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Ready to chock my son!

purpledaisies's picture

He was complaining that he doesn;t have any shorts that fit him anymore and was wearing jeans. So I went and bought him several pair and a couple of shirts yesterday. I come home to get some of ss14's clothes to pack and I know I'll have to buy him some too but wanted to get what he had first. I also want him to go with me to try them on. So I open a drawer (they share a room) and what do my wondering eyes see???? Well a whole drawer full of shorts in the size I JUST bought DS!!!!!! GGRRRR Insert Homer Simpson choking Bart Simpson icon!!!

fedupstepmomma's picture

did you know that ss had shorts the same size as ds? did your ds know ss had shorts the same size he wears? if no to both, no one here is to blame. and even if your ds knew ss had shorts his size that could have been handed down, its up to you to go through the kid's clothes to determine who needs what.

but, i can understand your frustration in buying new clothes you may not have needed to, especially in summer. but maybe now that u discovered the ss's clothes that fit your ds, then the new clothes can be put away for the new school year.

Jsmom's picture

Wouldn't matter in our house. They wouldn't share clothes. My son's stuff that he out grows most end up going to his cousin, since SS doesn't like his style. Out of 10 pairs of shorts recently, he would only take 2. Drives me nuts.

purpledaisies's picture

Oh no they were in my sons drawer! Sorry I didn't make that clear. oops. But I haven't able to keep ss14 in clothes that boys out grows his clothes way too dang fast!!! That is the main reason I need him to go with me I always get the wrong size. He is now able to get his dad's things that he can't wear anymore! He is a big boy!