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How much time with Daddy should an adult child really need?

LONGTIME SM's picture

During the marathon phone conversation with SD 34 I kept telling her that she needed to work on her relationship with her father before contacting our bios. Bios do not want to be contacted right now since adult middle aged Skids are being so ugly to H and me.

SD 34 had plenty of excuses for why she could not and has not worked on her relationship with H:

1. SD called one time 6 months earlier and called at Christmas.(yeah 2 years ago and when H droped off step grands presents she was not friendly and would not let him in her house beyond the laundry room - yeh H felt that you really wanted to seee him NOT!)
2. Attempts at a relationship are going nowhere fast.(What attempts? 2 legitimate non fussing calls in three years??????)
3. SD does call him. (Every call SD has made, except for two, was placed to fuss at H on behalf of SS 35 or to try to clean up SS 35's mess).
4. SD rarely gets any time with him so SD would just as well not have a relationship;
5. SD would not get enough time with him so SD would feel rejected.
6. H would be two differant people if she was to see him by herself????? (I can not even begin to understand this one).

I told SD 34 that since she did not work all day she should call H and arrange to met for lunch or coffee, etc. I received the ecuses above. I also told her that she passed by his workplace daily she ought to drop by on occiasion - I was told she does not do "drivebys".

By far the most jawdropping response she gave me was that she could not handle the "rejection" she would feel if H was not able to spend the amount of time with her that she wanted him to because of his other "commitments".

I took it that the "commitments" she was referring to that took up all of H's time had to be work and our minor bios. I'm sure she was not referring to his socializing which he manages to fit in daily.

Yet, in the same breath she kept telling me that she was not jealous of bios. In my mind these two statements DO NOT make sense.

She kept going back to the issue that she wanted more time from H than he was able to give. Other than work the only other obligation he has is our minor bios that would "get in the way of him not having time so I just do not believe her statements that she is not jealous of our minor bios especailly when taken together with everything else SD 34 and SS 35 have said or done.

SD 34 actually told me that if H can not deliver on the required time that she needs she did not want a relationship! I know that she does not have this attitude with all of her relatives that she does not see regularly! SD 34 obviously does not have this problem with our bios as SS 35 and SD 34 are insisting that they are owed a relationsip with our bios despite the fact that they rarely see the bios and only from afar or in passing the few times that they do see them. At least to me these contradictions show that once again they are LYING!!!!!!!

And how much time does a grown a$$ adult woman need with her daddy??????????
I know this is more complicated because BM either sees her or calls her 15 times a day. Does she want or expect this level of micro-management from both mommy and daddy at her age?????? I don't even call my minor bios this often on a daily basis!

IDK - it just seems to me that the complaints just keep evolving so that adult skids and BM have something else to complain about.

For example, initially it was the inheritance and then the fact that I own most everything that is of any real value - basically money issues. Then it was the fact that we gave step adults and grands less in gifts at Christmas than we did minor bios. Then we were told that SS was really mad all of this time because his mother had reminded him that we should have all signed his birthday card 2 years ago instead of just H signing it. Now, all of a sudden, it is the fact that H has other commitments and they can not get enough of Daddy's undivided attention!!!!
It is just amazing to me that these adult steps actually seem to believe the lies and crap they say - again a typical trait of narcissists.

I mean - really - these are the steps that stopped talking to H 3 years ago and only started to periodically talk to him within the last year (most calls have been adult temper tantrums and rants though - so I do not know why they think that H would want to see them more unless he is a glutton for punishment).

Based upon the past - this seems to me to be just another trumped up excuse/lie. They never included H in anything in the past and seemed intent for years to try to hurt him by excluding him which seems to directly contradict their claims now that they just can not seem to get enough of him!!!!!!!!.

I really think what set off this recent spat of jealousy (and that is ALL I think it really is) was their seeing pictures the oldest bio posted of H and herself on facebook having a good time together. It has become obvious at least to my bios and myself that all of them- including BM -are stalking my bios and examining every picture, post etc. to try to find something to complain about.

I know a lot of you are step kids as well as SMs and would appreciate an honest opinion regarding whether you feel my assessment is on the money or am I being too harsh in my conclusions.

I have already disengaged (with the exception of this one phone call to tell SD to back off of my bios)but my H has not. He still calls them every once in a while and will talk to them if they call. Although he has stood up to them more lately he STILL puts up with their I still have to put up with these adult temper tantrums and the after effects coming into my house. I do not see this changing.

It did occur to me though when I was speaking to SD 34 that I did not really know how to tell her that her dad probably would never make much of an effort to see her even if they got along well in the future because he basicaly is very lazy in this regard. To put it bluntly if I do not remind him it does not get done. I am done reminding as all I get from skids is grief and regardless of how much I do the SKids blame me. They are erroneously convinced that I have so much power over H that I keep him from calling them. Even when he tells them differant they refuse to believe him about this. For example, I told SD 34 I would remind H one last time to call her but after that they would have to handle their relationship on their own as they were both adults. I did what I said I would and reminded H yet H has yet to call to initiate anything. Once again I am sure that I will be blamed when in reality H simply is either avoiding doing so, or he is too lazy, or could not be bother to remember. I Do not know which of the aforementioned it really is but I do know I will AGAIN be blamed!

I am so sick of all of this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dory's picture

Some of this sounds similar to our situation. 2 skids - mid 20's and 30. We have joint minor bios too. Skids say with words how much they miss their 1/2 sibling but actions prove otherwise. SS25 even "unfriended" DH after DH posted a positive comment on his nephew's FB photos of our bios, nephew also being on SS25's FB friend list. I've been accused of trying to alienate DH from skids and accused of trying to alienate our bios from skids. Maybe even our dogs lol, I suppose that might be their next complaint. They've also complained about inheritance (SS snooped through DH's paperwork, then confronted him on contents of his will!). The difference is, I want nothing to do with them and therefore I have no more contact with them. DH has sugarcoated many thing over the years before presenting it to them. I am just not prepared to do that. So, if they ever want to tell me to my face that they "deserve" to have a relationship with our bios, I will truly explain to them that I don't feel that would be in the best interest of our family - given their attitude towards me. They've already made false accusations about me to DH and then when I approached them directly about it, they ignored me but went straight back to DH in a total panic that I had dared to confront them, told him that I had crossed the line with them, then started up more drama with him. Then backed down from the initial accusation, saying it was nothing really. I really have no time for this drama in my life - after being nearly 19 years with DH, I find it all utterly pathetic. I suggest you make no more effort in facilitating anyone's relationship - they really must do that on their own, it's not your responsibility.

"IDK - it just seems to me that the complaints just keep evolving so that adult skids and BM have something else to complain about." You've nailed it. The complaints will never stop, they haven't thus far, they are unlikely to - ever.

A common theme in these adult skids is an UNWILLINGNESS to fully grow up!

LONGTIME SM's picture

I am so glad to hear from someone on the minor bio kid issue and yes our situations do sound extremely similar.

I did explain to SD 34 that a relationship with my bios was not in our family's or our bios best interests during this call. I also told SD 34 during the conversation that since she had now verbalized in this conversation how she really felt about me that she could not expect me to agree to opening up my home and allowing access to my bio kids.

When SD 34 accused me of driving a wedge between her and her father as well as my bios I informed her that there was no way I could find a bigger wedge than her refusal to talk to her father 3 years ago! I realize that there is no hope that anything will ever change but it is still so frustrating to have to constantly be two steps ahead of their wicked vindictive attempts to get at my bios.

Your joke about the dog being next. Before we had bios the steps actually verbalized that they were jealous of our dog! Biggrin

LONGTIME SM's picture

"Obviously, your SD's are still swimming in the pool of entitlement and still feel it's reasonable to make demands. If your DH is cool with them not coming around, why would you work harder than him to reopen that door? She's basically telling you that the only way she is going to have him around, is if it costs him time (AND money no doubt) that he would normally spend with you and your kids. Sounds like she's still in divide and conquer mode. At her age, she should be coming over for dinner occasionally, asking what she can bring, stick around for a move with all of you and go home. So obviously, her demands are ludicrous. "

SA you are right! I just get so tired of them agressively coming after us - right now aattempts are being made through H's family members and they are trying to get to our bios. They are so fixated on this that I am begining to worry that this could get very very ugly - especailly now that they know that our bios will NOT talk to them.

LizzieA's picture

Don't give them the ability to make it ugly. Cut them off entirely. If family members get involved, cut them off. It's like a wildfire, you have to smother it. Don't live a minute in fear of what they may do. The answers are right in your post--their main beef is that their dad dared to have a new family. And instead of becoming part of that, they want to taint and damage it, make it a contest between them and your kids.

LizzieA's picture

She is infantile. I can't imagine acting like that. How embarrassing. What do you do? Oh, I hang around my dad all the time like a jealous little girl. LOSER.

donna123's picture

It’s hard to know exactly what they are up to, the chances of you getting the truth out of them are zero, but based on past experience it would be safe to say that yes they are looking for new ways to try to divide your family and impose their presence (to establish what they perceive as their first place position in the family hierarchy) in the lives of your children whether you like it or not. They haven’t yet understood that you and your DH are the heads of your household, not them.

Furthermore, BM has yet to realize she is totally extraneous to your family. The most troublesome behaviour in stepfamilies arise from BMs who don’t understand the reality of divorce and that by virtue of the decree she is no longer a member of DH’s family. Their specious reasoning is this, if DH still has access to MY children with him without my involvement, then I too should have access to his children with HER without her involvement. They truly do believe this fallacy the implication being that she still has ownership in her ex spouse’s life; ownership she will continue to exert through the children until she finally grasps what divorce is, matures and moves on with her life. We do not live in polygamy.

Then cleverly BM gets working in her mind, based on her fallacious thinking, that it was a snub to SS when his birthday card wasn’t signed by his half siblings. Then she or SD insidiously plant a bee in his bonnet to ensure SS blows a gasket because in truth he doesn’t comprehend the complexities of the relationship, but he sure does feel outraged when mom covertly insinuates he is being marginalized because dad only cares about his new family. It is just that fear that BMs play on when they want to continue exerting control over their ex when they have no place in his life particularly when the children are close to middle aged.

A BM with wisdom and character would know this and would encourage a positive, healthy adult relationship with father and his children and that she is destructive when she inserts herself in the middle. But it appears your BM wants to rule the entire roost and that you are merely his SECOND wife and that she as his FIRST wife has veto power over the lot of you including your children. Bizarre!!

LONGTIME SM's picture

Smile Your quote "...based on past experience it would be safe to say that yes they are looking for new ways to try to divide your family and impose their presence (to establish what they perceive as their first place position in the family hierarchy) in the lives of your children whether you like it or not. They haven’t yet understood that you and your DH are the heads of your household, not them.

Furthermore, BM has yet to realize she is totally extraneous to your family."

:)Donna123 are you or have you ever worked in a counseling field?

Your posts are sooooo insightful and are so well written!

You always manage to bring up points that I have not considered previously.

I really appreciate your taking the time to respond with such thought provoking coments! Smile

Peace62's picture

Perhaps you should get a restraining order on BM and the Skids, to protect you and the bios.

Of course, DH would not be on the restraining order (unless he wanted to be).

You and your kids must protect yourselves... this is really sick behavior.

As far as the in-laws who are getting roped into this, if you care about preserving those relationships, I'd have a very frank talk with them about what these Skids and BM are trying to do to you and your bios. Then they can decide whether or not they want to participate in these games and abuse, or not. If they choose to continue to participate, then those relationships with you should of course cease.

But I wouldn't be surprised if the in-laws get a big wake up call if you tell them what's REALLY going on.

Mominator's picture

Are you kidding?? Our in-laws took the bait, hook, line, and sinker. The darling brats went crying to the extended family about what a beatch I was being to them, and we've been black-balled ever since. Those in-laws LOVE THE ATTENTION, ESPECIALLY FROM THEIR DEARLY "ABUSED" nieces/nephews who have to endure daddy's new wife. GRRRR.