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Did he seriously just post this?

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

DH just seriously posted this to his Facebook page! If he truly believes this way, why doesn't he "raise" SheSloth this way?

No, instead he makes excuses for her. He coddles her! He allows her to treat him (and me) like crap! He takes her side when she plays victim, knowing good and well she is not innocent in the situation! Treat people how she wants to be treated? When people treat her the same way she treats them, she cries that they are so mean and they don't like her!!

She will enter a room without saying a word, and just stand there until some acknowledges her. She will force her way through an open door ahead of her elders, and would surely not give up her seat voluntarily to an adult who enters the room if there is no other seat available! She will play nice if she thinks she can get something from you, and when she doesn't will treat you like crap!

I don't get how DH can post something like this, yet be the polar opposite when it comes to SheSloth! Don't just talk the talk! Walk the walk! RAISE your child!

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

Open doors and stuff? Yes. But you are allowing SheSloth to be the way she is, he does not treat me how he expects me to treat him! Of course, I would never let my bios treat him that I actually RAISED my kids!

Most of what SheSloth learned, she learned from BM. DH simply did nothing to stop it! For years, BM would manipulate DH herself, until SheSloth learned on her own how to get what she wanted from dear daddy! SheSloth will still send the master manipulator after DH when her own tactics fail to work!

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

SheSloth posts hypocritical stuff, too. I love when she posts something about being modest, and just being who you are...and then turn around and dress in butt shorts and low-cut tops while she meta-morphs into whatever she needs to in order to get what she wants out of people.

weekendwidow's picture

Hypocrites are liars and I can't stand liars. frustrating!

BTW - I giggle a little every time you mention "shesloth"...I love nicknames. I'm working on some for my no good, pot head, lazy ass, entitled, greedy selfish, SS17 and SD22.

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

I read something this weekend..."I wish people were like $100 you could hold them up to the light and find all the f*****g fakes!" I had to laugh, because the first person I thought of was SheSloth!