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SS8 Rolling Up Our Driveway with a SUITCASE and BM for an afternoon VIP visit?!

Butterflykissesandlicks's picture


SS8 rolls out of a nasty minivan with fugly BM , IN FRONT OF OUR HOUSE, with a freaking suitcase full of crap that our BS1 could choke on, and a Wii!!! What? We have a 1 year old here and I can't handle babysitting and entertaining a bratty and very immature 8 yr. old kid who rolls on the floor like a babv, IGNORES me and BS1, will not HELP his dad in the yard, (walks off). I can't even understand what this kid is saying at 8 years old. baby talk. I can't even take one single pic on our son's 1st birthday, without his homely face in the picture and DH thinks this is all cutsie and normal? The kid can't wipe his butt by my 1 year old knows what "potty" is already? SS8 does not use a napkin and LICKS his face clean. DH does nothing. I got pissed last time the prince graced us with a random visit and took DH to the side and said, "WHY can't he play outide like the other kids. Why do you let him lay around on the floor like a baby and "fix" his special foods. The kid can't READ or tell time, for god's sake!" DH got mad, but tough shit, someone had to wake him up a little. }:)

I think the suitcase is a "way" for BM to be able to get up here to the house. The kid is 8 years old and does not need her to hold his hand anymore. Pull up, and let him out the door and make sure someone is home. That is all that is needed. Next time, we are going to have a word of prayer about all of this. }:)

RedWingsFan's picture

Wow, I feel for you. I couldn't put up with that shit. And yes, DH needed a wake up call. His child is completely incompetent and needs to do some major growing up!

Any way you can detach yourself from him? Make him your DH's sole responsibility? Ignore him?

Butterflykissesandlicks's picture

I have done such. DH does not like it but tough, you know. There is a VERY active one year old here who happens to matter and does not need dangerous objects lying around on the floor.

I'm talking NASTY shoes and socks, if SS8 does NOT show up here in flipity-flops, with filthy, long toenails, crying for his DAAAAAAAAAA-WEEEEEEEEE" to sit on the floor and watch him play video games like an idiot, by himself. It looks stupid. The kiddo had just ploped down in MY chair (mother's day gift from my oldest son) and started DRAGGING his huge suitcase around, pulling out the Wii crap and turning on the ADULT TV. Ummm, NO. I turned it OFF and turned on the radio, instead. DH gave me a bizarre look of, "WTH did you do that?", and I said, "He doesn't need to sit in front of the TV ALL DAY. He needs to go out and play and make a friend, for a change."

DH: "Weeellll, OK, I only want everyone to be happy." (guilty dad voice) Me: "Oh yeah, then quit letting your lil prince nasty come over when your nasty ex-wife decided that she deserves a precious break."

I mean, come on dude! The kid is literally looking out your windown saying, "That is MY mom's car coming, when is mommy coming, is that sugardaddy step coming down the street, daww-ee?" Notice his son never talks to me. It is always, "Where is MY daddy?" He goes and SITS ON THE CURB!!! OMG! Can you say rude kid?????!

YOUR daddy? Um, kiddo, YOUR daddy is also BS1's daddy too so QUIT calling him YOUR daddy, in MY house.

damn, nobody understands how tough this is. :?

Katie8's picture

ugh...I get the where's "my" dad dad that...I finally lost it and said..just say don't need the "my" in front of it..we know who your dad is...but he's not just "your" dad in this house!!!..DH is constantly defending the gross skid too...never does anything wrong...can destroy my son's room/toys..wipe his boogers all over my walls/furniture...look me in the eye and outright lie to me...but all DH can say..he's a good kid...really what world is that in....gross bm will text him 20 times the day we are picking him up...drives me nuts. Dh actually brought up us having a combined bday party for skid with bm...I have a restraining order against her because she was texting me death threats and tried attacking me....all he says..she's not that angry need to let it go for ss...NOT!

Still Have Hope's picture

When skids brought small hazardous toys to my house when bios were little, those toys mysteriously disappeared if left in common areas of the house. I would never remembered seeing them. Just vacuumed as usual.
"No I don't remember seeing your Polly Pocket or her dozens of minuscule outfits. Sorry, I can't help you look for them but I have 2 babies and a house to run."

hippiegirl's picture

I'm so sorry butterfly. Having your personal space invaded by the skid SUCKS!! Yeah, I've noticed our DH's don't like hearing the truth about their spawns! It's like everyone can see the skid's flaws, except for daddy. Or, should I say "pops". That's what my ss calls my dh. Gag!

((((( hugs to you girl )))))