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Internet Privileges

StepKat's picture

Maybe y’all can help me on this. SD13 has been grounded from being allowed on the internet after of series of issues she had. At the beginning of the summer vacation she was caught using instagram and twitter on her ipod. She is not allowed to have these accounts because she has not learned internet safety. She was grounded from her ipod and the internet. BM discovered only 1 month later that she was sneaking onto a computer and into a chat room where she was talking to a “16” year old boy. I read some of the messages and some were not appropriate. All hell broke loose. She was grounded from any internet access.

We think it was one of her friends who was causing this behavior. She is no longer friends with her. It’s been over 6 months now and DH is thinking about letting her have access to the internet again (she likes to play school related games and read). I know a great deal about computers and she knows I can find out about anything she’s been doing on it (know more about the computer than your child).

Do you think we should start trusting her again and allow her back on the internet?

Patsy's picture

It sounds like you think it is a good idea. When we had problems with my DD13 and the internet, we took all access away and about 6 months later gave some privileges back. She had certain times to be on it and if she were on it she had to use the lap top in the kitchen so we could look in on it at any time. Blocked the Ipod from internet. NO internet devices in bedrooms. It is working for now and we are going to let her have the ipod back, but she will not have it in her bedroom.

StepKat's picture

I am thinking it’s a good idea. There’s nothing on the computer that she does that she can hide from me, and she knows this too. I want her to learn safe internet practices and for her to be responsible. We have told her repeatedly the dangers that are on the internet and ways to protect herself. She needs to learn so she can stay safe as an adult. I’m just nervous about it and pray it’s a good idea. BTW, thats the same thing we did with her ipod when she got it back lol

Patsy's picture

I am just glad I didn't grow up with too much of this crap! If there were a Facebook when I was younger I would have been in so much trouble.

StepKat's picture

You’re in my head lol. We have already blocked app downloads and everything. It’s been this way for 6 months now. I think her school has told them about internet safety but I think it went in one ear and out the other.

StepKat's picture

Our response to SD13’s chat room play was BM posted a picture of her with a sign explaining how she lied to everyone and has to build our trust again. This punishment was DH’s and BM’s idea. I fully supported it because it was posted on BM’s Facebook page with only family and friends. And if you want to act like a fool on the internet then you get to be embarrassed on it. OMG did it work. She learned that this is what it feels like putting yourself out there on the internet (but this was controlled and safely done by us) and we pounded it into her head the extreme dangers.

onthefence2's picture

In my experience, even when you think you have ingrained it in them early on, children are still children and can be too trusting of people online. Even when you tell them, "Just because 'she' says she's 10, it doesn't mean 'he' isn't a 50 year old geezer," they still fall for it because they are naive. But I agree a little added back gradually so she can earn trust back is the way to go. My kids are 11 and 12 and this is a constant topic and will be for the next 7-8 years. Lord help us all!