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Small Victory...let's see how it works

1sttimestepmom's picture

Well I sat down and talked to DH this week and he agreed to a schedule so that I can be disengaged and both me and SD get enough of his time alone to be happy. He also began to understand why I need to be disengaged at this point. We had a very nice long talk without arguing (for one of the first times since we got SD full time in March) and I ended feeling very accomplished and with some hope. We start the new schedule on Monday. Wish me luck Smile


halfstepmom2skids's picture

Good luck! Because SD's generally are so needy, i think, of daddys attention it will be a back and forth. My DH started treating me like his only wife and is treating her like a child.

GoodbyeNormaJean's picture

Congratulations! I'm glad he listened, backed you up, and is making an effort to give you what you need. I hope it goes smoothly for you guys.

1sttimestepmom's picture

Thank you! I am hoping it works out and generally when we have had alone time and she has interrupted for something not important (she wasnt bleeding or in need of immediate assistance) he has been pretty good about telling her not to interrupt and to go play. Not to say she didnt try a few times but his response was always the same. So, that I don't think will be an issue. The only issue I am hoping won't happen is that the schedule isnt kept and I don't get my time at all.

caregiver1127's picture

It sounds like your DH is trying to work with you and that is the very first important step - it will be a process but stick with it and make SD stick with it. It is you and DH and then her - you two are the united front and the couple - because long after she leaves your house it will be you and DH alone together and you don't want to be living together and not know each other in 10 years.