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Don't criticize me.....

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Because I am a snoop! I believe it is important to know what some people are up to. I draw the line at looking at people's phones, texts, and emails. Nothing like that. But I do use the Internet to find out info. I can tell you that when dh was being dragged into court, I did find stuff that was helpful.
So I do look at the ex and his daughters FB periodically. I have become addicted to Pinterest! So last night I found that the pack has boards. His daughter, who is 21, has a board for "hot boys", and some pics of nearly nude guys. Now I have teenagers, and even my young teen daughter would not refer to guys as boys. Just kinda immature? I guess I have an interest in strangers that are connected to me in some strange sadistic way! I am sure some of you ladies can identify with that? I do recall that saying...curiosity killed the I do need to be careful!