
Newimprvmodel's picture

Well day 5 of the standoff continues. none of husband's daughters have called him back....and he has called a few times. they do not know this is regarding the money...he will not mention it because when he did this summer....they were running down our driveway! and he got another phone call from ex to leave the poor girls alobe.i told him to just send the checks. i see no good coming from this. why is he being so stubborn?

Newimprvmodel's picture

So far he refuses to just send the checks......i honestly do not know why he persists in this...and he keeps calling....the youngest informs her mother...who then sent nasty email for little angel to be left alone to focus on college....the same that her father is paying for....
what entitlement!!!!
i just do not want this to blow up in our faces. i suppose at some point their curiosity will win out.

Newimprvmodel's picture

Yes...and husbands father is insisting that all girls be contacted by my dh and money split amongst the 4. it is a joke...such a larhe amt going to people who likely will piss it away....just as 4 years of college tution wasted by one daughter who now is in debt up to her eyeballs! i worry how desperate she will become when she finally has to pay..people are really capable of awful things when pushed to the wall..she is one of them.....

Newimprvmodel's picture

I totally agree step aside, and I must say that I find that behavior troubling. Meaning these adult children have F)$&ED their father so any times now, and they get rewarded money wise and basically dh is chasing after them. Reinforcing their self concept as the victims. I am deeply troubled by this. What kind of people have been created??
I guess I should be lucky I only have to watch from the sidelines, but frankly....I think dh should never be handing checks to people who are such abusers, and to present himself as the defender of the younger two so they "get their share".
Share of what? Money they deserve?
It makes me want to just say,,stop and look what message you are sending here. This is not a father dealing with loving children. That everyone pretends is what drives me nuts. It is a farce.......

Newimprvmodel's picture

Well the deed was finally done. The two oldest called dh call lasted all of two minutes each.
Dh called youngest daughter one last time at college. This was after he got email from ex telling him not to disturb princess at college. She can't handle it. That was literally the email. His daughter uses her mother like an enforcer if she doesn't like something her father says or does. Can you say emotional cripple? And a cruel one to boot.
Anyway, daughter picks up phone and tells him she is studying and will not speak with him. He apologized for bothering her and that was that.
I told him he should play the same game when she sends him her tuition bill in August. What an entitled piece of work!!!!
So......they got their loot and have not been heard from since.