Poll~ Do you guys think that some BM's "PAS" the kid out, just to get full C/S?
I'm just curious as to what others think. I've seen it both ways, mom's that want to move on in life, work and better themselves AND still take on the job of being a mother. Not turn psycho and do their best in a civil fashion to keep " ties" with the BF. Yay! for those gals / guys!!!
I've seen the opposite too. BM's that intentionally turn the kids against dad so that they will deny visiting them, thus resulting in changes in custody, giving the BM full C/S.
What are your stories?
This can apply to any Ex-DH too and stepdads.
Absolutely, been done to us.
Absolutely, been done to us.
Is this a trick question?
Is this a trick question? Come on - that's their only income...so that's the only way to get "promoted"/fatter check.
I know for certain ours did.
I know for certain ours did. From the time SD was 2 until she was 15, they had 50/50 custody. BM moved an hour away when SD was 11, hoping to entice SD to come with her and thus get CS (she's a stay-at-home mom with two other kids and is 100% about money). SD stayed with us and we never asked for CS. Finally, when SD was 15, BM convinced her the grass was greener on the other side. BM filed for CS "before" she even took custody of SD15. And then when the CS order wasn't signed, she sent SD back to live with us for another five months. Finally took custody when she got FULL CS. Even tried to claim that because she doesn't not work, she has zero obligation to support SD15. Tried to make DH pay the FULL amount both parents would be responsible for based on income in our state. Amazing! Now BM has SD (now 17), both her other kids are in school, she's still sitting at home, and she tells DH that SD17 is "going without" because of him. She lived with us and never went without and BM never paid a penny, but once SD is with BM and BM is getting CS, SD is going without? The woman is nuts.
I've seen that a lot in
I've seen that a lot in "so-called" ( more like self proclaimed ) SAHM- BM's. I am assuming they are expecting to hold that title for life? I mean, unless you can spit a new baby out every year, for the next 20 years, my bet is that sooner or later they are going to expect you to "really" work for a living, right???
2 years ago I would have said
2 years ago I would have said no, they just resented the Dad for the divorce and moving on. Now I am pretty sure it is calculated. Our BM makes over 100K a year. She undermined my DH at every turn with SD. When in the begininng she said that she wanted to do what was right for her. So we gave up custody as we couldn't win according to the lawyers. However this has dragged on and she has SD14 for the last 8 months. No contact with Dad. He emails she replies one sentence at the most. BM has caused this and has told him in emails that she has told the child not to reply if it upsets her. All he is asking is to see her for dinner.... BM won't sign the proposal giving up custody because she now wants CS. CS she is not entitled to. It goes on and on. Don't want to bore anyone.
But, if it wasn't about the money why not sign the papers? You have what you wanted...we gave in...
BM is money grubbing witch -
BM is money grubbing witch - SS come to live with us and she did not understand why we stopped by CS. We had to go to court.