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sd9 purposely doing this so that i have to yell at her?

PeanutandSons's picture

The only explaination I can come up with for this is that she is purposely trying to get me to yell at her.

For the past two weeks SD has been leaving dirty socks in the bathroom. There are now six dirty socks sitting on the bathroom floor, all hers. She changes clothes in her room, so the only time she could be accidentally leaving socks in there are on the days that she showers. But how do you accidentally forget one sock six times and not notice that there's a pile of your socks in there.

Everytime she goes in there, multiple times a day, she has to see them. And she has to be purposely not picking them up each time she showers and grabs the rest of her clothes. Every time she showers she is leaving one additional sock in the pile.

Ive just been cleaning around them in the hope that she realizes that she needs to clean them up without me telling her to. Yet she keeps ignoring them and adding to the pile. The only explaination I can come up with is that she's trying to force me to say something.... Why?

RedWingsFan's picture

Disengage! LOL Let her dad tell her to pick up after herself or you could accidentally "drop" them say, into the toilet??? Or in her bed????


SMof2Girls's picture

Tell her that if she continues to leave them in the bathroom they will go in the trash. Then follow through. It's one thing for them to not clean up after themselves in their own space, but when it encroaches on the rest of the house, it can become a real problem.

Orange County Ca's picture

Let them pile up until she runs out of clean ones and she'll have to fetch at least one pair or go without. Kids are weird. DO NOT give up now or you'll lose this round and she'll work on something else like panties. Oy veh.

PeanutandSons's picture

I am as diengaged as I can be, with me being their sole care giver the majority of the time. I was really hoping that Dh would see them and say something to her, but he's blind to the mess. I got tired of contantly bringing things to his attention, tattleing on how kids. So now I say nothing if at all possible.

They will remain there until either she picks them up, or Dh notices on his own.

I just don't get why on earth she does these things. Why would you want to get yelled at? To "prove" that I am evil and always yelling?

ownedbypedro's picture

Sounds like maybe she is trying to get attention. She will eventually run out of socks if she continues to do this. I would wait her out and see what happens. Interesting...

mama_althea's picture

You know I don't have to tell you that "hoping DH would see them and say something to her" is futile. Hoping anyone will do anything without being told is just setting yourself up for disappointment. But again, I know you know that because I'm sure you live it every day. Sad

tweetybird74's picture

It's a little game they play to see if they can get under your skin. Just leave them where they are. Your DH should tell her to pick them up or they are going in the trash! My SS did this with his socks and underwear. His dad would take them and put them on his pillow, SS freaked out cause now he had dirty socks and underwear on his pillow. He stopped leaving his stuff in the bathroom!

RedWingsFan's picture

^^^^^ This ^^^^ Or, as another friend of mine does - put a large box with everything you find of the kid's in a conspicuous place. Label the box "Found items" and attach an envelope to the box containing strips of paper with a chore written on each one. In order to earn back the found items, they have to pick and complete a chore. If the items remain in the box for more than a week and the chores aren't done, simply toss the items in the trash.

They learn awful quick that way!
