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New start!

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

That is what SheSloth is plastering all over her social media as she is telling the world that she is moving back with BM as there was just too much BS in her "old life"!

You know...SheSloth may be on to something there!! I mean, not that she is going to turn over a new leaf or anything! No...she will probably take a dive back into her ways before moving in with us...pot, alcohol, skipping school, etc.

But it got me year, new start!!! SheSloth still has not been here to get her stuff, but that is okay! I'm still off work most of next week, and I plan on cleaning the hell out of this house!!! Gonna get me some gloves and bleach, and make that hall bathroom presentable to guests again! Anything of SheSloth's that is not in her room will be thrown away! The only sign that she was ever here will be behind that one door! I wish I could take a trash can to that room, and throw away anything she leaves behind, but I know DH would never allow that...she MAY still come for a visit or two!

I plan on starting to put money aside for a vacation! Now that we don't have to worry about schedules as much more like empty nesters...we can go anywhere and do anything!!! I'm looking forward to going to BS20's home games next that we don't have to worry about being stuck here for SheSloth's activities!! We can hit the road after work on a Friday evening to make the drive to his school, stay in a hotel to get a good rest, and enjoy the game Saturday afternoon! Maybe we can even start having date nights because we don't have to worry about SheSloth being home by herself without supervision!

I will no longer have the 4:00 pm daily tension of knowing she will walk through that door at any time! No more DH yelling her name across the house! And you can take a shower whenever I want and not have to worry if there is enough hot water!

I will make sure to show DH how wonderful life is without SheSloth around, so he will be sure to think twice if BM tries to send her back WHEN she gets into trouble again!

Calypso1977's picture

so happy she's moving out!
as others said in the other thread tho, I would make certain she doesn't return permanently. if BM takes her, she keeps her.

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

That is my plan!!! That is why I'm going to show DH how wonderful life is without her! When I'm not stressed for just a weekend or a week, he doesn't make the connection! In a recent conversation, he was asking why things between us couldn't be like they are when we are on vacation? He always thinks it is work! I can't tell him that it is because I can't stand to be around his dear princess, as it would start WWIII! But now that she is moving out, maybe, just maybe, he will finally make the connection! Maybe he will finally realize that the girl is a strain on our marriage, and that it is best if she not return to this house for more than a day at a time.

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

I've spent most of this week ticked off! First, SheSloth sneaks out of the house while spending the night with a friend to meet up with guys...getting picked up by the cops in the process! Then, after SheSloth is at BM's for Christmas (which I'm certain she got better gifts there...she got her color guard saber), BM calls to cuss out DH saying we came down on SheSloth too hard for the trouble she got into...that her baby feels worthless...and BM orders that SheSloth moves back with her! At that point, I'm ticked...happy the girl is out, but ticked that BM, who sent her to us because she was doing the same kind of thing there and expected us to fix her, is now yelling at DH for doing exactly what was expected of him to do! Ticked knowing that SheSloth littered the story with lies to make her the victim as she always does, and she yet again gets away with her crap!!

But now all that has passed...and as I walked through the grocery store today pointing out all the things I no longer have to buy because DH insists that she has to have something to eat (as SheSloth will not eat anything but crap), I felt a weight lifting from my shoulders! As I've sat today in peace, without DH yelling her name across the house just at to ask her what she is doing, without the awful singing, without the rummaging for junk food in the kitchen, I think to myself, "This is the new normal! This isn't going to only last until this evening." As I think this, it doesn't even matter that I feel like crap due to my juniper allergies, because I feel too much inner happiness!

I know it is probably wrong...I mean, DH is still feeling hurt by it all! I almost want to tell him what I told my kids when my ex decided to no longer be a dad...I know it hurts, but in the end it is for the better...sometimes you just have to let toxic people leave your life so you can grieve and move on, rather that go through new pain due to them disappointing you daily!

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

Don't let the door hit ya where the good Lord split ya!!

I know she thinks she is hurting us...but in the end, DH will see this is for the best! I'm making that a priority, so that door stays closed for good! He only has to love his daughter...he doesn't have to like her as a person!! As he even told her with the yearbook think...anyone else lie to him like she has, and he would not associate himself with them any longer...the one thing he despises more than anything is lying! Because she is his daughter, he keeps giving her chances to be a better person!

But at some point, even family/blood can burn a bridge beyond repair, and this latest stunt I think has nearly done that!

stepnomore's picture

Congratulations! I know from experience how liberating it can feel to have the absolute hell come to an end. You are on the right track in making the effort to show your DH just how wonderful life can be without her there.

It amazes me that parents can allow their children to get away with these types of things. All parents feel guilt (myself included), but you cannot let it get in the way of being a PARENT. I used to be a SM (adult skids no longer in contact with DH and myself), and I am the bio mom of two. I hate the guilt I feel when having to correct bad behavior in my children and be the bad guy, but I don't let it stop me from giving them the structure and boundaries they need. I know that in the long run they will grow into thriving adults who can contribute good things to the world.

Just take a deep breath and soak in the have your house (and essentially your life) back. Now, plan a nice vaca with DH to celebrate!

BarkAtTheMoon's picture

No more bread crumbs on the pantry shelf because it's too far away to take the entire loaf to the kitchen counter! Yaaaaaay! No more PBJ on the counter! No more gooey knife left in the sink! Yaaaaaay! No more fingernails in the living room! Dancing a happy jig for you over here!

I remember when I had the skids EOWE and they would leave on Sunday night! The weight of the world lifted from my shoulders, my house was quiet, food didn't go missing......Most of all DH and I would have freedom to do whatever we wanted! Now with SD13 here FT we are locked to this house 24/7. It's a FT babysitting job, I know! Constantly monitoring what is going on in your home. My SD13 is a dork and needs constant supervision. To think that you don't have to be chained down anymore is a great feeling! I am very happy for you!

Be gentle on DH, he'll get over it, though. Just be strong when the wrath of BM comes down again and just SAY NO!

~ Moon

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

Trust me...I'm already feeling that freedom! Everyone around me is upset about the issue, and I'm doing my best to hide the glee I'm feeling inside. I think I feel the worst for my MIL. The last time she tried to call SheSloth, the girl told her that she hated her and never wanted to talk to her again! Seriously!!! My MIL didn't say anything to SheSloth other than she was disappointed and felt embarrassed by what SheSloth did...because those were her friends. She didn't belittle SheSloth at all! It is just showing SheSloth's true character! DH continues to say that he thinks it is BM orchestrating most of this, but I know better. This is ALL SheSloth playing her manipulation games. She got into trouble, the hammer came down hard, and she ran away because she couldn't deal with the consequences of her actions! When she gets in trouble over there, she will try to come back here...but that door is closed, and I'm making sure it stays that way!

When DH heads out to work tomorrow, I'm going to blast some music, and clean the hell out of this house! I haven't kept it as clean as I like because I knew it was useless with SheSloth around. Take the time to clean, she will destroy it within a day! I'm sure it will be a while before she actually comes for a visit. I can see her coming up with all kinds of excuses to not come over for at least a couple of months, especially if she is successful in making color guard at the new school (apparently they have a JV and a Varsity squad...of course, if SheSloth isn't instantly put on the varsity squad, she will probably have a fit). Winter guard is starting up all around, so she should be nice and busy with competitions...too busy to even think about coming here.

I'm thinking maybe we should do something for New Year's Eve. I was looking online, and DH's main client is having a New Year's Eve bash. I'm thinking maybe suggesting that we get dressed up and hit it up! BS20 already has NYE plans with his friends, and since we don't have to worry about SheSloth. Make it our first outing to celebrate being empty nesters...but not actually say that. I figure, maybe if I can get DH to go out and stuff more often like that, when BM tries to dump SheSloth on us again, he will realize what he has to give up...and for what? To be treated like total crap? Hmmm...a happy life with the wife, or a miserable life with a heartless, ungrateful brat! Don't get me wrong...I'm not saying he has to chose me over her...just that he has every right to start thinking about himself. SheSloth turns 18 in just over 2 years...and from what I've already seen of her, the girl will hardly ever talk to him after that unless she needs something. On the other hand, he has a potential lifetime with me...someone who accepts him for him...not for what he can do for me. Before all of this, I was seriously doubting if I could stay married to this man. I love him dearly, and when SheSloth is not around, things are great! It is really hard when SheSloth is around, because, even when the girl doesn't deserve it, he tends to put her before my happiness 100% of the time. Sad thing is, I don't think he really means to...but it is that guilty dad thing that everyone here talks about. When he kisses her ass, I lose respect. It is like his balls vanish when she is around! When she isn't around, they magically reappear. I can't tell him this, because he will always defend her to the ends of the earth! Just a couple of weeks ago...we had a long talk. DH asked me why I was unhappy all of the time. Of course I couldn't tell him, because I knew it would start WWIII. "I'm unhappy because I can't stand SheSloth, and I hate how you are always kissing her ass!" Yeah, not really any good way of saying that! DH did note in that conversation that he noticed that when we are on vacation, we work why can't we be that way all the time? He went on to say that he thought it had to do with work and all, when the whole time I'm thinking in my head "because when we are on vacation, we are a billion miles away from SheSloth!" I'm hoping he will see now that it isn't work...that it is the everyday tension that SheSloth was causing in this house! LOL...part of me is actually okay with the fact that I've been sick the last few days, cause it has helped me tone down my excitement. I mean...I don't want to seem overly excited right away. But, I am going to make the suggestion that we go out for NYE, and start making suggestions that we start doing this or that together. When he asks why we didn't do these things before, I will just kindly tell him that we were a bit too tied down. Maybe he will get what I'm saying.

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

Oh...I'm sure there will still be stories. Whenever BM calls and screams about the crap SheSloth is doing, I'll be sure to report. }:)

Calypso1977's picture

i like the idea someone above posted about putting all her stuff in storage tubs.

id do a thorough cleaning/detox of that room. throw the bed away (probably rancid anyway) and get some sort of a cheap futon for her to sleep on that can be a couch the majority of the time.

since she wont be there FT, she wont need her own dedicated space.

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

DH surely wouldn't let that happen! He will throw in my face that I keep BS20's room for him when he comes home for school breaks. Granted, that is totally different! This is still his permanent residence...what is on his driver's license, where he gets mail, etc. SheSloth flat out doesn't reside here any longer. But, you choose your battles, and her room is the smallest bedroom anyway.

There isn't a trace of SheSloth outside of that room any longer!!! My house is nice and clean, and smells good! The hall bathroom is totally was gross in there!!! Saved that for last so I could immediately take a shower when done! I can again have guests, and when they need to use the bathroom, I no longer have to send them to my master bath out of fear of what they may catch in the guest bath! I literally cleaned all day! I even took all of her stupid drawings off the fridge that have been up there forever! DH hasn't even noticed!

Started DH thinking about NYE plans. Told him I don't want to stay home...we should go out and do something adults! I peeked at SheSloth's social media today, just so I could get a good laugh! She is still talking a lot of crap about it all. She is also living the life now that she doesn't have to live by DH's rules! Looks like she has been staying over at a friend's house. Must be an older friend, or more parents who let their kid do whatever they want! Last night, SheSloth went to a dance hall and then they went to a tattoo shop so her friend could get her belly button and tounge pierced...SheSloth apparently got even bigger gauges. These are things DH would have never let her do! Yup, she will be preggers by the end of 2015 at this rate!

Of course, DH still thinks this is all BM, and that SheSloth was not at all trying to move out!! He has called her like every day trying to see least get her to get her stuff. SheSloth has this plan and that plan. He thinks BM is making them! I have half a mind to show him her Instagram so he can see the truth!

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

Yup, you are right. I just wish he would stop trying to contact her every single day! All he is doing is giving her power by doing that...showing her how much it hurts him and how desperate he is to talk to her. I'm sure SheSloth gets a rise out of this! He needs to just leave her be, and let her come to him...maybe call her once a week, tops, just to see what is up, and let her know that he is still dad. I mean yesterday, he was practically begging her to come over this weekend, but she apparently already has plans (in my mind I'm thinking, "What? I just finished cleaning this house, and you want her to come for a visit and trash it in one day!"). He was telling her, "You have to come see me some time." If she is going to be a total brat about everything, no she doesn't!

I'm still wondering how this whole school transfer thing is going to work. I noticed she still has her history book in her room...not sure what other things she still has of the school's...or what she has at the school in the guard room that she needs (I think she took her rifle over to BM's "to practice"...not sure). Supposedly, winter guard tryouts at the new school are Monday, but the first day of school after break isn't until Tuesday. Have no clue how she is going to try out for winter guard not being enrolled in the school yet. That could be very interesting! I will laugh hysterically if she ends up having to sit out of winter guard because she pulled this crap. I've already told DH she is not moving back here...tough sh*t!

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

DH tried again to call SheSloth again. It went to voicemail, and she has yet to call or text back. At least he only tried once today...not multiple times until she finally answers like yesterday! Hope he starts to see what a stuck up brat SheSloth really is! The sooner he realizes this, the sooner he can get on with life. Yes, she is his daughter...yes he should care...but no, he does not have to endure that kind of crap from anyone!

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Ha, I would be SO tempted to block DH's number on SheSloth's phone for a day or three. LOL

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

Oh, if I put controls on SheSloth's phone, BM would call bitching anyway! SheSloth still would not bother to call DH. She would whine to BM, who would call DH cussing, and when DH complains about SheSloth not returning his calls, BM will say that she doesn't have to...that he should leave her alone and she will call when she feels like it!

Looks like SheSloth has a history book and two flags that need to be returned to the I don't think they are to keep the flags permanently...they are loaned so they can practice. I think DH should just take them up to the school on Tuesday and drop them off. I'm off on Tuesday, I may just do that for him, if he is in too much denial! They still have not arranged a time to come pick up clothing or anything. I'm guessing that SheSloth is pulling some crap that she doesn't want to see me and/or DH at all, and they will just buy her new things. We have this really big duffle bag that we never use...I have half a mind to go in her room, load it up, and hand it to DH and tell him to drop it off on his way home from work!

Aniki-Moderator's picture

At the very least, I would load up all her stuff in the duffle bag. If you DH finally comes to the conclusion that SheSloth isn't going to come and get it and he wants to drop it off, it's ready to go. Then put on a biohazard suit and clean!! LOL

Calypso1977's picture

if she isnt living with you any longer, why cant you just cancel her phone altogether? why would you pay this (unless its court ordered?)

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

Because right now, it is the only tool DH has to keep BM from demanding more cash out of him. She doesn't think that the court ordered support is enough to cover what Her High B***hness wants, and is trying to double the support on DH (by bullying him, of course...I have to wonder if she would ever go back to court, as she has never done so in the entire time since the divorce over 12 years ago). She starts in that the money isn't enough, DH brings up that he can gladly cut off her phone line and they can pay for it, etc. This shuts BM up for a while, until a few months later when she has to be reminded again. Because of the plan we are on, it is way cheaper for us to maintain the line than it is to have to pay the equivalent cash to BM, if that makes sense (I get a heafty discount on our phone plan because of who my employer is, but BM doesn't know this).