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When stupid gets more stupid

rosie33's picture

Ugh. So I FINALLY got the BM with a harrassment charge! Even though I am still waiting on the papers but the state trooper did tell me it would be a while because he was leaving for a week. Either way, I can't wait for our hearing! So this morning I get a text from her (from her son's phone because she is not allowed to contact me directly) telling me not to text his phone anymore, lose the number or she is going to the police. This retard just amazes me with her stupidity! 1) We had a phone in his fathers name for him. She went and got him a "better" phone and told us he is not allowed using our phone at her house anymore. 2) Her son was in our care on his father's week walking from one school to the other to watch my son's soccer game. I texted him to make sure he got there and asked him if my son started. Apparently I should just not make sure he is ok. 3) All she has to do is call AT&T and block my number but instead she wants to try and get a reaction out of me. UGH! I mean c'mon, now you are grasping at straws. I bet she doesn't have a problem with me taking him to his soccer tournament this weekend while his father is at work when its an hour away and his first game is at 9am because she is too lazy or hungover to do it herself! I couldn't imagine living with so much resentment for someone and letting another person control so many of my emotions! It's sad.

Orange County Ca's picture

It didn't take long for me to learn the appropriate feeling for my ex-wife was pity.

Imagine living every day kneading that knot of hate.

jessacarol's picture

I can't imagine that memories with broken family, maybe she will do on the same thing, supports her kids and visits once/twice a week and sending communications to them.

purpledaisies's picture

I would not taje ss to hus game that us nit your responsability. Keave him with his mom while dh is at wirk probelm solved. You need to step away and let bm handle this stuff weather she does the right thing or not. You cant keep doung it. It harbors oo much tention and stuff. Sure if ss doesnt get to his game it will be dissapointment but it will help all involved in the long run.