SD10 just got back to our place after being on 'vacation' at her mom's for a week. She said that she didn't get a shower the whole week! She said, but that's o.k., I was in the pool a lot. :O Gross.
I'm sorry, but that seems a bit negligent to me...
When these genetic mutations
When these genetic mutations do reproduce, can you then really blame the kids for being turds?
I ask myself that everyday!
I ask myself that everyday!

Wasn't there a scene about
Wasn't there a scene about this in Caddy Shack? Something in the pool that looked like a floating Baby Ruth as I recall. The Baby Ruth probably smelled better than your Skid afte r10 days of no bathing though.
That is a classic scene in a
That is a classic scene in a classic movie.
Yes, lol! I just saw the
Yes, lol! I just saw the scene the other day because there was a special on about the making of the movie.
The BM (hehe) is just dumb. She probably doesn't even realize that if the chlorine isn't properly regulated, you're most likely swimming in pee and some fecal matter. Not to mention the toll the chlorine can take on your skin!
I guess it depends on her
I guess it depends on her definition of "a lot". If it was all day every day as kids often do and nobody minds the smell of chlorine she's probably cleaner (chlorine disinfected) than we are.
I don't know about cleaner
I don't know about cleaner but definitely far more disinfected.
My ex used to work at a
My ex used to work at a "place" that had pools and he would tell me about the content of the period blood and poop that comes out of the pool...pools are disgusting....
(No subject)
I know...Pools are soooo
I know...Pools are soooo gross. I can't remember exactly how much it was. And this is for public pools, but just imagine the # of girls on their period and the # of people who are getting "clean" while in a swimming pool.
Okay, double !!!
Okay, double :sick: !!!
Eeeewww...now I don't even
Eeeewww...now I don't even want to go in! We're on our way to the beach right now and staying at one of those 'kid friendly' places. The pools are always packed and 'nice and warm'! Bleecckk!
My girls have GoPro video
My girls have GoPro video cameras and once brought them to the local community center pool. They would drop the camera into the pool and then jump in after it, recording their jump into the pool. I have several videos of SD8 jumping in, mouth open and smiling, spitting out the water when she resurfaced.
They happen to be videoing all of this by the giant grate-covered pool intake-filter system (mounted on the wall of the pool, not the bottom of the pool). The GoPro captured everything. Every hocked-lugey chunk floating in the water. Every dirty bandaid getting sucked through the grate. Every glob of hair floating towards the filter. It. Was. Disgusting.
I can never unsee any of it, I no longer look at public pools the same. Capital G gross.
I know right! Sorry for the
I know right! Sorry for the visuals, I'm still scarred myself.
As a BM, I am way more lax in
As a BM, I am way more lax in the summer about bedtimes and such. Usually the kids play so much outside they go ahead and get in the shower on their own.
I will say that I am guilty of letting them go to bed "dirty" when we have been at an event/party/bbq and it's late by the time we get home without a shower and just saying "at least wash your feet you can shower tomorrow" Some people would probably be repulsed by this but it's summer, I can wash their sheets, sometimes it's just easier... that said... this probably occurs 1-3 time the entire summer, I would NEVER let my kid go two days in summer without a bath/shower let alone a week! Disgusting! I especially make them shower when they have been swimming in chlorine! It's chemicals!
I made the mistake of going
I made the mistake of going swimming in my apt complex pool on the day after Labor Day when I was in college. It took months for me to get over that ear infection. Never again have been in a public pool. Yuck!!!
In hind sight I do not know how I swam competitiviely (Jr. Olympics, HS, College, Club Teams, etc...) without skeeving out over the being in a public pool.
BM uses the city pool, local
BM uses the city pool, local lake, and backyard hose as "bathing areas" all summer long. The way SS15 tells it, no one in their home actually uses the tub or shower all summer. It explains a lot.
I am no longer hungry.
I am no longer hungry.