrapped an engagement ring one year! and one man would come every year with a Tahoe full of gifts and leave them to be wrapped and then he'd give a big donation. I just love this kind of stuff!
All decorations except for
All decorations except for tree go up day after Thanksgiving
Elf comes on December 1 and we start our Random Acts of Christmas Kindness calendar.
Tree usually goes up around the 10th because we get a real one and don't like it getting all dried out- no gifts under tree unless it is something that someone has sent in the mail.
The morning of Christmas Eve, the elf brings "reindeer food" with directions to sprinkle outside so that Rudolph can easily find the house. (basically just oatmeal and glitter in a zip lock bag) On Christmas Eve, we go to candlelight service at church. After church we drive around and look at Christmas lights. One present gets snuck under the tree from the elf that gets to be opened when we get home from church.. that is Christmas PJs, a Christmas book, and a Christmas mug. Then we read Twas the Night Before Christmas and leave out cookies and milk for Santa and carrots for reindeer.
Christmas morning all the gifts appear, stockings are stuffed and we do presents and watch 24 hours of Christmas story allllll day long!! My mom and Aunt come over later in the day for Christmas dinner. We do not go anywhere. I like BS6 to be able to stay home and play with his things.. not have to be dragged all over town. We usually do Christmas with DH's family either the day prior to or after Christmas.
It's the most wonderful time of the year!!!!!!!!!!
I loved Christmas as a kid.
I loved Christmas as a kid. Not so much now. DH gets mopey. SD tells everyone what to do and makes Christmas lists for the gifts her dad needs to buy for everyone. I bake and I drink. This year I have tickets to a local choral concert and I don't care if DH goes with me or not.
I know Merry, it is
I know Merry, it is hilarious.... It used to be a reminder how excluded I was every year until I realized I needed to stop participating in any of the BS completely.