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Update to inappropriate sexual relationship

dontwanttobefigured's picture

Counselor came last night for me, so, and sd. She will go to sd and her mom tonight as finally SD is bein forced to follow a parenting plan which keeps her with mom half the week. This counselor came to us from DFS. I also contacted the county mental health which immediately accepted SD as needin case mgmt and dad as needing parentifng skills and support. We meet with them tomorrow, So and me.

Last night was generic first meeting to discuss issues. After reveal of drugs, alcohol, violence, etc, counselor asked SD what her goal was and she said more time with mu dad without Sm. so we will see where that goes. I will need to talk to therapist privately to discuss what alone time has meant so far. Counselor seemed to sense there were deeper issues and asked sd for goals she had for herself. She then said her only goal was to get dad to herself. And nothing else. I hope when I follow up with counselor about what that has meant so far, she will address it in a healthy way.

SD will now hve two counselors and a drug counselor too and be dropping randomly for us. Mom discovered that SD had been using two years - suspiciously close to beginning puberty/sexual attractiveness perhaps. I won't let this I until the truth is revealed, especially after confronting dad re dating his daughter, Victoria's secret trips and rundowns behind closed doors in only towels and having him tell me any therapist would say this is normal father daughter relationship. We shall see.

Just wanted you all to know I have been hard at work. I also put boundaries in place regarding alone time, the way SD treats me and the next step I will take if inappropriate behavior continues - more DFS and cops. So far SO has been compliant. Interesting to note that SD is pouty and no longer speaking to So especially after the incident where she tried to get sad to "rescue" her from mom only to have us both appear and tell her her behavior (running away, disobedience, hitting mom) was unacceptable. We returned her TOGEThER to mom. It seems to make slight difference in mom who is glad to finally have some support I think. But the main difference is SO was compliant and SD is very very upset.

Any thoughts on what more I can/should do? All alone time is now limited to school drives - 20 min each way do nice opp for healthy talks. SD won't speak to dad On those though. She wants the old system - dates and them jointly excluding me and her mom - back. I need to figure out how to help counselor see the real issues here so alone time with dad can be healthy and positive not creepy and sexually charged dating situations.

duct_tape's picture

I still say it's a crazy sick situation. You can orchestrate the "fix" all you want, but the bottom line is that their relationship is/was/will always be inappropriate. Bravo for the hard attempt to correct "bad behavior" But, this type of bad behavior leans on the mentally unfit side. Take those mad skills of yours where they would be of good use. You did some great detective work, solved the crime (almost) and corrected things (mostly). That does not change the characters of the people you're dealing with. And sounds like your SO is being compliant. Compliant does not mean changed. I feel for you.

duct_tape's picture

Maybe you should attempt to get your SO to admit that he argued her bahavior with him was normal because he didn't know how else to explain it? I don't know.

I would want some sort of resolution regarding his opinion of the whole episode. Why does he continue to say it's normal. It's clearly not.

dontwanttobefigured's picture

Have to try - my unborn child will deal with these people forever whether I do or not, IF I don't find further proof that would hold up in court. So to protect the baby I need to get the help. Or get them caught. No court will order no contact with dad and "sis" based on just my suspicions. This I know.

doll faced sm's picture

Most therapists have business card with contact info on them. Give therapist(s) a call or drop them an email. This information is vital for them.

ETA: Also, most offices have a website with contact info. Google them if you don't have access to the therapist(s) card.

dontwanttobefigured's picture

I am doing ok. Baby's doing great. Stress has made me have some infections and some low blood pressure and iron count but those are just me, baby is not in any way in jeopardy. That is a relief. Plus having SD out of the house half the week really really helps. Thanks for asking. My kids and I have three-four days of peace every week, and SO actually is a really good husband during those days. It is almost like he feels relieved too; not sure what to make of it. We have done lots of talking about things and about boundaries, and he is doing as I asked. I think on SOME levels he is coming around to see things are NOT normal - but he is stubborn and hard-headed and for all I know guilty, so he may or may not ever truly get it. All I know for sure is, if any of that crap starts again, he and she are out and the cops will be perma-fixtures in their lives until someone somewhere establishes what is going on.

alwaysanxious's picture

I'm glad you are doing okay and I'm glad things are out in the open. Sometimes you just have to embarrass people to get them to see how not normal they really are.