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Can your skids be bought??

Dannee's picture

Sadly my stepdaughters can be bought so easily.

BM is the type who buys them what ever they want, when they want it.

If Daddy says "you are not old enough for that" or " you don't need that"
big old BM goes and buys it for them.

Trust me it does not change anything in our house but I do know that she
is not teaching them the right thing.

We actually got to the point that when they ask their mother on the phone what
they bought them today, my husband ends their conversation sooner...

Can your skids be bought as well?

frustrated-mom's picture

I probably have the only skid that can't be bought. I think most of the stepparents on here have SO that are just ATMs and Santa Claus to their kids.

SD15 told her dad she doesn't want anything from him, to f**k off and leave her alone.

My DH tends to suffer from Guilty Daddy Syndrome and if SD15 had said she wanted him to buy her a car, he'd probably do it to buy her love. But she's too hung up on being angry with him to accept anything from him.

paul_in_utah's picture

Not my SD17 or SS20, at least not in the way that you might think. DW and I are "custodial," and have SD17 all but 2 days a month, and also had custody of SS for a long time. Back in the "bad old days," when I was busting my ass trying to please the skids, I did get them gifts that probably bordered on "lavish." Did that "buy" their affection, or even appreciation? Nope! Anything that I got, regardless of cost, regardless of how much they wanted it, was instantly relegated to the scrap heap once they saw their "perfect" bio-daddies. It was as if seeing their fathers just erased their memories of what I had gotten them (check some of my prior posts for a very interesting "Christmas" story about SD).

In fairness to myself, I was doing a lot more than just buying them stuff - helping with homework, attending concerts and activities, spending time together, etc. NONE of it mattered. NONE of it was acknowledged. NONE of it was apprediated. I eventually surrenderd and withdrew, and no longer spend a penny on either skid.

ownedbypedro's picture

my ss #1 can NOT be bought and would never even go there - he is truly a SWEETHEART. POS ss #2 on the other hand...ohhhhh yeahhhhh, and daddy buys him every single day.

Him and his lazy, gold digging, waste-of-oxygen wife drive a car daddy bought, LIVE IN A HOUSE DADDY BOUGHT, sit their fat asses on furniture daddy bought...and I could go on and on.

Skid #1 - and his wife - hard working, decent people, teaching their kids values, etc., do for others, take care of their business. They have every reason to be PROUD of their family and the life they have built.

Skid #2 and the HOG he is married to - just the opposite. Whine, whine, whine..."poooooor US", etc. etc. They have NOTHING to be proud of, NOTHING. But they probably are laughing all the way to the bank while daddy pays. WORTHLESS!