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School starts tomorrow! YAY!!

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

I don't think I've ever been so excited for the first day of school! I'm so happy about getting SheSloth out of the house during the day! No more sleeping until whenever, only to get up and plop her back side in front of the TV! With BS19 out of high school and off to college, I no longer have to answer the phone when I see the school's number, or ever have to log into the school web site where grades and attendance can be monitored. DH is going to have to step up and deal with SheSloth and school all by himself! I can promise there will be trouble his year...falling grades, more and more tardies...maybe even skipping school (once she realizes no one is paying attention)! Wonder how long it will take her to get in trouble without BS19 peeking around every corner of the school.

The first day of school is going to be now known as time for me to stock up on popcorn, sit back, and watch the show! Should be a very interesting school year. One can only hope it will result in DH sending SheSloth back to BM's and wiping his hands of her, though we all know very well that will not matter what the girl does!

Here's to the first day of school!!!

GhostWhoCooksDinner's picture

I can't freakin' wait! It'll be interesting to see if BM can manage to get him to school on time now that he needs to be there at 7:40 instead of 9:05. I'm betting there'll be tons of tardies. BUT...nothing we can do about it.

It'll be so nice to not have him lurking about the house all day putting his nose where it doesn't belong. Yay, school!

Calypso1977's picture

i am 99.9% certain that this year (8th grade) will be hell for my SD. SHe is going into it still battling with her "best" friend, only has the "replacement" best friend (for now) and i highly suspect that she and her boyfriend are going to break up this year (the boyfriend of nearly 3 years whom we've never met). Whether or not she gets pregnant first remains to be seen.

Social stuff aside, the girl is a total moron, has zero study habits or any sense of importance or urgency relative to school work. For her and BM the #1 main priority and focus of school is to have fun and be popular!

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

Yup yup! Same as Calypso and TGIHB! For SheSloth, school is just a social thing, with activities to allow her to perform and be the center of attention (i.e., guard and theater). I know she seriously thinks we are going to travel all over the state to watch her little 5 minute performance every week...the SAME show over and over. If DH wants to go, more power to him...he can take his own car or see if he can convince MIL that they go in hers. I'm not interested. Yes, I went to as many band performances as I could for BD23, and never missed one of BS19's football games...but they treated me with respect, and neither would throw a fit if I couldn't make it to something. With SheSloth, you don't make it to one of her performances, she treats you like "how dare you"...forget if you actually had to work or something! I don't care if she hates me for not going! She doesn't treat me with enough respect for me to spend the money and freeze my tushy off for her!

Yesterday, DH convinced me to color SheSloth's hair for her. Seeing as school is tomorrow, she had to get it back to a normal color per the school dress/appearance codes. Girl's hair is in BAD shape! It took less than half the color to get a good amount of color on her head...I haven't seen hair that thin since BD23 was 4 years old! Between the coloring, the not eating properly, and constantly wearing that stupid beanie, SheSloth has about as much hair as my 62-year-old mom who's hair has been thinning for years! It was even more of a mess up close...dark roots (because she never colored it to the scalp), patches where she had bleached it and didn't get any color back on it..UGH! DH told her she has to leave her hair alone now that I dyed it back to her natural color. We will see how that goes! SheSloth usually does this crap while at BM's.

Calypso1977's picture

id make it clear to her and your DH that she gets this one color from you, to start the year off in compliance with codes, then never again.

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

Oh, she was NOT happy about having to go back to her natural color! There was some argument at Sally's! SheSloth kept naming off people at school who get away with having their hair a not-so-natural color, but DH is tired of seeing the crap on top of her head. It was spend $5 at Sally's and have me spend the 10 minutes to put it in, or spend spend $60+ at the salon, and try to get an appointment for today, and all that fun!

Oh, DH knows I wasn't happy about doing it, but I wasn't about to find the money for the salon, or have to listen to DH complain about having to take time off of work to take her, or have my phone buzzing across my desk ask the school calls over and over about SheSloth needing to fix her hair, or else!

Calypso1977's picture

can you have the school remove your phone number entirely? you are not her parent and do not have any legal authority/responsibility over her. id tell the school such and follow up with a formal letter.

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

That may be a good idea. I will have to look into that. Only problem with it being a small town, and DH being the listed legal father for all the kids (since he adopted my bios), I don't know if there would be any guarantee that they would never call me, especially if DH is with a client and doesn't answer. Then tend to look into siblings records for phone numbers when they get desperate, and it is ALL on the computers! I know I'm not answering the phone this year when I see the school's number...this much is for sure! When DH asks me why I didn't pick up my phone when the school called (and I say when, because there WILL be incidents), I'll tell him straight is not mine to deal with! He want's my help dealing with stuff, then he will start actually sticking up for me with SheSloth AND start following through with consequences!

DH thinks I'm too strict. The other night on TV that commercial came on for some phone that has some kid mode on it so that they can't get into their parent's stuff. I commented, "Here's a novel idea, how about not letting your kid play on your phone, especially when there is work stuff on it!" (the catch of the commercial was that the kid was about to send mom's old high school picture to her entire company) DH looks at me and says that it is a wonder that BD23 and BS19 turned out normal (those where his words). He couldn't believe that if they were small children today, I wouldn't let them play on my phone! Are you kidding me? If by normal DH means that my bios are not entitled, self-centered brats like the rest of the world, I'll take it! They are "normal" because I didn't let them throw fits, because there were consequences for bad behavior, because they didn't just get whatever they wanted whenever they life wasn't about making them happy, it was about raising adults who had respect for others, understood hard work, and didn't sit on their back sides expecting the world be handed to them on a silver platter!

Calypso1977's picture

cell phones and ipads are not toys.

here's what i would do. draft a letter for your husband's signature. make him sign it. say this:

To: School Administration
From: Disney Dad
Re: SheSloth

Until further notice, CantKeepDoingThis is not to be contacted for any reason regarding my daughter, SheSloth. I am her parent and legal guardian. I can be reached at XXXXX. In an emergency, if i cannot be reached, please contact mymother/father/neighbor/brother/anyone but cantkeepdoing this at the following numbers XXX.

Should you have any questions, please contact me directly.

Yours truly
Disney Dad

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

SheSloth has to be at school by 7:30 am everyday...well, supposedly 6:45 on Wednesdays. Think she bothered to say anything to DH? Nope! HE had to ask her just a bit ago (it's 9:30 pm our time) what the plan was for tomorrow! All that crap yesterday about needing to communicate and stuff...didn't change jack! SheSloth probably wouldn't have even said anything until morning if DH didn't ask her!

I personally do not she how she is even being allowed to stay in guard! If bios pulled this kind of crap for this long with their activities, it would have been, "Sorry...obviously _____ isn't important enough for you if you won't keep me informed about stuff!" Of course, they made it a point to tell me as soon as they knew about stuff with regards to their activities! They were that important to them! BD23 told me during summer band when their practices would be once school started...and I had her smear band schedule at the end of the prior school year (note...same band and same director). BS19 brought me packets regarding summer football camp at the end of the school year until he made varsity...then, the coach mailed the 2-a-day, scrimmage, and regular season schedule about a month before practices started. Let's just say that directors, coaches, etc at that school are way more organized than SheSloth claims them to be...which is why I know the scheduling and communication problem is all her! She tries the same kind of crap with missing assignments, too...always teacher's fault and never her's!

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

Oh, no...but DH did! He knows that I won't do it! Even if I am out an about at that time because I'm now doing the trainer thing...he still knows not to ask! She went bouncing out the door this morning fully decked out in shorts that I know don't meet dress code (don't pass the finger tip test) and false eyelashes...which is suddenly her new thing. Obvious what her priorities for the school year are!

And the only reason DH even thought to ask SheSloth about her schedule is because I reminded him that HE needed to log into the school system and do all her registration stuff. He was like, "Seriously? She didn't change schools!" I told him it's an every year thing...I did it for more years than I care to try to count, and he is lucky he only has to do it 3 more times! LOL