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*POLL* In everyone’s Opinion/experience what are the “worst” teen ages

CalliMay09's picture

Ok even great kids can become Hormonal/Oversensitive/Snotty/ brats to some Degree  during the teen years. Some worse than others. Be it steps or bios when did you "feel" teens were the worst(age range) and when did they seems to grow out of it and become more Likable again? 

Evil4's picture

My DDstb21 was a possessed demon from 16-17 1/2. She improved after that but was still quite a cow at 18. She started to get way better after moving away to uni. It turned her into a completely different person. Plus DH and I played hardball with her. 

SteppedOut's picture

11 - 16 

Yes, some preteen in there..  but facts. 

CLove's picture

SD22 Feral Forger was horrible from 15-now.

SD14almost14 Munchkin is kinda stinky and emotional and pimply, but still nice mostly.

MaryBethC's picture

OSS has been a pain forever but the older he got the worse it got because he got stronger. He is 18 now. He is a menace at his school and they can't kick him out because of some bs with his special needs program.


YSS on the other hand has gotten a little better (14) from what I hear but not by much since he got into trouble for never attending his zoom school meetings.

nappisan's picture

15- 17 i thought was the worst with my Bio son,, when they get their license and start testing boundries.  Stepson was from 10 onwards and still causing conflict , hes turning 14, i cant imagine what he would be like when he hits the 15 +

bananaseedo's picture

For my sons, my youngest really didn't go through a difficult stage, I mean teenage laziness and such but seriously he just doesn't make waves- probably because his brother (mental illness) does all the waves, and then my SD did also.

My oldest actually never was too bad either, until he hit 17-18 and when my dad passed and he started smoking pot- and then wiht time experimented more and developed mental illness.  The last few years has been hell.

Rags's picture

If a kid has great parental influences... none of them are that bad.  Though even with great parental influences there can be periodic challenges through all of the teen years. The teen year brain farts are a thing.

That said... looking back at my own experience as a teen, and the experience I had raising SS through the teens.... 15.  15 likely has the highest built in suck factor.

advice.only2's picture

Spawn was worst from 13-16, my BS was worst from 16-19. So far BD was worst from 12-14.

justmakingthebest's picture

11-14 - So far. 

11 was like a light switch for both my bios, 12 for my SS.

at 14 BS was over it and is super chill again. DD is 13 and still going strong. I think SS would have been over it at 14/15, but it now at 16 we have seen major changes in him.

Cover1W's picture


OSD flipped around 12/13.

YSD just turned 15 and has been sullen, withdrawn, and avoiding since she's been here the last couple of days. Goody, two weeks of this.