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Middle children

Acratopotes's picture

After reading a couple off times this is very interesting......

Who would you say is the "red head orphan child"

The most photo's is with the first born, they get everything new, and are always the Gran's favorite child, but as soon as there's a sibling these poor buggers are forced to grow up immediately, cause now they are the big brother/sister and they have a whole lot of responsibilities...

Then comes the second child, first born basically raise you, you get hand me downs, clothes toys, name it...
parents barely worry about you cause you have an older sibling taking care off you... yeah basically you have 3 parents, mum dad and sibling.....thus you learn to stay quiet and live your own life, no one cares any way and you get away with allot, you are on your own, it's easy lol

Then rocks up number 3 - parent realize their time for children ran out, this little snot get all new cloths, cause it's the last one, baby is spoiled rotten, can do no wrong... Older sibling is pushing his babysitting duties down to you, and his chores cause your parents allow it... they still think older sibling is gold, middle child is the problem and baby is just wonderful.....

So I feel the middle child is the poor "red head orphan" we have to fend for ourselves, loot at outtahere and lostinspace, they all experience the same as me....

Now is there any first borns, or last born brats out there to tell me I'm wrong?

Middle child - comment and stand with us, I know you suffered growing up


Acratopotes's picture

hehehehe I will let you in on the middle child secret... we are not quiet and reserved... we know how to blend, cause shit and get away with it... we are the devil's children lol

hereiam's picture

Yep, that is my middle sister, right there. She's always been the quiet one but very mischievous.

redneck69's picture

I am the youngest of 4 with 2 older sisters and 1 older brother. The sister that is closest to me is 6 years older. I got all of their handmedowns, including clothes toys and bikes nothing new. by the time I got to high school they were all out of the house and I was left with most of the chores. I think the older 2 got everything and I got the leftovers.

SM12's picture

My Mom was a middle child and I feel like she felt ignored most of the time. Her Older sister was very quiet, never any trouble and the perfect kid. My mom was still a great kid but more adventurous then her older sister. She has a Little sister who was 13 years younger and handed EVERYTHING. She was the problem child. The one who was entitled, stole, lied, etc. It didn't stop until her parents were deceased and she had no one else to sponge off of.

I have three SS's. The oldest was the golden child. My DH clearly favored him when I first met him. The middle one was ignored and creepy quiet. The youngest was the spoiled baby. He would cry and scream to get his way...and it worked until I came along.

Now fast forward 4 years and things are pretty different. The oldest is somewhat ignored. He was PAS'd from DH three years ago and we only hear from him when he needs money. He isn't the golden child anymore and DH has given up hope that he will ever be a decent human being.

The middle child is now the golden child. He is an athletic phenom (according to BM) and he gets all the attention, all the new stuff and praised for just breathing air. In reality he is a vicious, nasty, manipulative and entitled creep. He has no problems sending vile messages or cutting DH out of his life when he doesn't get his way. BM caters to his every need and desire. DH has pretty much written him off as a productive member of society at this point. BM has done a good job of PAS with him too.

Now the youngest is totally ignored. He gets ZERO attention at BM's house. He is constantly being pawned off on DH or relatives so BM can run around and do for MSS. YSS gets all the hand-me-down clothes. BM used to buy him toys to make up for giving all of her attention to MSS, she doesn't even bother doing that anymore. She finds it easier to push him off on others instead of take him along or spend time with him. He recently started acting out in school and getting in trouble I feel it is because no one pays him any attention at home. DH spends more time and attention on him. I spend more one on one time with him than anyone. He is good for me. Never gives me any trouble and is actually a sweet kid.

I think it just depends on the household. I never would have expected MSS to ever be the golden child, yet he is (at least for BM)

Acratopotes's picture

an honest gal between us lol...

that's why I only had one child, he's first born, middle and baby hahahahahahaha

thus he's spoiled and use to new things, no hand me downs

RayRay's picture

I am the baby of 9 children. Yep 9 of us. I have always been more of an only child as my siblings are 10+ years older than me. I do see my middle sisters as having the most different personalities. One is the peace maker, one is the bossy always right gal, then there is one that will do anything to stand out. The rest just blend in. The oldest of us is the trouble maker black sheep. He as been his own worst enemy his whole life. I as the baby am treated as their equal surprisingly.
Of course I only have one BD7months and do not want any more children. She is my world. The sun rises and sets with her smile and I don't care who knows it. Yes, I am probably creating a monster. For right now she is only a baby and as my sister D would say "you can't possibly spoil a baby"!

thinkthrice's picture

I am the elder of two. My younger sister was babied, coddled and spoiled in comparison to me. I was held accountable for everything. Younger sis was the "golden child" to my mom. In fact, my mother told me she favoured her because she reminded her of HER younger sister.

I guess that's excusable seeing that my mother's family was always pawned off on relatives--her father was an alcoholic and mother was an institutionalized neurotic--they managed to produce nine children.

My sister ended up marrying twice; the 2nd to a sugar daddy. She has always been looking for someone to "take care of her."

Lit'l Bit's picture

Middle child....

older sister younger brother.

"The lost child" Alcoholic family

I am not quiet or shy by an means but, I do a lot of standing in the background waiting for the perfect opportunity to pounce.

I mean what I say and say what I mean. with me you don't have to guess.

GhostWhoCooksDinner's picture

I'm a middle...sigh....

My older brother is the only boy on either side of the family, and my younger sister was (is) absolutely gorgeous. I am the sarcastic nerd. LOL!

I always hated it, but I guess I turned out OK. I'm the only one of the three with a graduate degree, so I guess there's that. Blum 3