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SD gets a taste of her own medicine

tigerlily74's picture

Call it karma, comeuppance or simply what goes around comes around.

SD28, who bitterly opposed my marriage to DH, is now finding her own mother is disapproving of her nuptial aspirations.

Upon announcing to her mom that she and her man are planning to wed in December, her mom denounced her as a bad daughter, one who doesn't contribute to the household expenditure, and warned SD's man that SD has a terrible temper and is difficult to live with.

Wow. What a bitch!

I wonder whether she disapproves because she expects SD to remain single to look after her; or whether she disapproves because SD is doing exactly what she did at exactly the same age. That is, rushing into a marriage at age 28 to a man who is "wasting his life in church".

I must say, to have your own mother disapprove of your marriage is helluvalot worse than having two stepkids disapprove of your marriage.

I almost feel sorry for SD.

tigerlily74's picture

Yup. }:)

tigerlily74's picture

Definitely. I'm going to be plastered to DH's side so there's no mistaking who his wife is!

tigerlily74's picture

I'm staying far away from SD's drama and will try not to let DH get sucked up in it. Last thing I want is for him to overcompensate because of his Ex's bitchiness.

ChiefGrownup's picture

Do NOT feel sorry for her! It's a life lesson she sorely needed! Wouldn't it be funny if after she went through this she apologized to you and the two of you bonded and BM was on the outs? Hahahahahaha! I can't stop laughing!

This little stunt ought to give girly girl a little taste of what her father went through and why he didn't want to be sentenced to bm forever, too. Girl could finally have just the epiphany she needs and issue some awesome apologies!

tigerlily74's picture

I agree. It's a life lesson that's highly due. I doubt she'll ever apologise though. Her disapproval of our marriage is backed by deep-seated self-righteous beliefs and I'm sure she will rationalise that her marriage is different.

But yes, I hope on some level she will realise how much hurt and pain she caused her own father during his own happy wedding. And what a bitch BM is indeed!!!

sandye21's picture

This SHOULD give her the message about how awful she has been to you and DH, but I doubt it. She may seek DH out for sympathy but will justify her behavior. HER situation will be 'different'. Don't expect an apology but relish the thought of her having to deal with what she dished out to you. I agree with you - at the wedding, stick to DH like glue and enjoy the moment. Ha! Ha!

tigerlily74's picture

I doubt it as well. Her situation will definitely be "different" in her mind. I'm just enjoying the irony. LOL

SugarSpice's picture

lol! this made my day. after all the years of hell my skids gave me at least its good to know the power of karma. sometimes it takes awhile but the karma truck never misses.

tigerlily74's picture
