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Rant.. Bm demands to know why I can't watch skid

SweetMom's picture

Three weeks ago I watched my sd12 while my husband worked and it wasn't his weekend. Last week it was to be his weekend but since I watched her the following week and week prior, my h told his x that we needed some alone time for Valentine's Day. This week it was his x week but yesterday she called him and cussed him out while he was at work for not picking her up. He told her he had to work and she demanded to know why I couldn't watch my step kid because she got back her income tax and spent it all on a condo at the beach. Thousands of $ on a condo and begs us to buy school clothes and sends the kid over without proper clothing .Besides the point. When he told me that she demanded to know what I was doing I couldn't help but laugh. I said I'm not a baby sitter and her mom needed to be a damn mother. Step talk is rubbing off on me.. I'm proud of myself. Why should I have to watch another woman's kid that I have no say so in her schooling, what she does or her clothing she wears. I don't have plans this weekend because we don't get income tax back. We usually have to pay but only getting a measly 2.00 back from state and federal we broke even. I'm glad we didn't have to pay. I'm drifting g off again. As I was saying, I don't have plans on going anywhere but instead I'm going to sit around all weekend in couch naked under a furry blanket and watch Sparticus.. Damn good movie!

WTF...REALLY's picture

Good on you. I made the HUGE mistake and watched my step kid ALOT in the beginning. Back fired big time. Wish I knew about this site back in 2010.

twoviewpoints's picture

"Three weeks ago I watched my sd12 while my husband worked and it wasn't his weekend."

Well, don't make that mistake again. You gave her the gift of your time once and now she demands it. You just can't be nice to some people. They try to take advantage of it and want more and more.

She got a tax return, she can hire a sitter.

Enjoy your lazy relaxing 'me' day. Smile

LikeMinded's picture

Yes, after I had my BD I was the unpaid nanny for a wee bit... got wise to that pretty quickly.

I'm happy you're taking your power back. Smile

Rags's picture

Lol!!! BM is a special kind of stupid isn't she? Heres her sign.

What the toxic blended family opposition does not understand is that we couldn't give a flying rat's ass what they want, think, or say. It amazes me how many in the blended family opposition are not cogent enough to know whether they should shit or go blind over very simple decisions.

SweetMom's picture

So she doesn't sit alone In a empty home all weekend by herself. No she doesn't need a baby sitter. She usually sits In her room with door closed and only comes out to eat. She doesn't know how to cook and to stupid to know how to wash dishes with out getting water everywhere

SecondGeneration's picture

Well I think you know the answer, no more helping out unless absolute emergency because it is not appreciated.

mommadukes2015's picture

I have two new and very important rules-after finding myself in the same situation. 1. I don't do favors for assholes. 2. I don't negotiate with terrorists.