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So much fun!

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

I love annoying SD15! DH had to go back into town for work. Now, while I was working toward my certification, if DH wasn't home, I would hid out in my room and read or studied. Well, tonight I'm enjoying some rest now that the cert is done, and took over the TV in the TV room. I keep hearing SD15 coming out to see if she can gain control of the TV. I hear her stomp into the kitchen, and then a big huff when she realizes she can't control the TV before she stomps back to her room. It's just too funny! At one point, I paused the TV to take the laundry out of the dryer and put it away. I could heR her stomp all the way to the TV room only to find I wasn't done with the TV, made like a groan noise, and stomp back to her room followed be a slamming of the door. Guess she wanted it known she wasn't happy! I could care house, my TV! LOL

And you know, for someone who claims she is a true dancer, SD15 is the most heavy footed person in the house! BS19 isn't even that heavy footed, and he's not a all guy! I thing she must go stomping around on purpose thinking she is making a point. All that stomping does is let me know that whatever I'm doing to annoy her is working! }:)

Newstep's picture

I wish this would keep SD away lol. She would just sit down and babble on endlessly about some nonsense and annoy the hell out of me!!!

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

Well, I'm a bit fortunate there. She doesn't like being around me as much as I don't like being around her! I can't stand SD15's fakeness when she is trying to get something, or how she treats people when she doesn't get her she acts like she is better than everyone. SD15 can't stand that I control things like the household finances, and that I stand in the way of her getting whatever she wants out of dear sweet daddy. She especially doesn't like that I don't kiss her butt like the rest of the world!

Because of that, she will avoid me if DH isn't around. If DH is around, she will try to manipulate all of his attention. That's when I have to hear the crap that comes out of her mouth...especially if I'm trapped in a car with her!

Fishouttawater79's picture

My SD16 stomps around the house too! I fantasize that she'll stomp so hard that she'll break open a huge hole in the floor and fall into a dark endless abyss. I love those little moments when you just smile to yourself knowing that maybe she feels 1/10 of the anguish that she puts on you everyday. Quietly cherish those moments friend!

Orange County Ca's picture

I hope someone handed her the phone. My granddaughter decided anything was better than living with mom and called CPS. A few days in foster care and she was ready to come home.

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

SD15 has no where to go today. No practice, not at BM's...UGH! She is still asleep...don't know how late she was up last night. Hoping she stays asleep until at least 1:00 p.m. The fewer hours of trying to find that junk food in the kitchen, the better! There has to be some way to annoy her today. }:)

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

LOL...there already isn't any junk food! But, she will keep checking like every 30 junk food will magically manifest itself.

I'm hoping she is leaving. She was awake when I went out to the kitchen to fill up my water bottle. I'm hoping that means she got a call that my MIL is on her way to come get her! PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE!!!!

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

She is already out of her room. I already told her flat out she has 1 hour only on the TV today. So that means she has until 11:00 a.m. At that point I will go out and turn it off and take the remote, and if she has a problem with it, she can cry to daddy. When DH asks why she can't watch TV, I will tell him straight up that I refuse to have her sitting in front of the tube all day for summer. She can clean her room, read, go outside and practice her guard stuff, play games on her tablet...she has plenty of stuff to do other than being in front of the TV running up the electric bill (especially considering she really isn't watching it...she is on her phone and tablet the whole time chatting)!

I used to love my summer break! Every day I was doing something...going to the pool, going to friends' houses, etc. My parents never let me sit in front of the TV...was not allowed to watch their TV at all when they were not home!! No texting, no internet...we had to actually go do things! Kids these days really need year-round school like you have...where the time is split into much smaller breaks through the whole year. 3 months of no school...they just lay around these days and let their brains rot while they drive up their parents' bills! It isn't like they are really doing anything, so why do they need such a break? Bad thing is, the parents are the ones fighting every proposal for year-round school that is ever made. Don't dare take away their child's 3 months of vegetation!

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

We've been wondering the same thing for YEARS! SD15 has always liked her clothes tight. When she was little, in those little dresses that tied at the waist? If I didn't tie it to the point it would leave an indention on her, she would sit there and whine about how I didn't tie it tight enough! She would literally throw a fit about it!

These days, SD15 tries to insist that she is a size 4 or a size small. If I buy her things in the right size (which is a size 8 or a size medium), she won't wear it! How does she get herself into the stuff? MUFFIN TOP! She will wear her pants like a man with a gutt...leaving everything hanging over top. I've even seen her pull the trick of leaving her pants unbuttoned with a belt! And the skinny jeans or leggings as pants! OMG!!! Girl is a total apple shape, and painted on pants do not do her any favors!

Then there are the girls who are trying to make a regular appearance out of the tops of her tops!

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

SD15 was NOT happy when I went in there and told her that her TV time was up! She was all sprawled out on the couch, texting on her phone. Seriously, if all she is going to do is lay around all day and text, she can do that in her room, without using up extra electricity and hours of life off my TV! Of course, we all know she doesn't care about either.

I seriously don't get how kids can just lay there and melt their brains away! Maybe she should go out walking so she isn't in terrible pain when band camp starts up!

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

lol @ Sally!

Well imagine that! I told SD15 she couldn't sit on my couch watching my TV all day, so she laid on her bed watching her TV all day. Yes...she has a TV in her room...BS19's old one that she just had to have. It isn't connected to DISH, just had a DVD player she brought over from BM's. So she laid on her bed all freakin' day watching DVDs that she got from BM's, as well. I'm hoping that she did not run out of things to watch, because my plan is to make her stay in there all day today, too. The TV rule will not change through the summer...she wants to lay around, she can do so in her room....keeping her mess in her room, too! I refuse to allow her to make home in my TV room trashing it all summer!

I have to share, though. I think I met SD15's twin yesterday...well, saw, not actually met. This very heavy-set woman comes into the dance studio yesterday with this younger girl...I'm assuming her daughter based on their interactions. The girl had bleached blonde hair about the same length and style as SD15, about as much makeup on as a 2-bit street walker (and the red-red lipstick to boot), had herself stuffed into some spandex including girls about to pop out of the top of her shirt, etc. She was a little more overweight than SD15, but very similar build (i.e., very well endowed). When the lady at the counter asked her how old she was, I was a bit shocked that she said she was 15. I was shocked because across her chest...above the girls that were ready to pop out of her shirt...was TATTOO'D "Sexy Little"! OMFG!!! (pardon my expression there) Yeah, SD15 has already tried getting her belly button pierced (which failed miserably because DH wouldn't give BM a copy of the birth certificate to prove her the parent, and BM lost her copy), and she is already talking tattoos. Again, nothing against tattoos...I have one, BD23 has a couple, and BS19 has one. All of our tattoos are very tasteful, and I was sure to have the talk with my bios about making sure they are sure about them, use only clean quality artists, etc. But this girl I saw yesterday is only 15!!! It is illegal in this state for anyone under the age of 18 to get a tattoo, even with parental consent! No artist in their right mind will touch anyone under 18 for fear of losing their license! So either this girl got it in another state, or dear mommy got some family friend to do it on the down low. But still!!! What parent allows their child to tattoo "Sexy Little" across their chest! Couldn't help but wonder if this girl already had a little one at home. If she doesn't...that mom better get ready, because she probably will have a grandchild to take care of soon!

Oh, and she had the same attitude as SD15...and the whole class (could see her behind me in the mirrors), flipping that hair!! Good thing SD15 wasn't there. She probably would have started a nice close friendship with this girl right away!

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

Okay...I'm having too much fun with this!

SD15 was in the shower...and you know how she is famous for taking showers so long she empties out the hot water heater. Well, I let her have her 15 minutes, and then I turned on every hot water faucet in my bathroom...both sinks, the tub...wanted to make sure I diverted as much hot water as possible! Poked my head out of my room, and you could hear her quickly turn off the water and get out of the shower. PRICELESS!

She also seemed a bit depressed when I cut her off the TV after an hour again. My guess is that she is thinking her summer is not turning out fun. Well, if her idea of fun is laying on the couch all day watching TV, she has issues!

Am I having too much fun? I mean...what is she going to to daddy and say I won't let her watch TV all day (which he already knows), and that she ran out of hot water in the shower?

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

LOL...I've never heard SD15 get out of the shower faster. You could hear her slam the water off and the slam the curtain back. Our bathroom is right next to the hot water heater, so turning it all on like that steals all her hot water! Serves her right! Others in this house have gotten stuck in many a cold shower because she used all the hot water.

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

I am laughing so hard inside right now! Miss "I'm A Dancer" doesn't know her styles? How can it be? I thought she knew EVERYTHING there was to know about least that is what she tells everyone! SD15 is an expert the way she tells it! However, she just tried to say that the couple that was dancing on So You Think You Can Dance were not dancing ballroom. DH asked her what she thought they were dancing, and she said she didn't some kind of salsa. Ummm....salsa IS ballroom! When DH corrected her, SD15 got all moody! Kinda shocked she didn't stomp out of the room.

Considering she thinks she has what it takes to be on this show, maybe she needs to start researching her styles! She also better get working on her strength and "acrobatics". She claims to be a contemporary dancer and can't do half the stuff the dancers in that style on this show does. Splits and pointed toe does not make a contemporary dancer!

So, TGIHB...when is your SD trying out for Idol or The Voice?

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

I say leave it to DHs! I mean, DH always tells SD15 she is the best on the stage! She could fall on her face, and he would still say she was the best just to keep her happy!

I still chuckle when she talks about school after high school! Someone has it stuck in her head that the party school she wants to go to has this amazing dance program, yet I've never heard this particular school ever praised for a dance program. There are many other schools that I've heard are a must if you want to be a serious dancer, and the party school has never been on the list!

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Let your DH take her to an audition for SYTYCD so they can tell her GIVE IT UP.