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Question about ADHD

pissedstepmom11's picture

SS12 has been Diagnosed with ADHD since he was 7. I’m looking for other people who have Steps or bios with ADHD. SS is on Daily meds and talk Therapy along with a special IEP in school. SS for the most part is off the wall 24/7,  extremely rude and disrespectful prone to violent outbursts/ crying temper tantrum‘s that don’t fit his age over very minor issues just to name a few things. Oh and the worst LYING over everything and prone to steal shit too. Is this normal for kids with ADHD or is something else going on?

DHsfamilyfromhell's picture

One of my friends children all have adhd. (My bio daughter has autism). 

If you google lying and adhd a few useful sites come up.

there are many reasons adhd lie. One being that they are struggling to cope with a particular situation, homework is one example. 

They don’t want to admit (for whatever reason) that they are having difficulty so may reply that they have done their homework when they haven’t. 

Intervention steps like “how are you getting on with your homework”, can you turn the tv please until you have done it ( rinse and repeat if necessary), helps them in the long run and supposedly reduces the frequency with which they will lie. 

Ie provide step by step solutions. 

Its all very well in practice but it can be hard work. My friends children appear to bully her if she says no to something (they know she is outnumbered). They just wear her down. 

I must admit the first few times I went to her house, I was a bit judgemental about how she was bringing her children up. - but to be honest she was doing her best and that’s all she could do. They were in their late teens at that time, and I think she had wished she had got some boundaries and strategies in place before they hit teens, because it was so much hard work.


DHsfamilyfromhell's picture

I am learning that for me personally my stress is reduced (in terms of bringing up a special needs child), trying to view things from my child’s view of the world, rather than expecting her to fit into mine. 

Eg my child seems to find ways around spill proof cups to tips drinks. 

20 years ago I would have viewed that as a child being naughty... now I’m 43, it’s my fault, not hers, I need to find a better cup! She tips drinks to meet her sensory needs, she is not ‘being naughty’.