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dispiritedstepmom2011's picture

last post was about sd and her fuckin stupid friend-visiting shit (not sure what to call it). anyways, i made it clear i wouldnt pick her up today....and i didnt. the boys mother is driving her home, but this arrangement didnt come easily.

sd's phone died so we tracked down the number to where she was. was told her father would pick her up at 8. she calls at 8 sayin that they just made her food and finds it 'rude' to leave when they cooked for her. um, isnt it rude also to make ur parents/caregivers wait for u to stop stuffing ur fat ugly face?

so, sd calls me and tells me that its MY responsibility cause im marrying her dad and i dont work (i go to school fulltime, and do everything else). claims stepdaddy works (he doesnt). i tell her to walk home (sd has a fear of the and being outside in the dark without anyone with her...heeheehee). friends mom gets on the phone and i tell her to drive my sd home cause im not comin to get her and neither of her parents wants to deal with her. i told her what sd told me and she said she heard sd sayin it and plans to talk to sd cause its bullshit (she's a stepmom herself). she agreed to bring sd home later.

told bf that if he doesnt send sd somewhere to live, IM leaving. ill find a way.

oneoffour's picture

OMG! She REALLY lectured you like that?> And she still is breathing?
At least you have an ally in this other woman. As my OSS said to his brother "She doesn't HAVE to love us. She doesn't HAVE to like us. She isn't our mother. Mom HAS to love us. Oneoffour just isn't allowed to do anything illegal to us like drown us or kill us.." I had to smile. He got it right! And then he went off the rails 6 months later. God, I miss that kid.

dispiritedstepmom2011's picture

bf doesnt seem to be too upset over it either...he told me we would 'discuss it' when he calls me on his way to work tonight....not gonna happen cause im not answering my cell. fuck them both.

dispiritedstepmom2011's picture

i couldnt keep my mouth shut, so when sd got home i told her we needed to talk. heres how the convo went:

ME: what u said and how u said it hurt my feelings and really pissed me the fuck off!

SD: what?

ME: about my responsibility to u cause im marrying ur dad and how u think i dont really do anything.

SD: oh. that. well u act like u shouldnt have to do anything for me.

ME: but i do. and what does stepdaddy do for u?

SD: he only came back in my life not too long ago.

ME: so he is excused from being responsible for u? i dont think so. he married ur mother, therefore needs to deal with u more.

SD: well idk but like i didnt mean to be rude to u its just that u pissed me off saying that im not ur responsibility but like ur marrying my dad and i come with him so i think its wrong u think u shouldnt have to deal with me.

ME: i have dealt with u for all these years more than ur own parents! when u get sick, who goes out and gets ur meds, fave soup, sits with u and cleans up ur puke? when u got lice a few years ago, who sat up and picked thru ur hair all night? when u get ur period unexpectantly, who runs out to buy u tampons? (im yelling at this point)

SD: you.

ME: no shit! and what have i gotten for my HARD FUCKIN WORK? lets see tyo name just a few: a punch in the face, never ending stress, almost lost respect, no gratitude, no appreciation from u. NOTHING. do u see what the fuck is wrong with this picture?

SD: yes.

convo ended there cause i could see sd was getting upset and honestly i was ready to punch the bitch.

EarthLove's picture

Oh this sounds like the conversation all us SMs have in our heads!!! Good for you for standing up for yourself!!

Just needing to vent......And just when I think my DH is standing up to his mini wife and letting her know that her disrespect will not be tolerated, he fails to give consequence, because she was crying (boohoo) when he confronted her behavior.....which was this:

We were out of town for 3 days, SD16 is mad at her dad and being very cold to me (out of no where) so she IGNORED her father's phone calls all 3 days we were out of town, did not answer, he left messages and said call me back, she did not call him back, he text messaged her all 3 days and NO RESPONSE. My mother was here spending the weekend to look after the skids and my SD was so rude and disrespectful to my mom, ignored her all weekend, only spoke to her ONE TIME and said "i'm leaving to go play softball". So DH is so pissed and going to give her consequence. yeah right. I should've known better.
HE just stood up to her for the first time last week and put her in her place ( being the daughter NOT THE WIFE) for the first time in 2 1/2 f*ing years last week and well, that lasted long. I get home from work today and asked how the "talk" went and he said she is so troubled and was crying so bad, so he didn't give her any consequence. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. such manipulation!!!!!!! Guess who got mad at me!!!!!!!!!!! yep DH. :sick: Because I call him on his shit. He always lets princess off the hook, not his son though. SS gets consequences, SD does not. He gets so defensive when I bring it up. Makes me sick!

whew. that felt good.

Frustrated New Wife's picture

Good for you for standing your ground! What is wrong with kids these days? Thinking they can dictate to GROWN adults what they should and should not be doing? If I were to have talked to my mom like that she would've knocked my teeth down my throat! SD should be upset and she should be upset at herself for being such an ungrateful little brat.

dispiritedstepmom2011's picture

she isnt upset at herself or actions. she was upset cause i was talkin too much. she doesnt give a shit. i knew i was gonna waste my breath but couldnt hold it in.

twopines's picture

>>> ur marrying my dad and i come with him so i think its wrong u think u shouldnt have to deal with me.<<<

So clueless these entitled brats are.

dispiritedstepmom2011's picture

im guessing that bf feels this way too, cause he hasnt exactly stepped up and releived me of his spawn. i get that teen girls are hard, i get that he works the midnight shift fulltime, i get that sd is difficult...but he had a choice and could have walked away years ago....he didnt which makes one beleive he WANTED HER and therefore should deal with her MORE than i do.

twopines's picture

Oh hell, I have a 16 y/o daughter, and if she was this level of "difficult", DH would have flat out given both her AND me approximately 3.2 seconds to straighten up and fly right before he started dishing out some consequences.

What she's being allowed to do is so utterly ridiculous, I don't know how you are managing to stay in this hot mess.

What are you going to do/say the next time she tells you she needs a ride?

duct_tape's picture

If you stop doing anything at all for her, what are the consequences for you? I don't see why you would keep taking care of her if her gratitude never surfaces. What is HER responsibility to you because SHE is your SO daughter? What does she owe you? Or are the rules only one sided?

If you seriously do this much for her, seems to me you would simply have to stop. That is going to make your strongest point. You are an awesome stepmom if you are seriously doing these things for her. I would never. I just can not cope with someone's lack of appreciation. I just can't.

And her dad acting like it's no biggie. That's expected. When your kid does something really rotten, it's sort of leaves you with that deer in the headlights feeling. You want to question the kid in hopes of finding some shred of evidence that they aren't evil to the core. Normal. Not good, but normal.