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My mom, who's also a SM, doesn't like Heather Mills

Anon2009's picture

Hi everyone, I’m sorry I haven’t been around at all recently. I just got back from a much-needed vacation.


Heather Mills came up in a recent conversation I had with my mom. I was venting to her and was angry at myself about a mistake I had made. She was trying to comfort me, and mentioned that celebrities make mistakes all the time, not just those of us who aren’t famous. She mentioned the names of a few of them, including Paul McCartney.


She said that some mistakes he made were in marrying Heather and having a child with her. It doesn’t seem like many other people in the public (or in her private life) like her either. Her publicist quit on her a few years ago. Her first ex-husband’s family doesn’t like her. Her ex-SIL  once said that she did to Paul McCartney was also what she did to her first husband. There are rumors she was a prostitute years ago, and these pictures do nothing to quiet them:

She wanted hundreds of millions of dollars from Paul McCartney. She only got $48 million. And she has said in interviews that she has spent most of the $48 million she got.

What do you think of Heather Mills?

I think she has a boatload of issues if she has been through two divorces, and two husbands left her. One rumor was that she was ticked off that Paul continued to smoke marijuana. Well, he’d been smoking it since the ‘60s. Why would he stop for her? He had four kids with Linda, and he didn’t stop for Linda or their kids.

And neither Paul nor Stella sound like saints either. People who know him admit he has a difficult personality often, and I know people who know people who’ve worked with Stella and say she is a nasty woman. I think when three people with strong personalities like Paul, Heather and Stella are mixed together, you have the potential to get a really ugly situation as a result.  

And while we’re on the topic of Heather Mills, what do you think she’s like as a BM who interacts with her child’s SM, and what do you think she does when and if she finds out her daughter gave her SM a hard time? If Stella truly did give Heather a hard time, I would hope that would make Heather try to correct her daughter when she gives her SM difficulty, and to try to help this little girl have a good relationship with her SM.

Anon2009's picture

I agree. And Nancy's family owns a very successful, multi-million dollar trucking company. So she was already well off in her own right before she started to date Paul.

Anon2009's picture

I wonder about how Stella and Nancy get along too. And I agree that Stella should have minded her own business more. But I will also say it would be hard for me to watch and not do or say anything if I felt either of my parents were being taken advantage of or hurt by someone. I feel that Heather did that to Paul, to an extent.

ctnmom's picture

Heather was defenately a rebound for him, and whatever we think of her as a person she was almost doomed from the start- marrying a worldwide icon (who the media is always going to favor)and replacing a saint. I hope Nancy has it easier! And Stella needs to "get a life" as they used to say!!

sandye21's picture

History is defined by the people who tell the story. As we've seen with all of the recent political ads, if you have money you can afford to make sure your story is seen by more people. I am sure Heather Mills had her flaws, but when I checked this out on the Interent, there was a picture of Paul, Heather and Stella. Stella is standing in front of Heather with her back to her. The body language tells a story all on it's own. I have had more than one picture with my SD where she has purposely turned her back to me before the picture is taken. People who see the pictures comment about it. It is clear to see what SD thinks of me.

On another site, there was a story about how Stella created a piece of jewelry - it was an unattached leg. Talk about spite! I agree with some of the other posters - Heather never had a chance.