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O/T - wish me luck!

SMof2Girls's picture

I have a phone screen for a new job tomorrow morning. I like my current job, but this is a great opportunity for my professional growth (if I get it), so definitely not worth passing up.

Fingers crossed that it works out for the best, no matter what that is Biggrin

GhostWhoCooksDinner's picture

Good luck! And I like your attitude! Whatever happens will happen for a reason. Smile

SMof2Girls's picture

Thanks! Biggrin

HungryEyes's picture

A word of small advice since it's a phone interview- take a blank piece of paper and write a lot of phrases or words that you want to mention in case you get stuck on a question.

Ie: Prioritization, focused, organization, motivation, detail oriented, etc. Just anything... In case you get stuck on a question - you'll have a whole page of positive words to pull from.

SMof2Girls's picture

I actually listed out a few key questions I wanted to ask and made sure I had my resume and the job description handy.

Key/buzz words are also helpful though!

The call went well. They asked me in for a face-to-face almost immediately, so we're working out that scheduling now Biggrin

Thanks for the good advice and juju!