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On a positive note...

SAHsigh's picture

I wanted to share something positive with all the stepparents here on Mother's Day. It's a mixed bag for me as I'm sure it is for all of you. This year my partner stepped up and made me feel wonderful. I awoke to a heartfelt "Happy Mother's Day!" A simple, but happy breakfast along with a card that contained a gift and more thanks. My own mom, my mother in law, and my sister all expressed Mother's Day love and gratitude. I am feeling quite content.

My stepkids are with their BM today but I will get to see them tomorrow. We share 50/50 custody with her. When we dropped the kids off with her the other day, they each made a point to give me a Mother's Day hug and kiss. I wasn't expecting much of anything but the fact that this much effort was put into it makes me feel wonderful.

Happy Mother's Day to all the mommas out there -- step or otherwise. We stepparents go through a lot to make our blended families work and we don't always get the recognition we deserve and need. This stepmom is lucky to have not just my own family's love, but also this forum for helping me cope through some of the most complicated parts of it. You all deserve more than just a single day of recognition for all that you do.