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Adult SD LAST overnight visit!!

Starlightwest's picture

I’m enduring the LAST overnight visit from SD. Slob, lazy and eating me out of house and home. They’re moving back to our town so now grandad can visit the grands at their house or grands can come over here. New set of ground rules. I’m sick of this lazy ass girl laying around the house, eating whatever she wants to, belching loudly, leaving the care of her children to her father. I cooked 1.5 of bacon yesterday and she’s eaten almost ALL of it during the night! Made a dozen breakfast egg cups and they’re now gone in less than two days. The 7 year old says “Jesus” as an expletive - hmmm...wonder where she learned that?! The 4 year old has major issues. Just terrible people - her and her husband both. Kids are so addicted to tv, iPad or iPhone it’s not even funny. I’m sick of it - can you tell? Have been enduring twice yearly, at least weeklong visits for 4 years since I married DH. And every time it causes problems between us. She keeps dropping hints about when she gets a job she doesn’t know what she’ll do with the 4 year old. I told her we have lots of daycares around here. Closing day on Tuesday cannot come soon enough. I’m done. 

Starlightwest's picture

DH knew I was pissed about the bacon and “had a talk” with SD. Fat lot of good it did. Her equally useless husband arrived last night and I got up this morning to the empty bag on the counter. They polished it off during the night. I said something to DH when he got up and he acted like I was the bad guy. Half an hour later he comes to ask me what kind of bacon I buy. I told him I’m not interested in anyone buying me bacon. I’m interested in people acting like adults and not being so selfish but apparently that’s far too much to ask.

They were supposed to board their dog until they got moved in the house but of course they did not get it vaccinated in time, per the guidelines of the ONE place they called. DH didn’t want it in the house so it’s barking it’s head off outside. So DH calls around and finds a kennel to take it. I feel sorry for DH. Having to constantly take up the slack for them. But not my monkeys, not my circus. Only bad thing for me is I live in this big top, too! So frustrating because we would never have issues like this from my kids. They’re not perfect but they are respectful, kind and take care of their own responsibilities. Plus they’re enjoyable to be around. 

The bacon sounds like I’m being petty - it’s just ONE thing in a ridiculously long line of things to endure when they’re here. It’s like having the rudest, laziest people for houseguests who have no clue how unpleasant they are. At least DH is cracking down on the grandkids by giving discipline when necessary and not tolerating their whiny behavior. It works for them with their parents but not with us. 

sandye21's picture

Can they afford to get a motel room?  They need to go some place where they are paying for being piggish.  Have they offered to treat DH and you to dinner?  Or replace the bacon?

This kind of thing would get to me too - I guess because my SD and her Husband acted like this.  When I asked her to pick up a cube of butter at the store while she and her Husband were out, she became enraged - didn't buy the butter either. 


Starlightwest's picture

It has never even been discussed as an option except when DH got mad at how she acted like she was on vacation during a FIVE week visit just before we got married. He allowed it - plain and simple. Then didn’t like what he allowed. I’ve actually gone to a hotel once before for my sanity. He let me and never offered to pay for it. He wants the grandkids here and I get that. It’s the slovenly parents I can’t tolerate. He won’t do it because he’s afraid she’ll get mad and prevent him from seeing the grandkids. I say that’s a load of BS. 

Offer to buy us anything?? Never. Enraged sounds like my SD. She can go from syrupy sweet to raging bull in seconds. 

notasm3's picture

Why don’t you cook up a big pot of cream of wheat (I hate that stuff) for their breakfast? All meals during their stay would be from the bottom of the list of food choices. I’d be serving liver up for dinner unless they like it.  I actually like liver so that would be a plus for me



Starlightwest's picture

good idea!!

still learning's picture

"I cooked 1.5 of bacon yesterday and she’s eaten almost ALL of it during the night!"

Is she pregnant with #3? Maybe that's why they're moving back.  You're a saint Starlightwest, there's no way I could ever put up with a 5 week visit from skids. 

Starlightwest's picture

Gah!!! That would be the worst news on the planet!! More children from those two would be disastrous. No, she's just grossly obese, not to mention diabetic. Does not take care of herself in the least. I used to think maybe she was depressed but as time has gone on I realize she's just a slob. 

Thank goodness the 5 week visit happened before we were married. I only was around her in small doses. The first Christmas after we married she came and managed to talk her father into letting them stay 3 weeks. That about ended my marriage before it really got started. After that the visits only lasted a week at a time. Even that is too much.