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Okay everyone - this problem not as big as some others, but........BD is getting her kitten.

RustyHalo's picture

I had to leave work to go to a Dr. appt and I called FH on the way. Of course, he acts like there's nothing wrong. How do men do that? They say something to you KNOWING it has pissed you off and because I say I don't want to talk about this right now, they think it will magically go away - he'll get his way and ALL is right with the world. Well, I say to him - we need to talk about this cat thing. He says I just think it should be a "family" pet and belong to everybody. I said oh, like the dog is the "family" pet and belongs to everybody? This shuts him up. I go on about how the skids have pets at their mom's house, and hey guess what, sometimes life isn't fair. SD9 just got a cell phone from her mom and MY BD did not have a cell phone until she was 14. Our rule for the skids was cell phone at 13, well SD9 was excitedly showing off her cell phone last night and my BD was excited for her. Is she jealous that SHE didn't get a phone at 9? If she is, she hasn't said anything to me about it. Anyways, FH says maybe BD should do more chores, because right now she doesn't do F**K. Ahhhhhhhhhh the beauty of arguing on the phone - YOU CAN HANG UP!! So, I hung up. My BD gets straight A's, does her own laundry, only goes places with her church, and NEVER asks for anything! I am dead serious - there aren't too many 16 y/o girls like her.
Went to the Dr. and guess what? My blood pressure was high. HA - Go figure! Also, after telling the Dr. all my symptoms and filling out a questionnaire, the Dr. suggested I go on anti-depression medication. Before speaking with my Dr., I always felt that people who were on these meds were weak (Sorry everyone!), but that's just the way I felt. I could always handle anything and everything life threw at me, but I can't handle this! So, I'm going to try the meds and we'll see what happens...........
So, after the Dr., I'm on my way back to work and my phone is ringing incessantly - FH calling. I don't answer. He sends a text "I'm so sorry, please call me." So, I call and he says all the right things and tells me how much my BD does deserve whatever she wants for her bday, how she is never any problem, and he's happy with the way she is with his daughters, and so please forgive me for what I said.
So, needless to say, my BD will be getting her kitten. I told FH that his girls will be teenagers one day. We don't know how they'll turn out, but we need to pick our battles because 6 or 7 years from now, we may be wishing we were arguing about a stupid cat!
So alls well that ends well! PHEW!
Thanks for all the input, and I hope I didn't offend anyone in regards to the depression meds. After my Dr. explained about a chemical imbalance causing my reactions and symptoms - it clicked in me and I sat there and cried with relief.


bioandstep2009's picture

Glad everything worked out! And no offense taken on the depression meds. I've been on them for the last 4 years (general anxiety) and they work beautifully. Hate that I have to keep taking them but the alternative is worse i.e. me over-analyzing everything that everyone has said to me, recalling the tone of voice, body language, and staying up at night obsessing over the latest "problem" No thank you, done with that!

RustyHalo's picture

I've never had trouble sleeping in my life! Now, I can't fall asleep and when I finally do, I wake up frequently all night long and this makes me tired all day long. Also, I'm anxious ALL DAY long and that adds to my tiredness. I have headaches that last for days. All these things are new to me. I didn't have this much depression after my dad passed away and I threw my husband out of my house a month later. I was depressed, believe me, but I could handle things within my control - hence throwing hubby out. That made me feel better. Also, this website has helped alot too. Knowing that I'm not alone in my "new feelings" and all these strange emotions seemed magnefied by the dynamics of the family I love.
Thank god for all of you and in about a week I hope I am saying "thank god for meds!"

******My daddy always said: "It's better to be a SMARTASS, than a DUMBASS!******

BMJen's picture

She deserves it.

And I'm glad her momma is getting what she needs to!

Isn't it something that you delt with your father passing, and throwing out your x without meds.

But being in a SP situation is so freaking stressful you have no other choice. Sheesh, we signed up for some rough times didn't we! Give me that docs name and num, I think I could use the meds as well.

RustyHalo's picture

My father died and I cried for days and days, but I handled it. His passing is what gave me the strength to throw my husband out. And I handled that. I was working three jobs at that time, taking care of my house and kids all by myself and I felt so EMPOWERED! Going through that and being a success with no help from anyone, and then I meet the man of my dreams and his two beautiful young daughters who I adore and they adore me and I find myself going crazy! All because of one person! THE BM. You'd think she should be the size of Godzilla or King Kong, for goodness sakes! But she's around 4'10" and chubby with chicken legs and has no chin - but she has the POWER to make me crazy. I just hope the meds give me a whole new perspective on dealing with the BM antics.

******My daddy always said: "It's better to be a SMARTASS, than a DUMBASS!******