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only four months!

007Lostit's picture

Wow I really am needing to vent today....

only four months. She graduates in 4 months. Then military! Woohoo! They (dh & sd) know that there is no way she could stay here past graduation (if she makes it that far). So it looks like they are looking at military as her best option. It will give her training and the money she would need for college. Plus it may do her some good. If she can stick it out.

The ice incident yesterday resulted in DH taking her to the Dr. and them doing a CTscan....he thinks the school will pay for it...except they didn't tell him to take her to the Dr. and there really wasn't anything wrong with her...we left to the store with the 3 y/o last night before dinner and SD came upstairs to ask our 8 y/o where we were and if we were bringing food back with us because she was starving...then proceeded to ask 8 y/o if she could "help" her down the stairs because she was dizzy because she fell on the ice and the Dr. told her she would get dizzy...@@ OMFG!! Any ole attention will do for SD...even if its from an 8 y/o! If she was dizzy from her fall then she would be nauseous also and would not have come up the stairs in the first place asking about food!!! ARGGGG!!! Plus she is fine as frogs hair today...went to school with no problems at all...not even a headache...

4 more months 4 more months 4 more months 4 more months 4 more months 4 more months.........


stressgirl79's picture

My 8 y/o SD acts like that sometimes, she is "too sick" to do her chores or homework but if the phone rings you should see her fly off the couch to answer it! Yeah, I just can't wait until she's actually a teenager. Not to mention the other four kids in the house...ugh!

oneoffour's picture

Ahhhh, poor wee thing. She is up for an Oscar is she? If you know anyone flying through LAX tell them to pick you up a fake Oscar and when she does this drama soap opera thing just hand it to her without any comment...

My daughters HATED it when I was logical. ... You are too dizzy for school? Poor thing. Now rest in a dark room. No, no TV. It will make you terribly dizzy and make you throw up. So I will make you some soup and that should be all you can handle... Sorry? Football game tonioght? Of course not! What kind of mother allows her too-sick-for-school child to attend a football game at night, in the cold frigid air no less?

She is in for a shock. But then maybe this is what she really wants and needs and one day will be running the US Army... God help us all!

But then I would have told her I was taking her back to the ER if she was STILL nauseous ansd dizzy. Nothing better than waiting 5 hrs to find out you are just fine in a backless hospital gown in winter.

007Lostit's picture

LOL...yeah she needs one of those oscars. omg...she would have loved it if her dad hauled her back to the ER...I kid you not. she sooo loves people to feel sorry for her.

sixteensmom's picture

If she fell on ice at school and there's an accident report, they will pay for the doctor appts.

007Lostit's picture

Yes, DH actually got on top of that today and got it all taken care of! Call me stupified lol...but it could have been due to the ass chewing I gave him if we ended up with that bill...the schools ins. is going to pay for it, and our ins. won't pay anything until the school pays first.