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Taking skids on holiday

lorlors's picture

Arrgghhh. DH wants to take the kids for 1 week in Bali over christmas. Skids are ok but I really can't think of anything worse than spending solid and continuous time with SD14. SS16 would be fine but SD is just so sullen, fat and annoying.

What's to be done? Nothing I guess, I will just have to suck it up! FML.

notsobad's picture

You are going to be in Bali!

Go sit on a beach, breath and let it all go!

Cover1W's picture

When we all go (including SDs) each year to AZ I don't mind it.
I park myself by the pool, with my big ol' sunglasses and hat and a book and a BIG drink and I answer to NO ONE for hours. DP knows this. SDs know this.

I have my time marked out.

Other times we'll all have fun together, but no one will force me to act as "mother" the entire time. DP is dad, he has to do the dad thing.

Discuss tactics discuss what each of you wants and give each other some time. Let the kids go do what they want at the pool/ocean and forget about them a while.