The truth comes out ... (BM drama + CPS)
So I've been posting recently about how BM burnt down her kitchen and got evicted because she had uninstalled her fire alarms, and how their 2yr old son is now (finally, after much arguin with her) living with us. Well, we were under the impression she had finally come around but no, low and behold, when the house caught on fire CPS came and I guess they found drugs on premises or she was under the influence or something, and took the kids from her to her mother's. Her 8yr old stayed there and then she took the 2yr old. Luckily CPS hadn't followed up on her at that point because she is not to be around them until she completes a rehab program for drug use. Well she NEVER told us any of this (of course) so when she wanted to see him Thursday, we allowed it. Big mistake. Her uncle calls us at 7am and tells us the truth about everything. Right now BM still has the 2yr old but was to take him to daycare at 9am. My boyfriend spoke to her this morning and didn't say anything to her about CPS (we dot want her to run off with him) and from the sounds of it she is still dropping him off as planned. But after this we are going to have to reaffirm the no contact rule with her and tell daycare she is not to see him either... My boyfriend is so stressed out and worried, neither of us know what's going to happen here, she's really unstable and we're just kind of at a loss. I don't even know what to tell my boyfriend anymore. So much drama... Definitely didn't see this sort of thing happening when I first met his baby last year. Oy.
Our BM turned into a crack
Our BM turned into a crack addict. Split custody turned into 100% DH once I married him. No, I didn't see this coming either. Her desertion made skids hate/blame me. Wow. She's partying, I'm doing all the day-to-day care for them, but they "blame" me. Icing on cake: DH paid her CS entire time & never asked her to pick up skids. He was so happy coz he could take & pick them up everyday from school. His car was usually 1st in the line up. But never ask about homework/assignments, ask for a chore to be done. Age ten he was putting toothpaste on the toothbrush for them w/cup of gatorade to rinse. Red flag I missed...
Is your BF's name on the
Is your BF's name on the child's BC? Do they have court ordered CS and visits in place?
It seems odd that CPS went to the grandparents first.
When CPS pulls a child, they try to make a family placement instead of placing the child in foster care. They start with the other bio parent, then grandparents, aunts, cousins.
If CPS placed the child with the grandparents,they can't just hand him to dad unless CPS agrees. Right now BM's mom has custody of the child until mom completes rehab. If CPS finds out the child isn't in the home they placed him in, they can pull him and place him with a foster family.
Ugh so much drama... Turns
Ugh so much drama... Turns out BM's mom is the one who called CPS and that's why the kids ended up with her. I still don't entirely know what's going on but BM keeps blowing up my boyfriends phone askin him over and over what her uncle wanted. I hate being so in the dark about this all, everything I find out is from prying or eavesdropping on conversations. My boyfriend is hardly willing to talk to me about it yet, so frustrating...