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DH working out of the country

Stepmom09's picture

So there is a chance DH will except a job that would have him out of the country for 3 months then home for 1 month. It would be in my ss best interest to leave the parenting plan how it is we have him for a week then don't for a week. Any advice on how to make this possible? Also, what happens with CS if non of DHs income is tax able anymore?

Stepmom09's picture

He has siblings and his BM honestly can't take care of him 100% of the time. In the past when DH travels SS old therapist really thought it was best to not mess up SS schedule and life

Stepmom09's picture

This job has been a dream of DHs. Also, it sets us up financially really well. He does this for a few years then he can take the time to find a job here he likes. Where DH is working now he hates but is having trouble finding anything here. SS and bio son are really really close. It would be tough on them being apart.

Snowflake's picture

The custody issue will most likely be at the sole discretion of the child's bm and whether she wants it to stay the same. You as the stepmother have no rights. If she takes it to court, then she will just have to tell him that he will be unable to exercise his custody time for 3 months at a time. Then she will most likely have her child support be upped to reflect that.

If he doesn't pay his court ordered child support although he has a job, he will go into arrears. If he is in the US they will take his federal income taxes and will then possible punish him by taking his drivers license, etc. Child support like student loans never goes away.

RedRedVines's picture

Agree, will be completely up to BM. She will also probably go for much more child support plus expenses if his income increases and she is doing 90% of the parenting. That would allow her to arrange for paid care.

RedRedVines's picture

Agree, will be completely up to BM. She will also probably go for much more child support plus expenses if his income increases and she is doing 90% of the parenting. That would allow her to arrange for paid care.

Stepmom09's picture

Dh would pay child support increase if ordered but how do they figure it out if DH's taxable income is 0? Last time DH was out of the country for work similar to this they didn't tax it at all.

WTF...REALLY's picture

So to be clear, you're advocating your husband to not pay child support for the months he's gone

WTF...REALLY's picture

So to be clear, you're advocating your husband to not pay child support for the months he's gone

WTF...REALLY's picture

So to be clear, you're advocating your husband to not pay child support for the months he's gone

RedRedVines's picture

The US has reciprocal child support agreements with several countries to enforce. BM could petition the court which might compel the company to disclose salary.

Stepmom09's picture

I should stop and say SS and I are really close. I stayed home with him from age 4 to 6. I would be all for him being with me. If he is with BM he will not get to see or talk to anyone on his dads side of the family the entire time DH is gone. Also, BM has in the past told SS the his Stepdad was his real dad like I am talking tell SS DH hand in a baby picture is actually step dads hand.

RedRedVines's picture

But as you know only BM and DH are legal guardians. And if DH is gone BM is unlikely to just keep the arrangement as is.

Disneyfan's picture

This is another reason why this shouldn't be an option at this time. As soon as mom finds out what's going on, she will go to court. I don't blame her. If dad is gone for that long, the kid should be with mom.

WTF...REALLY's picture

The kids still needs to eat, have clothes, and a roof over his head, so yes, your husband should still pay his child-support. In fact he should pay more for the three months since the mom will most likely be taking care of her kid full-time till he gets back.

Stepmom09's picture

DH would still pay what is ordered. But do you know if it could go up? Also, we have let BM off the hook for paying back child support. We went a year of really struggling due to DH losing his job and BM taking him to court (over stupid things that he would have a agreed with her if she asked instead of taking him to court) as well as she fought to keep CS up really high knowing DH was struggling and she was doing great financially.

WTF...REALLY's picture

Well, it's going to be up to BM. If she wants her kid full-time while he's gone my guess is she'll ask for an increase. You just got to get her excited about the idea of her son still staying with you part time and her part time to keep the status quo.

Stepmom09's picture

To work out of the country on and off? It would be temporary and basically get us set up financial so he doesn't have to work a job he hates.

Stepmom09's picture

To work out of the country on and off? It would be temporary and basically get us set up financial so he doesn't have to work a job he hates.

Stepmom09's picture

Just putting this out there DH would still pay his already ordered CS but we are worried about a huge increase. We are talking he will make his yearly salary now every 3 months. But the Job can end suddenly it is danger but something DH loves. He used to do this job in the military for a lot less money.

Stepmom09's picture

That was part of my question. Last time DH was out of the country long term he was protected by the soldiers and sailors act (he couldn't be taken to court at all). Can BM take him to court while he is gone? If so can his lawyer represent him in court without him present. There is a chance he cannot come back during the time is scheduled to be there.

Stepmom09's picture

Last time he left he was protect and his income didn't change by a lot when he was gone.

WTF...REALLY's picture

He can do his court appearance via the phone. I have had to do that.

Stepmom09's picture


I was more looking for advice before he talks to BM about him leave. He has not taken the job. Yes leaving would be hard but what he is doing here is more dangerous statistically. Odds are BM will refuse to talk to him in a timely manner (like she already does) and it will go to lawyers.

Doing this job is something he has always dreamed off. I am being supportive of my husband and his dream.

I agree that Dh should and will pay cs but honestly BM is always trying to destroy anything DH does. She is so hell bent on revenge for DH making her struggle financially when she left him that she has and would do things that hurt her child to get back at him.

WTF...REALLY's picture

He has to tell her.

So he should email her and ask how she would like to handle their child. Don't bring up CS. See if she does. But just let her know this is something he IS doing. Then let the cards fall where they may.

Stepmom09's picture

He will when it becomes a this is happening. But there is a huge chance it won't. There is a lot out of his control that could change things.

Stepmom09's picture

Let me add that I work full time and have a degree. DH works full time and is working on his Degree. BM has done everything possible to make things financially hard for us. To the point that she is in dept to her lawyer 10,000 plus because she is on a payment plan and constantly taking him to court.

We had to put in the court order that BM cannot contact our employers because she was and being honest about who she was. She wanted to know where we were at what times and inappropriate stuff. She also has followed me around town to spy on me and dh. I am talking out there crazy. She has told people she plans on exposing me for something I am doing. (I am not doing anything illegal or morally wrong)

WTF...REALLY's picture

Then move away from her. Life is too short to live like that. Can't be good for the kids either.

Stepmom09's picture

We have honestly thought about it. We are in my home town that would mean leaving all my family and friends. We don't want her to have that much control of our lives.

Stepmom09's picture

lol No not a phone sex operator. The funny part is I have no idea what she is talking about. I am not involved in anything interesting at all. I am so freakin boring. When she followed me I was on my way to church.

Stepmom09's picture

No she is convinced I am secretly doing something horrible and she can't figure out what. I am not.

Stepmom09's picture

Similar to your ex DH has been stuck he wants leave and be financially able to help the kids with things like college and such as they get older but doesn't want to leave. He has given up career options to be here. But if he leaves for awhile then doesn't have to work over time anymore and can work better hours. Plus right now he drives almost 2 hours each way in order to stay here for my SS.

Stepmom09's picture

Yes I have a career. I worked my butt off got my degree got a great job. It just sometimes doesn't not feel like financially it'll be enough longer term. I get raises and bounces but some how we still aren't great financially but are ok.

Stepmom09's picture

Even if it means SS would not have contact with anyone related to DH for the whole time. BM won't let anyone see or talk to SS during her time. THe CO says she has to be but she doesn't follow it at all as of right now. Every time someone tries ss is "busy"

Stepmom09's picture

I agree she is more important but blocking him from seeing or talking to them suddenly sounds horrible for him.

DrowningAnchor11's picture

I agree that your DH should talk to BM before making any decisions... I'm not going to harshly judge you or your DH for considering an out of country job. That's a reality that faces parents I know who aren't divorced, and nobody's calling them crappy parents. At least not out loud. Military parents are gone for extended amounts of time. My dad traveled a lot when I was younger. Some times he was gone 3 weeks out of a month. He did what he had to to put food on our table, and neither my sister nor my relationship with him suffered as a result. That being said, it is something that you need to consider long and hard before making any decision. From my example, I wasn't in a split home and when the traveling stopped, I had him home 100%. That's a benefit kids from divorced homes don't have... and you may want to consider the effects on your SS. And the effects aren't something a bunch of strangers can advise you offense to the "strangers"... . Just be realistic and actually think about what is best for your SS...not what's best for YOU.

As far as the CS issue - BM can, and honestly, should get her CS raised. Even if your DH has him for the entire month that he's home, the amount of time he's caring for his son drops in half. BM is picking up his slack, both in raising the kid and financially. That's what happens when one parent has to be gone for long periods of time. The other one picks up the slack. Also, as far as I know, CS is based off of gross income, so before taxes and other garnishments.

Stepmom09's picture

Thank you that was very helpful. For SS and therapist in the past has said it is best for his schedule don't to change even if DH is working more or out of town. I think it would be best for SS to still see his sibling and other family members/friends. It would be easier for me to not have to have him while DH was gone but I would do it for SS and Bio son.

I am just trying to figure out what happens with CS. If she has him all the time it should go up but if not then it really shouldn't.

Stepmom09's picture

To clear up the supporting a spouse thing. I did take a year off to finish up school and because I was serving and couldn't at the end of my pregnancy. Before getting pregnant (unplanned) I watched SS during the day then worked nights. DH worked days I also did school online during the day. This became impossible with pregnancy issues. But during that time I finished school and now I work. DH works the only person who doesn't work is BM

WTF...REALLY's picture

If the mom is not working - she should get a job! Sick of these BM's not supporting their kids. Yes - I am projecting!

twoviewpoints's picture

Colorado CS is based on both parents income and number of overnights (also tosses in healthcare insurance cost and medical out of pocket extras).

So if Dad is going away three months three times a year working out of country, his available time to have his son drops from appro. 182 days a year to at the most 90dys and more likely just 45dys. Of course his CS would rise even if his income were the exact same.

As to the 'SS will not be able to see any of us, because she won't allow it on her time'? That's currently. Your husband has 50% a month, BM has 50%. It's not unreasonable for BM to not want to share her week. Dad already has his week. However 3mos is quite different than 7dys. And I do believe SS should be allowed contact during the 3mos. DH could negotiate perhaps EOEW visitation that you and DH's extended family could split (grandparents). He would have a good chance of getting this granted in a CO.

He should also be prepared to give BM full custody during his absence out of country. You're talking the next few years. He should also include a life insurance policy (he's taking a dangerous job in a foreign country). One for both SS and his child with you, regardless if he may already have one with just you named.

If your husband is going to take this job he needs to be upfront about it and he needs to have all the appropriate and legal paperwork in place. You're fooling yourself if you're thinking everything should stay the same as it currently is while the man leaves the country for 270dys a year for three years. And if you don't think BM has a right to pursue this and assert her position, a lawyer and judge will quickly adjust your unrealistic line of thoughts.

notasm3's picture

As a child who grew up in extreme poverty - I'd have gladly given up some time with either of my parents for having parents who could actually reliably provide for me.

Having zero safety net and no real assurance that there would be a roof over our heads (foreclosure was always on the table) or decent food to eat (ate plain beans only for weeks sometimes) I would have traded parents who where there 24/7 to parent who actually provided the basic needs (not wants).

From my perspective I despise parents who won't do what it takes to provide for their children. F*** being there but with no ability to provide for basic needs.

WTF...REALLY's picture

I agree

ItsGrowingOld's picture

This is what I don't understand. If divorced parents are each able to financially support their child and keep their child's best interest at heart, why would there need to be child support?

IMHO, your SS would receive the benefits of his dad's hard work IN HIS HOME! Why should BM's home benefit from his hard work if she has a good paying job?

What if BM got a high paying job and eventually earned 3x what your DH earned. Would you want DH to go after her for CS? Would DH want to as well? Just wondering.....

Indigo's picture

Really late to the party here. My Ex-DH has been rotating overseas for the last 16 years.

Will DH still be a resident of the US? If so in my experience, the first $ 80K or so is tax-free but everything after is taxable. Per diem or day rate and costs of airfare paid for by employer show up on 1099's. If DH will no longer be considered a resident of the US and Colorado, then I just don't know.

It can be a mess. Sounds great. Money is great. Paid through Dubai or whatever and then the first year you do your taxes, you owe $15K extra or some such. The country where the income is earned may require taxes. Pay attention to the tax implications.

Secondly, in the state of Colorado, if a 10% variation of income occurs, the BM can take DH back to court to adjust CS. At that time, she should adjust custody, of course.

DH has to realize that the % of his income going to CS should remain the same, but you'll be shocked at some of the numbers! A friend had CS in Colorado set at something like $ 650 when her Ex's income was around $ 70K. Her Ex started rotating overseas and she took him back to court -- Lexus-Nexus can reach Siberia --- CS was raised to almost $ 3000/month plus health insurance for the minor child, plus life insurance to cover CS for the minor child ... The portion of his income (28%) that went to child support remained the exact same, but the numbers changed. Use the on-line child support calculator.

Third, something else to think about is visitation. If DH is gone for 3 months, then you may expect to have SS for the entirety of DH's home visit. Alone time for you ? Nope. You will see DH 3 months out of the year. you and your kids will "share his attention" with his son.

Fourth, a cautionary tale of "distance doesn't make the heart grow fonder, it merely causes it to wander." The best of folks discover that 9 months of the year apart in a non-war zone situation tends to encourage new relationships and children. Language, religion and culture will not hamper it.

Got the T-shirt.

Rags's picture

Expat taxes can still be significant even if you qualify for the foreign income exclusion. On a 3 and 1 rotation your DH will not meet the physical presence test for the foreign income exclusion. You have to meet the physical presence test before the bonafide residence test can be considered. To meet the physical presence test you cannot be in the US for more than 35 days out of a rolling 12mo period. Because of this his income will likely remain entirely taxable at worst and at best may be prorated. Talk to your CPA to get professional support. I am not a CPA, but I sleep with one every night. And.... I have been an expat for years and have navigated the residency tests to qualify for the foreign income exclusion. It is not a straight forward thing.

Even if he does meet one of the residence tests the foreign income exclusion is currently only up to the first $100K of income. After that every dollar of income is taxed at the tax bracket for $100K+.

As for impact to your CS, most states calculate CS on gross income (AGI from your tax return) so your DH's income being taxable or not should not make any difference though the usual significant increase in salary, uplifts, allowances, per diems, etc... for expat assignments will definitely impact his CS obligation in a review. His base salary may not go up but his total income will and that will definitely give BM a much bigger CS check if she files for a CS review. Check your state's online CS calculator and call your attorney to get expert help.

I would suspect that rather than being tax free your DH's expat income will be tax equalized by his employer which can be up to paying 100% of his tax liability. In most cases it is my understanding that tax equalization protects the expat from paying taxes higher than what they would normally pay on their base salary if the worked in the US. Under a tax equalization benefit the company pays DH's tax obligation for him as part of his compensation.

All in my layman's opinion and experience of course.

Good luck.