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OMG....ripping hair out

007Lostit's picture

Yeah, she has NO plans on changing. She had half day of school today. Thought she was gonna sit around and watch t.v.!! Had to tell her to get her chores done. Then she goes off and hides in her room. To read. Cuz dad is at work. Reading is fine with us...but again it is one of those things that you should do when all your other stuff is done.
She says she cleaned her is a mess! Clothes all over, shoes, and garbage...She has books all over because she took the ENTIRE weekend off from work cuz she thought she was doing this dance thing (the whole weekend??) yesterday when she was told no, she went and stocked up on books to read instead.
Like we said, books are great. Reading is a good thing. But she does it compulsively. Instead of doing the things she needs to...especially if she has lost her television privilege. It is a constant game to her. We ask so little. Do the dishes, wipe the counters, and keep your room clean. I think she should run away again! Go be a pain in someone elses ass! Give me my peace!

I told DH, cuz he just informed me she took the entire weekend!!! That means I am STUCK with her on saturday cuz he has to work. NO!!!! Oh well, she will probably hide in her room reading ALL DAY lol. Then I don't have to hide in mine.


LMR120's picture

LOL sorry that you are having a hard time Sad My advice to you would be to ask her once and if she doesnt do it then leave it for DH to deal with. If he does nothing about it then leave her room a mess Smile Just throw her crap in there that she leaves around the house and close the door LOL when she comes to tell you or DH that she cant find something that she is looking for and she will, tell her to clean up her room and maybe she will find it LOL.

007Lostit's picture

thanks Smile I know not to let the room thing get to me...that has always been an issue with her, and under normal circumstances (what is normal) I let it go. It is just my emotional state lately that is letting every little thing get to me.

lol yeah she is always making her room more of a mess because she can't find something, so she ends up shredding the room more looking for whatever it is she can't find. lol

007Lostit's picture

She was told she needed to clean her her laundry, clean out the fridge, and the top of the fridge to day, so she is supposed to be busy at least till DH gets home. Phew! I have only had to redirect her once...from being in the living room with the baby (3 y/o) and the television (really she is that interested in Nick Jr.?) instead of getting her stuff done. Now...whether she is down cleaning her room remains to be seen, BUT I am not going down to check it out or make it my problem. Smile