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BM got MY kids kicked out of their dentist!

confusedsm03's picture

DS1 had his dental check up scheduled for this morning. Unfortunately, he wasn't feeling well so I called to reschedule. They said sorry I can't reschedule bc there was a missed appt on Friday and that is 2 missed appts. I said "For DS1? This is his first appt". She said "No for SS4". I told her they shouldn't even be on the same account. He's not my son. He doesn't live in my home, I'm not responsible for his care". She said "sorry". NOW DD7 and DS1 don't have a dentist bc this chic (who has no job) decided NOT to care for her children!!!! I am beyond livid. I left a message for the office manager so hopefully she will switch the accounts. I can't even imagine why they are the same account. The only thing they have in common is their father and last name. Address, phone number, health insurance, MOTHER- everything is different! I can't believe this chic. She has a way of ruining everything and now it's even affecting my bios health and well being. UGGGGHHH. I will never tell her where I take my bios for anything every again.

uncommon's picture

I would go into the office and talk to them. This happened to me at my daughter's summer day camp - her dad took her there last summer and left with an unpaid balance and they weren't going to let her attend even though *I* was not the one who left an outstanding bill.

It got sorted out but it was really upsetting. I pay my bills.

(Amusingly, he also never paid his divorce lawyer lol. Found that one out when I had a rather jovial chat with the attorney when XH was late for court one day.)

Kes's picture

This is absolutely ludicrous. If this doesn't get sorted pronto, I would suggest you make the office manager's life hell until he or she sorts out this ridiculous situation. I have found that since I got into my 50's I have become something of a "grumpy old woman" - I do not tolerate this kind of thing any more - I used to be a scaredy cat, but I have found that being scarey is more effective. Recently I got some terrible service from an opticians, and I simply rang every day and made a nuisance of myself until they got so sick of me they sorted it out (quite quickly actually), and I suggest you try a similar tactic.

Still Have Hope's picture

I am heading towards 50 and am finding I too have become more forceful. I used to be shy and accepting with all I encountered. But have found that the more direct approach works better. I now insist on proper service and do not give up until I get it. At least there is one good thing about getting older.

confusedsm03's picture

I usually try the nice way for a while but eventually do get a little mean. But if I feel like I have to get like that with the ppl providing care to my children, then that's probably not the best place for them to go anyway. I'm just super annoyed that BM is involved in everything, now even my own bios who have NOTHING to do with her nonsense. As if I don't suffer enough bc of her?! DH didn't seem nearly upset with BM as he did the dental practice which is odd bc that means she is scheduling him and not taking him to this check ups which are so important for him. I just have to breathe through this and hope it all works out in my favor