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SD did come yesterday... I tried sooooo hard to keep my mouth shut

Someoneelse's picture

So SD was supposedto come yesterday, and I was anxious all day, fshe came just in time for dinner. which due to my anxiety I FORGOT TO PULL ANYTHING OUT! so we ordered in, but that's ok...

SO she's at the table talking to DD17 and DD's boyfriend. DD is talking about going to the gym (which she goes everyday), SD is begging her to not go, she just got there, she's only going to be here for a week (before she goes on a cruise with DH). Then she goes "but I'll still be coming on the weekends" to which I said sarcastically, "yea, just like she has been all year" SD gives me the dirtiest look and says "I had things going on"... I stopped myself before I said anything else. But SD could have come and done those things here. DH would have been more than happy to take her to those things. And if DH couldn't take her, BM could have picked her up from our house to take her.

I don't mind that she doesn't come, I actually prefer it, but I HATE the way DH is mopey when she doesn't come. Don't get people's hopes up about you coming, when you have no intention of coming.

THEN later she was talking about how it only took her 2 weeks to do her online drivers ed (not the driving portion), when I say you "you mean almost a year, right?" she replies, "no, only 2 WEEKS" DH reminds her how she went MONTHS saying she was like almost 50% done, then MONTHS saying she was 75% done, then MONTHS she was almost done. then it took her FOREVER to even START driving, due to having "panic attacks" (I put it in quotes because I don't believe she's ever had a panic attack, she just likes to be "quirky"). Then she replied well.... I'll have to look that up, and then she stayed quiet the rest of the night, and went to bed early due to having a migraine.

I REALLY tried to keep quiet... I REALLY did. I just get so disgusted with her, her lies, her manipulation, and just all around utter grotesqueness. I mean this girl was acting like all the people she no longer talks to, is her choice to not talk to them. "We don't talk to him anymore", "she's acting a lot like *insert name of person she also lost as a friend*, and that's annoying" these people dumped her as a friend due to her lying manipulative nature... she didn't dump them... and her "we" is just her, she likes to refer to herself as the royal we, which turns my stomach, maybe just because she holds herself in such high regards, that this is the topping of the cake.

ESMOD's picture

Honestly.. while I get that she may be bending the story to fit her narrative.. it really serves no purpose to play "gotcha" with her.. all it does is make you look petty and mean.. and while I get that it annoys you that your DH gets mopey and you get mad at her for not making more effort to come over.. I recall my own life as a teen that age. and for what it's worth.. I didn't have a whole lot of interest in spending time with family.  maybe my own room.. but  hanging out with mom/dad? little brother? nope.. I was with friends.. doing teen stuff.. pulling away from the family. it's totally normal.

Someoneelse's picture

She has no friends, she's pushed them all away with her horrible behavior. Her teen stuff is getting her drivers license, practicing driving, going to SAT camp, taking her AP tests, all these things DH could have taken her to, or done with her. She went 6 months with out visitation during the school year, during the summer, so far, all in june, she spent 24 hours here (including the 10 hours she slept over night) july? this is her first time here in july... she's going to spend 2 weeks, and DH probably wont see her at all in August.

I HONESTLY don't care if she comes or not... I am HOPING she doesn't. But DH gets his hopes up EVERY TIME she makes promises to come, and she doesn't.

I honestly didn't mean to say those 2 things, and maybe it makes me look petty, oh well. I mean what I said was honest, I didn't mean to say it, but by the end of the night, my patience had run thin. I worked all day, my plans for dinner hadn't worked out, I stressed about her coming ALL DAY, I had a migraine the night before, and I could still feel it in the back of my head (maybe because my anxiety was on high alert all day). Like I said, I didn't really mean to say it, it kinda just came out... but I am not sorry that I said it, maybe she'll realize I am not taking any shit this summer. Maybe I should speak my mind more, and stop bottling everything up.

ESMOD's picture

I get your frustration.. but instead of getting down in the mud to play with the little piggy.. you should probably disengage.  Because it does make you look petty.. and isn't a great example for your daughter (neither is her step sister.. but then again.. you are a role model.. sd can be a cautionary

But.. you are glad you said it? well.. that's fine too.. just be prepared to potentially get blowback from your DH because now he can blame you for making his daughter feel unwelcome.. may be the truth  but it doesn't paint you in a good light does it?  I just like to avoid unpleasantness and conflict.. I think disengaging would be better approach just in my opinion.

Again.. I get that his daughter is not a wonderful human being and your daughter is.  but.. that doesnt' mean your husband doesn't love her.. and wouuldn't be upset if someone was making her feel uncomfortable because they feel like they have to constantly call her out on petty stuff.

Someoneelse's picture

My DD17 is an amazing young lady, VERY strong and opinionated, she's going off to college over 200 miles away in one month.

DH can blame me for making her feel uncomfortable this time, but I have been nothing but EXTREMELY pleasant, patient and COMPLETELY forgiving of her grossly horriffic behavior for 12 years... I have held my tongue for SOOOO long, about her... I have bent over backwards and am expected to forgive her for trying to tear our family down and into peices, even though she's NEVER apologized, not once. Her behavior has sent my daughter into such a deep depression that's she attempted suicide... has SD apologized? no, but I am expected to just treat her with utter pleasantness all of the time... am I sorry that my stressful day made me slip up and make 2 comments last night that were not necessarily mean, and actually truthful? no I am not sorry.

ALSO for the most part I am disengaged. I don't seek out any sort of relationship with SD, and I rarely talk to her

Stepdrama2020's picture

Feel good  and it was not petty IMHO.

Thats the problem with these high and mighty hypocrite SD's is no one calls them out, like ever. Thats how they became this way. Why should you overthink what you said, it was truthful. If the lil B can dish it out she can learn to take it.

Bravo lady  Smile

Someoneelse's picture

thank you! So many people act like they know what is going on in my home, without even looking back at my posts. SD is a HORRIFIC child. Typically I am completely disengaged. But I am not about to leave the dinner table, and do what, sulk in my room while she sits like a queen at my dinner table? nah, not going to happen. Typically I wont aknowledge her, but I was at the last biut of patience I had for the day, and some internal dialog came out lol.

Mominit's picture

Honestly I agree you should disengage.  But it's also healthy for her to, once in a while, have someone let her know they're not buying it.  So when she said, I'll be here every weekend, I actually think it's healthy for her to have someone call her on it.  "Like you have so far?".  "well....I had stuff....".  So that the first time she decides to say that she's not coming, your DH can tell her "I thought you said you were going to come every weekend, I'm happy to drive you everywhere".  She either has to be honest with herself, or create a new narrative.  (She'll probably jump right to nobody over there likes me, so be very careful about the follow through on this).  If you can actually point out where she is hurting other people, maybe her eyes will open just a smidge and she'll follow through.  Not something you'd enjoy, but your DH might appreciate it!

Someoneelse's picture

Explaining how her actions hurt people is some thing I ALWAYS did. I had ALWAYS tried to show her how her actions affected people (in a good way and a bad way). But taking to the more disengaged (minus that night), I pretty much am not playing any roll in her life.

when they were little used to make all the children write apology letters when thet hurt someone, to teach them to examine their own behavior, and how their behavior affects people and how people respond to their behavior. But I think she NEVER really cared... it was just a chore for her, something to get done... she never really cared. My daughters, to this day THANK me for taking that approach, they are appreciative for teaching them to examine their actions and behavior (even though they are only 18, they are VERY mature).

On a side note, I HONESTLY beleive SD not coming has everything to do with BM brainwashing her and lying to her. BM tells SD that DH shoved her down the stairs while she was pregnant with her. DH has NEVER in the 11 years we've been together (they were only together for a few months) shown any signs that he would do any harm to me, and BM has been cought in SOOOOOOOOO many lies. BM constantly tells DH in front of SD that he is harmful to her mental health (because he doesn't beleive SD's lies). BM (despite being the costodial parent) is very much the disney parent. She is ALWAYS taking SD on vacation, buying SD this and that, EVEN THOUGH SD has repeatedly stolen from BM and her baby brother, and the school fundraiser, and stole from BM and her brother (AGAIN) to cover up that she stole from the school fundraiser, BM wrote a letter for SD to be part of the National Honor Society, praising how much character she has, how honest, kind, loyal, and trustworthy she is.

But yea, no I am done trying to teach her how to be a decent person, I am DONE trying to show her how her behavior affects people, because she either doesn't care, or she's taking joy in it.

Shieldmaiden's picture

I disagree. It may come across as petty, but its not. It's honesty. In YOUR HOME, you set the rules. Honesty is important. Accountability is important. Why should you have to play along with her lies in your own home? I think that is ludicrous. 

If you want to disengage to save yourself the headache of engaging with her, that's your choice, too. But don't for one second think you have to be a doormat to this bratty kid at your own dinner table. She needs to learn to respect you and her father when she is in your home. She can spread her lies outside your home all she wants, but that kind of toxic BS does not need to be the norm when she is with you. Hang in there. I know its exhausting. One of 3 of my toxic SD's are out of the house now, and its such a relief. 

Survivingstephell's picture

I'm on the side of honesty for this particular SD is ok and at times needed.   With everything she has put you through, I can't believe you stuck around for dinner.  I would have left her to her dad and found better things to do.   I hope to that your DD did not change any plans do to SD showing up.  If anyone should be putting SD on notice , it should be DD.  

I had to deal with drama between my BD and OSD.  They are 1 year apart and in high school there was boyfriend drama.  Needless to say it did not end well and SD has burned that bridge with my bios. Can't expect to keep relationships when you act the whore like your mother.    

Someoneelse's picture

DD and SD are only about 8 months apart, with DD being older. DD knows better than to plan anything with SD, and honestly with EVERYTHING that SD has put EVERYONE through here, I am surprised that DD wants ANYTHING to do with SD. I told her as much too. I told her that if SD is here I wouldn't blame her if she was just "busy" whenever SD came around. DD has friends, a boyfriend, a job, and babysits ALL the time.

SeeYouNever's picture

I agree you should let it go. I also hate liars and it feels so good to call them on their lies but it's not going to change what she does at this point. All it's going to do is make you seem like the bad guy to everyone. Your relationship with SD is never going to get any better but if you continue to act like this and call her out it's only going to negatively affect your relationship with everybody else. It puts them in an awkward position to see that you and SD are always at the edge of fighting. In that kind of situation people will pick sides and they aren't always going to pick yours.

Sometimes you can say more with a knowing glance and a smile than calling out directly. I do this with my SD and I know she gets the hint that I know she's full of it, but I don't look so evil doing it. 


Ispofacto's picture

This SD isn't going to get better.  She is making you angry.  Either ban her from your house, or leave when she comes over.


Bee_kay's picture

It seems like you have some unresolved anger towards SD, rightfully so, which means you haven't forgiven her. I honestly cannot blame you for any anger or resentment you are feeling, but somehow you have to find a healthy way to release it. If you don't, it will be like drinking poison and then expecting SD to die. 

If I were you, I would share some of that anger with your DH. Why does he think it is okay for SD to do all the things you mentioned and then come back into your home without an apology or acknowledge of her behavior? Not holding her accountable will allow her to believe she can say and do whatever she wants, which is what you are feeling.

Try figuring out ways to set boundaries, so that you can feel comfortable in your home. But in my humble opinion, your DH needs to help you create a healthier environment for you and your DD.

lieutenant_dad's picture

While I get why you said things to her, I think this situation should be a great wake-up call that you are in an unhealthy dynamic that needs a permanent change.

Your anxiety was so high that it made you forgetful? It caused you to lose your filter (and in a way that was honest but not productive - not that anything you said might be productive because it's your SD)? It caused you to put it all back on SD without looking at your DH as a BIG source of this problem by him not addressing both SD and his own issues with her?

I get why you said what you said, but please don't let this instance be something that makes you feel good long-term. It's a glowing red flag that there are some major changes that need to take place in your household. First and foremost - therapy for you if you don't already have it.

Additionally, SD needs to either come over when she is supposed to or stop coming. DH can see her outside the home if all she is coming for is dinner. I think very bluntly telling your DH that you're done with her BS and his moping is warranted. If all she is going to do is sit and lie at dinner, then you want no part of it. You're out - totally. You don't want to see her, you won't cook for her, you won't talk to her - you're out. If DH needs to talk about her, he needs to call BM, MIL, a friend, or a therapist because you're done.

Yes, you were being sarcastic and petty because you were fed up. No, it doesn't make you a bad person for doing it once. Yes, you need to make changes. There is a way of delivering honesty without sarcasm and pettiness, but if you're not a place where you can do that, then step out of all of it. Your DH won't be happy, but this is a mess her squarely made by not holding SD accountable sooner.

Rags's picture

Though facts do matter.

So, keep putting the mirror in front of her face and make her live the consequences of her lies.  Particularly when she is using them for self aggrandizement in front of others. She can practice her self delusion in private.

She either learns and becomes a better person, or she continues to delude herself and continues to go through life without friends or anyone who respects her.

IMHO of course.

floralsm's picture

I get exactly where you are coming from with the frustration towards SD. I also agree that you need to find a way to channel the frustration away from SD so the one liner comments don't sneak out. It will only cause unnecessary drama and stress. I had to take medication and therapy to stop mine and be calm enough to let what SD8 does go now. I hope it gets easier for you, sounds like your DH moodiness about SD wouldn't help. 

tfsimmons's picture

It sounds like your SD exhibits some of the characteristics of Narcissism - which can be easier to deal with once you have a deeper understanding.  There's no way to know from one post - but it is a worthless waste of your thought and energy to try to correct or verbally disagree with someone who conflates the truth and lies perpetually.  They have grandiose ideas of themselves, don't care about you, won't listen to logic and will only talk shit faster than you can respond to their last lie.

I might be completely wrong about your SD -  but I have one - and I have saved every email and text she sends me/DH for proof if I ever need it... Good luck and save your sanity and health!!  

Someoneelse's picture

She hasn't been diagnosed, but I do believe she has narcissitic personality disorder. her mother REFUSES to have her seen by a psychiatrist... I think she's worried what they would say, I personally believe BM ALSO has the disorder.