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sd drinking, skipping school, pot and ciggs? oh lord, what else?

dispiritedstepmom2011's picture

sd has been spending the night with bm the last few nights...i find it funny how bm agreed to pick up sd from a friends house twice, and the friend lives 25 minutes from bm...somethin dont sound kosher. bm is one froogle bitch, she once asked us to give her gas money to pick up sd for HER weekend

so on fb drama is starting, sd's first year at this school and she already has lots of enemies. in one comment sd made to a post on her wall, she said she hasnt been to school yet this said that sd told her she had ISS and that she personally dropped off sd herself monday and is callin the school tomorrow morning to see if sd was in school at all the last 2 days.

bf let sd stay the weekend at her friend alec's house....yes, a boy....stupid bf. anyways, i have been stayin out of shit cause idgaf, and would prefer to NOT be involved. however, i did some research and apparently this friend alec is living with a 23yr old who he claims is his 'foster dad' idek. anyways, some more digging and come to find out that sd has been drinking (alot), smoking pot and ciggarettes all weekend. wow.

i told bf to check out her fb page if he wants, but he doesnt seem to eager to do so. i can see some shit starting about thursday AM when FMIL comes to stay with us for the remainder of this week and finds out about this shit...she better NOT say anything to ME cause i already let her know i was disengaging somewhat.

cryingmama's picture

If her parents don't want to get involved or choose to turn a blind eye that is between the three of them. it is not good parenting but dont make it your problem because it wont help. If FMIL does say something tell her to take it up with her son. You let him know what you know what he chooses to do with it is up to him.

I know being the sm of a teen is really difficult especally if bm and bf have a differnt parenting style than you.

dispiritedstepmom2011's picture

different is right! i would never allow her to hang out at a boys house, let alone spend the weekend. the shit she is allowed to do is rediculous. im not as strict as my mother was, but damn, he was pissed when she snuck 3 boys thru her bedroom window one night, but the next weekend lets her stay at a boys place all weekend? can we say STUPID????? i love bf but i think he just gave up on sd.

daniell17's picture

A great college don't let these things (pot, alcohol,cigarettes) happen. It's a question of discipline that has to start first home and ends in school. The parents should be models for their children. At least that was my case, I never been a trouble kid, I always listened to my parents, actually at their advice I follow a mba in marketing specialisation. I wanted to make them proud and from what I see I am in the right direction.

cryingmama's picture

DH's ex does dumb stuff like that all the time, I think dh would go along with it too is i wasnt such an outspoken B. Not that we have any control of what happens over there. If he is letting stuff like that go on perhaps you should encorage him to talk to her about his views on sex, and even birth control. I have read you are supposed to talk to them about these things from the time they are like 7 or something so it is ingraned in their minds but I am guessing this has not really happened.