Finally graduating
MSD is finally graduating everyone is fawning all over saying how proud they are of her she's taking a bow and thanking all the people who helped her and supported her. Would be great and insperational until you realize she just spent 5 years in community college!!!!
I nearly lost it when Dh tried to compare it to me going to school. I spent 5 year in school and earned two certificates, an associates degree, a bachelors degree, and started on my masters! All while working and raising kids!!!! So not the same!
Waiting... on tables maybe.
Waiting... on tables maybe.
That goes without saying of
That goes without saying of course. It is so obvious that I was surprised that you brought it up.
Maybe it's because I am so
Maybe it's because I am so old that associates degrees did not exist back in my day - but I've never been that impressed by an AA.
An AA degree to me is the same thing as someone finishing their sophomore year in college. yawn.
But I will gladly give credit to someone who successfully completes 2 years of college - much better than not going or flunking out.
Any education is a good thing
Any education is a good thing and a noteworthy accomplishment. However, not all degrees are created equal.
Congratulations to you on your own notable effort and accomplishment. Hopefully MSD will be told firmly that she is now on her own as far as supporting her self and for paying for any future extended educational efforts that she may desire.
In the interest of full disclosure... I was on the 11yr undergrad plan myself. Your MSD is slightly ahead of my undergrad progression. When I finally finished my BSEE I had completed more than 220 semester hours spread over 5 different majors and 7 different colleges/universities. I had only a Data Processing Cert and my BSEE to show for that 11yrs as far as diplomas are concerned. I had seen my dad cry three-ish times in my life to that point. The first when my baby brother passed away, the second when I graduated from HS. I was on the 5 year plan. I had a great time and two sophomore years. Then when I finally graduated with my BS. I had a blast in college. I love school. When I would take an elective that peaked my interest I would change my major. First it was Honors Pre-Med, then Mathematics, then Sociology, then Econ/Poly Sci, and ultimately Electrical Engineering. I was on the 4 year plan spanning all or part of 5 calendar years in completing grad school. Which was 2x+ what the duration of the MBA was supposed to take. For that one I was on the employer reimbursement schedule. I went full time for the first six months of my MBA which was the last 6mos of the year I started, then I went half time for the next 3 full calendar years, then full time for the first six months of the final year. My goal was to graduate with no unreimbursed out of pocket costs. The plan worked. I was irritated when two months after I graduated the company doubled the annual education reimbursement benefits. :O If they had done that 5 years earlier I would have graduated in 3 years and would have only required a 6mo extension from the Dean rather than 3 years worth of extensions.
I do understand your frustration with the IL clan fawning all over MSD for her marginal effort. When she heard that my DW was studying Acctg at university Sperm GrandHag and her daughter enrolled in the local CC and took some accounting courses. She would ridicule my bride regarding her own studies. When my bride graduated with her dual major BS (Mgt/Acctg) with honors Sperm GrandHag in a sneering manner congratulated my bride for completing her AS. Nope, we clarified that in a hurry by photocopying my bride's degree and sending it to Sperm GrandHag. }:) 4 years later when my bride completed her MBA with honors Sperm GrandHag again congratulated her in a sneering manner for completing her AS. Nope, again a copy of the MBA degree went to Sperm GrandHags address. }:)
A year later we did the same when my bride passed the CPA exam and was sworn in as a CPA. A full color full sized photocopy of the cert went to Sperm GrandHag. No comment on that one. I was proactive, rather than letting Sperm GrandHag make her sneering snarky congratulations after SS went to Sperm Land on a visitation where he would with excitement tell the Sperm Clan about his mom's latest success, following my brides being sworn in as a CPA I made sure to get a copy of the cert in the mail Sperm GrandHag ASAP!!! }:)
So, congrats to MSD for her graduation. Long over due graduation that is.