Victory for DH
DH and I are smiling ear to ear and BM is changing her story.
So, about a month ago I posted discussing how BM and her lawyer took the who gets to claim SS on taxes out of the decree last minute and after EIGHT months of her trying to change petty things in decree such as us not being able to have SS for seven consecutive days meaning it would contradict the holiday agreement they had.
After the argument and DH threatening to strictly follow the CO on when he leaves for work (it states I can drop him off 7am Wed morning but he always goes back Tuesday night) and his birthday which is Monday she proposed a agreement. This agreement was that they would split the difference of who would get more of the child tax credit - we didn't trust BM would follow this but went along with it for the time being.
Well, after a long month of emailing the lawyer, and waiting on the court transcript today DH was impatient and went and paid and picked it up himself.
It states that we get SS on odd years and she gets him even tax years. After a conversation with his lawyer seeing as it is in the court transcript and not in the decree due to her lawyer it still stands - as DH's lawyer put it just like in the decree they did not put he had to pay all of BM's bills through the end of the year if he wouldn't he would have been held in contempt and the same thing applied to this situation as BM swore to it in front of a judge.
Well, DH called BM to let her know and you could tell that she was upset and stated that she had asked her lawyer about it when she went to sign the final paper work and he told he was going to refuse to do any additional decrees and that he was done working for her (free lawyer)....mind you a month ago she stated to DH that her and her lawyer decided it wasn't fair so took it out hoping DH and his lawyer wouldn't catch it since it took so long. She also stated she still wanted half the difference to which DH told her he had to pay for additional lawyers fees and the transcript - she asked if she could have a copy and DH said if she would pay half the cost causing her to huff and puff more.
So, even though DH paid her in child support double what she made last year while shes been on a "special" reduced rent program (She works for her landlord and her section 8 ran out), she has received food stamps, gets to drive a paid off car, got *several new phones last year - all of which makes me want to vomit... DH won this battle and is getting to claim SS and we get to pay off the bills and BM gets to realize shit will catch up to her and if she wants to get pissy about it she will only hurt herself with the CO on exchanges and other things we can file contempt on. }:)
She plays herself off a
She plays herself off a victim to milk everything.
Luckily at least we got something to catch up to her...
But at this point she has a car DH paid off before he left, that she now still tries to get him to fix to which he refers her to his buddies shop. She gets I would estimate between DH and her dead beat baby daddy of eldest a minimum of 11K a year in CS tax free. Her landlord is also her boss and he believed all of the crap she said about DH so not only does she get severely reduced rent, but she pays by working a day or two a month for free cleaning properties (I would say maybe 8 hours max) and she gets a 1099 meaning she pays in no taxes. Due to her "low income" she legit lives tax free and will get about 2K back for being low income from the government. I know for a while she was trying to file for SSI and has free insurance through the state.
BM is a trip...besides this catching up to her we also have SS's teacher begging DH to get a land job and go for custody. The teacher does not like BM due to SS always being late and hungry, his lack of motivation at her house, the fact she sometimes doesn't even check his folder among other things.
Yes it will. BM2 was on food
Yes it will. BM2 was on food stamps and other supplemental programs citing she had her kids more than 50% of the time. Well, SO went to court to get full custody of SD16 and they asked about his arrangements because he would be receiving child support from BM1. HE had 80% custody of his other two kids with BM2. The cops and welfare went to her house shortly after and flipped it. Asking how much time she really spent with the kids. The investigation is still ongoing. I'm assuming she will have to pay back what she took.
I have no doubt one day
I have no doubt one day everything will catch up to her whether 3 or 20 years down the road. DH and I can't wait and will set back and giggle.