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sd11 stealing again! this time from bd3

startingover2010's picture

so this morning bd3 wanted to color in her giant coloring pad from my aunt. the last place it was, was on the table. along with the crayons she got as well. so we search and search and found the crayons in sd11's room. bf and i cant find the book and sd11 claims she just borrowed the crayons but hasnt seen the book. so bf is getting mad at me for searching sd's room up and down and says that sd11 is telling the truth this time. lo and behold, sd11 admits to taking the book and we find it in her closet underneath a bunch of crap. there was 65 pages in the book and sd11 colored in all but 5, and that 5 included 3 that bd had colored in the other day.

bf yells at sd11. but, she shows no remorse. i slap sd in the butt and again no emotion. sd11 tells us that her friend used to steal from stores and smoke cigs when she was younger (the girls are both 11 now). omg, and bf isnt concerned that HIS kid has been stealing since she was like 2??? and now he has been letting her hang out with this 'friend' who is on meds for bi-polar and who tried hurting herself in my garage last week cause a boy in her class likes some other chick and now we find out she used to smoke and steal from stores??? mind you, this girl had to be 10 or younger when she did this. i knew this 'friend' was bad news when i met her. put her and sd11 together and you have one bad team of bad bad kids.

so now i have to start hiding my bd3's things????? omg isnt it enough i have hidden all my stuff, including shampoo body wash and conditioner, now my kids things? we cant afford cameras and i have already taken her stuff but she hasnt noticed yet and it wouldnt make a difference. i think that she needs to go but bf wont let her go cause his sainted mother would give him hell.

any suggestions? i dont have money to leave so please dont mention that. and you cant beat kids nowadays either. we have taken everything away tv phone computer ds going places you name it this brat has NOTHING to do anymore and nowhere to go so idk what else to do. she is a burden to society.

pixie1024's picture

Can you put a lock on bd3's bedroom while bd isnt in the room?
She seriously needs to learn to ask before taking something thats not hers. Maybe you can try something like pretend you need a purple marker or something and let her see that you are looking for one and then go to her room and get one and come back with it and use it in front of her without saying anything to her like its no big deal. she might be upset that you just 'took' her item without asking her and MAYBE she will understand that its not nice when people just take your things without asking. maybe...

or implement a new rule in the house that EVERYONE has to ask to use anything. May I use the remote? May I turn the TV on? May I go play outside...etc. Reinforcing the use of asking until you see that she's gotten used to it.

best of luck.

Stepmomtogirls's picture

I have this problem with SD7, I have had to hide everything of mine so that she wont take it. And she always takes her sisters stuff as well as my BDs stuff.

I have no idea how to handle it either. She doesn't respond to anything, and doesn't seem to care when she gets in trouble.

I wish you the best of luck in trying to find something to do with her, and if you find something that works please pass it on!

I have tried taking her things and she doesn't even notice, and when she does, she says 'oh well. I dont like/want/need that anyways'

startingover2010's picture

crayon, you are a genius, i will try that. i have already taken her purfume and the other day she asked to use mine cause she 'lost' hers. lol i denied her request but didnt tell her i took hers. she's been looking for it everywhere.

buttercup123's picture

My SD10 has started stealing and lying but only at BM's house. Groundings extend to when he's with us too. Never takes anything from us...yet.