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What is making a terrorist threat?

georgina29's picture

I just found out BM's new boyfriend has quite the history. He has been arrested and charged in the past with making a terrorist threat, battery (domestic violence) and stalking on 3 different occaisons in his past. What a nice guy. He seems nice, good looking and charming in person but thought it was odd that he didnt have a real job and bred animals for a living. He's also completely broke, has 2 kids from 2 different women and has multiple lawsuits against him from creditors and former customers. Does anyone know what the terrosist threat charges could be? What does that legal term mean? Does it mean threatening to harm someone? And why the heck would anyone date someone like this?

ESMOD's picture

They date him because he is hawt... and that either they don't know the depths of his issues.. or like most he has explained them all away as someone else's fault.  Some people are too afraid to be alone.

markwvualum's picture

They date him because he is hot and "is so nice." They also date him because they are lonely, desperate and dont want to be alone. However one day they realize he has turned abusive towards them and they grow tired of being threatened, choked, held down, hit, punched kicked, etc. They also grow tired of him being broke, having kids, and not having a real job, etc. So they become like every other one of his past conqeusts and nothing more than that.

Exjuliemccoy's picture

Where I live, a terrorist threat is a threat of bodily harm that the accused could reasonably be capable of carrying out. So, threatening to kill someone with a laser gun? No, not a terrorist threat. Threatening to shoot someome with a 9mm, when you own and possess ammo for one? Yes.

Your BM 's new beau sounds like a real catch - for a corrections officer. Your SO should file with the courts to keep this anti-social dirtbag away from his kids.