Has your SO ex ever did something that almost broke your relationship up?
I know making a second marriage work is hard! Dealing with exes, stepchildren etc. Has your stepkids or their bio mom/dad ever create a situation or do something that made you just say, I'm done and walk out?
Yep, plenty. But the
Yep, plenty. But the crowning glory of backhandedness was when bm had broken up with yet another fiancee and proceeded to text my dh that "she still loved him" and "was glad he was happy now" and that "she would never stop loving him". We were married five months already when that happened. The worst part was dh didn't tell me or show me the messages. He acted weird and I noticed he was guarding his phone like a hawk all of a sudden. My gut instinct was right. When he went to sleep I checked his phone and found the messages. That was one BIG blowout between us. Where I told him boundaries or beat it. I still don't really trust him and sure as hell don't trust that troll bm.
BM wouldn't dare. DH would
BM wouldn't dare. DH would kill her. No joke.
OMG.. yessss! Biowench has
OMG.. yessss!
Biowench has sent texts and emails bashing me with invented stories and accusations since we first met. Dh just laughs it off and asks her if she is off her meds again.. she truly is a train wreck.
Skids, oh my skids.. daily.. they have one goal in life it seems.. and that's to run me off.. and I love showing them they can't.
how he responds to her BS is
how he responds to her BS is what has made me ask this question on several occasions.
the skids...sometimes, but i'm a skid so i have some sympathy for where they are at and and what they need from me.
I had thought about walking a
I had thought about walking a few times. No specific incident. Just because of BM's endless greed and misplaced need for vengeance. All the way around, I would have MUCH rather spent the money we did on the children instead of on the lawyers that we HAD to pay because BM didn't want to play nice.
She and SD14 (then 12) tried
She and SD14 (then 12) tried to demand that DH not show me any type of affection at all around SD because she was "uncomfortable" with it. No holding hands, no kissing, cuddling on the sofa, hugs, nothing.
He actually told me that they'd all had a meeting and maybe we should "cool it" just in front of SD for a while.
I walked out with every intention of never looking back. That's when he started to reclaim his balls from BM's clutches.
No, the BMs never really
No, the BMs never really bothered me. I expect the absolute lowest and worst from them, so I'm never surprised and always prepared.
What initially bothered me was DH's unwillingness to step in and handle things with the BMs on his own. I don't feel like I should have to say "you need to check with me first before you agree to a change of plans that affects me and my children" or "You and BM3 aren't a family anymore. You don't have family meetings together. You don't have little powwows to plan things, especially given the fact that you both work full time and you are basically planning things that I will have to execute." Um, no.
My dh has no balls when it
My dh has no balls when it comes to BM. He calls her a witch-because her face resembles one, but to her face he's ass kissy because he pays no child support and doesnt intend to. She is a jealous C&NT that would love to see me divorced and alone like her. That way dh would still be there. But he HATES her but he does LOVE LOVE LOVE to abuse me psychologically.
After years of abuse directly
After years of abuse directly toward my DH, which he never did anything to stop, I am indeed walking. I've been bled dry financially, and it was the realization that I am not protecting my own children that really did us in. As someone on this board said... "this is what happens when both parents don't assert their rights."
My DH let her walk all over him, and never saw how this was affecting me. Bye!