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one more question from new member

Bethany's picture

My 25 year old stepdaughter, who doesn't work and collects unemployment, may ask my husband to babysit her 3 year old.She likes to go away for a weekend day to relax. I do not trust her and asked that he babysit the child at her place, not here as I only have weekends off and need some space and alone time...and, family time with my 12 year old.She says I have never done a thing for her and she, her mother and sister continue to blame me for her plight in life. Am I wrong to do this? I want to totally disengage with her. I cannot do this if she is coming here.I encourage my husband to visit she and his grandchild whenever he wants, but not in our home.

sparky's picture

Your request sounds like a reasonable request to me. What does she have to whine about, afterall she is getting free babysitting service why would it matter where she is getting it?

Riley's picture

What does a person on unemployment, without a job, need a weekend day to relax for?...from the stress of NOT working? And don't you love people that blame others for their plight? How convenient. Wouldn't it be nice if we could all do that?

Anyway, your request sounds like something your DH would want to honor. There's nothing worse than not being comfortable in your own home, especially when you've got your own child to take care of.

Stick to your guns; it's a reasonable and healthy request.

TwirlMS's picture

I understand you wanting your privacy, but it's not too much to ask for an occasional visit from the grandchildren in their grandpa's own home. Emphasis on occasional (not every weekend).

We do regular outings with our grandchildren as well as have them over for a visit. Of course I'm more comfortable with my own grandchildren than when his come to visit, but i can't expect it to be just one way.

Your 12 year old might actually have fun helping to babysit a 3 year old and getting to know her little step-neice.

still learning's picture

So she deserves a relaxing weekend but you don't?! You're the one working all week, what is she doing? How are YOU responsible for HER plight in life? What are you supposed to be doing for her? She has a mother and a father, they can cater to and meet her needs.