What the Heck is wrong with these Bm's???
Today DH went to see his son play in his lacrosse game and the BM pulls into the parking lot. DH calls me at work and tells me BM is there and she is in the car and he was going to see if his other son was with her. He texts SS(14) and asks if he is in the car with BM at the school. SS texts Yes. DH texts: well come on over here so I can see you. SS text back: Mom said for me to stay in the car!!!
BM and SS are in her car in the parking and she won't let the kid out the car because DH is at the game!! She can not blame me because I am at work!
What the hell?? She is purposely keeping this child from seeing his father. We have EOW custody and now this BYTHCH is refusing to let the kid out the car. And yes its her week but so what!
DH really wants to see his kid(s). What I don't get is why doesn't SS just say later BM my dad is right there and I'm gonna go and talk to him. Has she brainwashed him so much he is actually afraid of getting out the car!
My poor DH I feel so bad for him!
Psycho is the only explanation
Does she think she has a reason to do this to DH, or is it just her hatred of life in general?
"A lie told often enough becomes the truth." - Vladimir Lenin
First off I know she didn't expect DH to be there. him and SShave been on the outs since the N word comment and they have not seen nor spoken to each other for 3 weeks. But he is the kids father and still misses the oldest SS as well. So she was probably shocked!
Second: The last time we saw BM she left on not such a good note with DH. yelling screamming threats at our house etc..
Third: she thinks she is in control and is doing this to hurt him because everyine know that the youngest SS is his favorite,. He is not certain that the oldest is his even though he raised him from birth and he has his grandpas name. But looks nothing like DH but still accepts him as his own even though he knows that is not his biological. So BM know all of this and is intentionally trying to hurt DH.
What a BYTCH(spell check)
Oh one more thing
She has the nerve to go to church every Sunday and Bible study twice a week!
I'm surprised she doesn't get struck by lighting because God don't like ugly!
"And this too shall pass..."
So weird
It is such a shame they cannot be kinder to your DH especially with all he has going on. My SD17 has hurt her dad so much in the same kind of ways. All I can think is that karma is a beyotch and hopefully no one ever treats them the way they treat you guys.
Can you talk your DH into stepping back some and see if they come around on their own? My DH is out of work now too and is being very helpful but a little lost with not knowing how to fill his time. I know yours is worried about his upcoming treatment too which is probably not helping, but he will probably feel a lot worse before he feels better.
My DH is finally starting to see how SD is not interested in talking with him unless he is paying her somehow, so is finally finding this an unattractive quality. I am trying to tell him to not place all his happiness in whether SD loves him, as that is a losing and manipulative battle of wills with people who are not rational.
And I am not interested in playing little games of who loves/does not love, that is ridiculous and SD knows DH loves her, she is just trying to manipulate him and talk smack about him to my family with no repercussions, which will not happen.
In your case I would say it is not so much the boys, as their mom. I would not engage or respond to anything that heinous b. has to say. I would just let them go their way for a while and they always come back around. If not, what are you missing, right? LOL Ok, that is a little stepmom humor
"A lie told often enough becomes the truth." - Vladimir Lenin
You are so right
Funny I feel so bad for DH, but in the meantime the kids are not in the house..they are with BM! she has had them for the past 3 weeks now. Again suppose to be EOW and she has decided to hold the youngest one hostage. DH is too tired to fight her on it at the moment, but at least he has some peace and I don't have to be bothered with two disrespectful ungrateful teenage stepsons so I'm not actually cryong over this!!
"And this too shall pass..."
Says that in ours too, but..
BM asks as if there is no court order! She's making her own rules. As soon a sDH is well enough we are taking her BACK to court!
"And this too shall pass..."
Ive Been There
We had a dance recital recently and it was BM's weekend so she brought the kids. She wouldnt allow the youngest to come over and see their father and I and only allowed the oldest to come over for a minute and warned her that "she better not take any longer". Some people are sick and dont care what they to to harm their children!
It's a Shame and down right pitiful!
for them to stoop so low! To try and prevent a father form seeing their children. Is this all they have left! Is there nothing left in their so call arsenal to hurt DH's with??
Alot of moms WISH the BD would be apart of the kids lives and then you have fathers that do and want to but the BM is a BYTCH who is pissed because they still want DH and can't have them and try to hurt them by using their own children against them.
Stupid azz BM's need to get it together because their children are only children for sooo long! My SS's will be 18 in another year and the other in another 4 years. so I guess she can manipulate them up until then. Whatever!
"And this too shall pass..."